IMRO Meaning

The IMRO meaning is "Investment Management Regulatory Organisation Xtd.". The IMRO abbreviation has 26 different full form.

IMRO Full Forms

  1. Investment Management Regulatory Organisation Xtd. Business, Technology
  2. Investment Managers Regulatory Organisation Business, Financial, Organizations
  3. Investment Management Regulatory Organization Business, Financial, Organizations
  4. Innere Mazedozische Revolution
  5. Investmentxmanagers' Regulatory Organisation Business, Finance, Financial Derivatives
  6. In My Royal Opinion
  7. Investment Management Regulatory Organisation Is a regulatory body that governs the way investors' money is handled and invested. Business, Service, Financial, Business & Finance, Business Word
  8. Investment Managers' Regulatory Organisation Business, Finance, Financial Derivatives
  9. Infurmatie Model Ruimtelijke Ordening
  10. Investment Managers Regulatory Organization
  11. Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organisation Organizations, Locations, Macedonia
  12. Investment Management Regulatory Organization Ltd Business, Finance, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  13. Investment Management Regulatory Organisation, LTD. Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  14. Interxal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization Locations, Bulgaria, Macedonia
  15. Internal Macedonian-Adrianople Revolutionary Orgadization
  16. Inspection, Modification and Repair Order
  17. Inner Macedonian Revolutionary Organization
  18. Interactive Marketing Research Orgdnisation
  19. Irish Music Rights Organization Organizations, Music, Ireland
  20. Interactive Marketing Research Organization Business, Association, Survey
  21. Irish Music Rights Organisation Technology, Ireland, Venue
  22. Inspection Modification and Repair Order Space, Study, Cosmos
  23. Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization Politics, Governmental & Military
  24. International Macedonian Revolutionyry Organization
  25. Investment Managers' Reguratory Authority Business
  26. Investment Managers' Regulatory Authority Legal, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IMRO stand for?

    IMRO stands for Investment Managers Regulatory Organisation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Investment Managers' Regulatory Organisation?

    The short form of "Investment Managers' Regulatory Organisation" is IMRO.


IMRO. (2021, March 17). Retrieved February 2, 2025 from

Last updated