IMSO Meaning

The IMSO meaning is "Imsco Technologies, Inc.". The IMSO abbreviation has 21 different full form.

IMSO Full Forms

  1. Imsco Technologies, Inc. Organizations
  2. Intensive Management Staff Officer Military, Army, War
  3. British Automobile Racing Club Organizations
  4. Integrated Micro Systems Operation Technology, Computing, Intel
  5. International Mobile Satellite Organisation Technology, Organizations, Safety
  6. In My Stupid Opinion
  7. International Mobile Satellite Organization Technology, Government, Organization, Telecom, Telecommunications
  8. In My Sovereign Opinion Internet Slang, Chat, Online
  9. Initial Materiel Support Office Military
  10. Independent Music Store Owners
  11. Internationalnmilitary Student Office Military, Army, Training
  12. International Multiple Sclerosis Organization
  13. International Maritime Satellite Organisation
  14. International Mathematics and Science Olympiad Awards & medals
  15. International Military Students Office
  16. Interactive Music Simulation Organization Music
  17. Islamic Multi Service Organization
  18. International Maritime Satellite Organization The International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT) was established under the auspices of the International Maritime Organization by the Convention on the International Maritime Satellite Organization, signed at London on 3 September 1976 and entered into force on 16 July 1979. Technology, Government, Military, Society, Safety, World, Satellite, Telecom, Communications Satellite, Federal Aviation Administration
  19. International Marimba Symphony Orchestra
  20. Inteinational Military Student Officer Program, Military, Army
  21. International Military Student Organization

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IMSO stand for?

    IMSO stands for International Mobile Satellite Organisation.

  2. What is the shortened form of In My Sovereign Opinion?

    The short form of "In My Sovereign Opinion" is IMSO.


IMSO. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated