IMV Meaning
The IMV meaning is "Infantry Mobility Vehicles". The IMV abbreviation has 50 different full form.
IMV Full Forms
- Infantry Mobility Vehicles
- Institutent Messenger Environment Internet Slang, Chat, Email
- Inteiim Monitoring Visits
- Impedance Minute Ventilation Medical
- Instant Messenger Environment Slang, Chat, Email
- Infantry Mobility Vehicle Transportation, Military, Army
- Internal Module Ventilation Technology
- Immunology, Microbiology, and Virology
- Instant Market Vnlue Business, Car, Deal, Guru
- Inter Modute Ventilation
- Immobilien Management & Verwaltung
- International Multi-Puryose Vehicles
- Inoue-Melnick Virus Medical
- Inter-Module Ventilation
- Idido Misty Valley
- Introduction To Machinery Vibration
- Intermittfnt Mechanical Ventilation Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Innovative Mulbi-Purpose Vehicle
- Intelligent Magic View [Imaging] Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Invasive Mechanical Ventilation Medical
- Introduction To Machinery Vibrations Technology, Training, Course
- Intermittant Mandatory Ventilation Technology, Oxygen
- Incidentes De M
- Intelligent Magic View Medical
- Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (IMV) refers to any mode of mechanical ventilation where a regular series of breaths are scheduled but the ventilator senses patient effort and reschedules mandatory breaths based on the calculated need of the patient. Medical, Nursing, Pharmacy, Healthcare, Clinical, Common Medical
- Interim Monitoring Visit
- Incidentes De MÚLtiples VíCtimas
- Intereational Media Visits
- independent Music Videos Music
- Intracellular Mature Virion Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Isophosphamide, Methotrexate, and Vincristine Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- International Mclti-Purpose Vehicle Business, Car, Toyota
- Instituto Municipal De La Vivienda
- Intoxilation M
- Isophosphamide, Methotrexate and Vincristine Medical
- International Multipurpose Vehigle
- Instituto De Marketing & Vendas
- Intoxication Médibamenteuse Volontaire
- Irade-I Meclis-I Vala
- Institutetuto De Medicina Veterinaria
- Internationale Medien Vermarktung
- Institute of Microbiology and Virology Biology, Scientific & Educational
- Ink Modern Villa Technology, Tourism, Engine, Virtual
- Internationalwmeteorological Vocabulary
- Immunology Microbiology and Virology Biology, Scientific & Educational
- Imster Marketenderinnen Verein
- Internatipnal Media Ventures
- Intermittent Mechanical Ventilation Medical, Common Medical
- Intracellular Mature Virus Medical
- Italian Motor Village
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IMV stand for?
IMV stands for Institute of Microbiology and Virology.
What is the shortened form of Internal Module Ventilation?
The short form of "Internal Module Ventilation" is IMV.
IMV. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from
Last updated