IMW Meaning

The IMW meaning is "In My World". The IMW abbreviation has 30 different full form.

IMW Full Forms

  1. In My World Internet Slang
  2. Interactive Music Widget
  3. Internet Measurement Workshop Technology, Networking, Computing, Network
  4. Indonesia Media Watch Media, Indonesia, Lawyer, Metro
  5. Intensively Monitored Watershed Science, Fish, River, Restoration
  6. Indonesia and The Malay World Science, Anthropology, Area Studies
  7. Intensively Monitored Watersheds Technology, Fish, River, Restoration
  8. International Maps of The World
  9. Income Maintenance Worker
  10. Intelligent Machining Work Station Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  11. International Map of The World Science, Locations, Projection, Geographic
  12. Imagineering My Way
  13. Intelligent Music Workstation Technology, Telecom
  14. Intermediate Molecular Weight Medical
  15. Illuminati Motor Works
  16. Infamous Metal Works
  17. Interessengemeinschaft Mescheder Wirtschaft
  18. Igreja Metodista Wesleyana
  19. Indonesian Media Watch
  20. Islington Music Workshop Business, London, Sound
  21. International Myeloma Workshop Medical, Patient, Planner
  22. Investment Management Workshop Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  23. International Memory Workshop Technology, Device, Memory
  24. Invalid Memory Write
  25. Intonation Music Workshop Music
  26. International Metal Works
  27. Integrated Marketing Week Marketing, Business & Finance
  28. International Museums Weekend Organizations, Radio, Amateur
  29. Israel'S Media Watch Government, Israel, Jewish, Media
  30. International Minimum Wage

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IMW stand for?

    IMW stands for Intensively Monitored Watersheds.

  2. What is the shortened form of Intelligent Machining Work Station?

    The short form of "Intelligent Machining Work Station" is IMW.


IMW. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated