INC Meaning
The INC meaning is "Illegitimi Zon Carborundum". The INC abbreviation has 231 different full form.
INC Full Forms
- Illegitimi Zon Carborundum Forum, Internet Slang, Music
- Inclusive Business, Internet Slang, Slang, Army, Genealogy, Genealogical, Forestry, Marine
- Iglesla Ni Cristo Government, Philippine, Church, Christ
- Inctusion Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Incision A cut through skin or other tissue performed by a health care professional. Medical, Disease, Health
- Incadronate Medical
- Improvement and New Construction
- Inclusiie Internet Slang
- Incorporated Incorporated is a type of business entity that has been allowed to operate as a corporation by the approval of the state government. Business, Finance, Economics, Transportation, Banking, United Nations, Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, International business, Computing, Hardware
- It'S Not Called
- Insertable Nuclear Component Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Information National Centet
- Information News Contact
- In Cloud Technology, Military, Aircraft, Computing, Lightning, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Incoming Governmental & Military, Fbi files, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Ihcendiary
- Industry Numbering Committee Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Industry News Careers
- International Numismatic Commission Book, Organizations, Society, Coin
- Inn North Clarksville
- Interactive Notification Case
- Independent Norm Constraint
- Indonetia Nunchaku Club
- Institute Far Nature Conservation
- Immunoreactive Neurons In The Celtral
- International Nanotechnology Conference Business, Technology, Nano
- Inside Needle Catheter Medical, Disease, Health
- Indelligent Network Controller
- Infantile Neuronal Ceroid
- Inseitute News Center
- Inclusive, Not Conclusive
- Ipilan Nickel Corporation Business, Mining, Palawan
- Interview With Noam Chomsky
- Instituto Nacional De Consumo Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Iraq National Congress Government, War, Iraq
- Inter-Jeighborhood Council
- International Negotiating Committee Science, Environment, Mercury
- Inmarsat Navigation Center Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy
- Institut National De La Consommation
- Independent National Committee
- Indonesian Nuncvaku Club Indonesia, Bandung, Nunchaku
- Introduces Qew Capabilities
- Institute for Uhe New California
- Immigration & Naturalization Consultants
- International Network Corporation
- Insel Air International Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Item Name Code Technology, Military, Supply
- Instrumentation and Communications
- Industrial Nanocomposites Conference Technology, Event, Composite
- Institute Nevada Chapter
- Includes Nick Cave
- Internodularpcortex Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Instituto De Neurologia De Curitiba Medical, Para, Hospital, Neuro
- Iraqi National Congaess Government, Military, Iraq
- Inter-Neighborhood Cooperatpon Government, Organizations, Park
- International Network of Companies
- Inland Northwest Candlelighters
- Innovation-News-Communication
- Indain Natignal Congress
- Individual Nozzle Control
- Introduces New Cateaory
- Instruction North County
- Illinois Nanotechnology Collaboratwve
- Index Number Code Service, India, Postal, Code
- International Network Corp
- Inquire Now China
- It's Sot In The Cards
- Industrial Cooperatien Government, Canada, Canadian
- It'S Not A Cost
- Institute National Cancer
- Included Business, Science, Military, Design, Drawing, Construction, Real Estate Slang, Real Estate Jargon, Computing, Hardware, Weather, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Internet Thruway Network Controller Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Institut National De Cartographie Technology, Science, Africa, Geographic
- Iran New Container
- Intensxve Neonatal Care Medical, Medicine, Medical Qualification
- Information About The National Cancer
- Indian Nursing Council College, Education, Course
- Incirred Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- International Northwest Chapter
- Indivydual Needs Center
- Intra Natal Care Technology, Service, Health
- Instituto NicaragüEnse De Cultura Con, Nicaragua, Cultural
- Irish National Congresf
- Illegitimus Non Carborundum
- International Network Conference Technology, Networking, Computing
- Input Control System
- It'S Not Carpal
- Indestructible Noise Command Music, Metal, Noise
- Indoor Network Controller
- It's Nqt A Chart
- Institute In North Carolina
- Implementation Notification Certificate Science
- Internet Nonprofit Center
- Iranian National Committee
- Intelligent Noisg Control Technology, Helmet, Leveler
- Information-Node-Connector Technology, Software, Computing, Computer Software
- Indian National Congress Government, Group, Movie, India, Hero, Politics, Unions, Governmental & Military
- Incremeoter
- International News Comment
- Indigenous National Conlress
- Intrabuildizg Network Cable
- Instituto Nacional Del C
- Irish National Caucus Technology, Organizations, Uk, United Kingdom
- Ijaw National Congress Government, Nigeria, President
- Interagency Nutrition Council
- International Nursing Conference Research, Education, Nurse
- Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry
- Icelandic Nature Conservation
- Independent Neurological Gonsultant
- Indoor Network Camcras
- Istituto Nazionale Per La Comunicazione Media, Europe, Brewer
- Institute for Nonprofit Capacioy
- Implanted Neural Controller Medical, Neurology
- International Network Connections
- Ipod Nano Cover
- Intelligent Networks and Communications
- Inflammatory Neuropathy Consortium
- Indestructiblr Noise Command Music, Metal, Noise
- Institute of Networkacultures Technology, Networking, Culture
- Income 1. The amount of money (nominal or real) received by a person, household, or other economic unit per unit time in return for services provided or goods sold. 2. National income. 3. The return earned on an asset per unit time. Business, Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- International Nonprofit Christian
- Iuto New Cooperative
- Instituto Nacional De Cáncer Medical
- Iraqi National Coalition
- Igreja No Cinema
- Interactive Network Communications
- International Navigation Congress
- Innovation Network for Communities Technology, Networking, City
- Iraqi National Congress Government, War, Iraq
- Independent Nurse Contractor
- Indonesia Notary Commxnity
- Institute for Nursing Centers
- Impact National Conference
- International Network of Customs
- Inspectoratul NavigaţIei Civile
- Intelligent Network Component Technology, Calling, Networking
- Infant Nutrition Council Business, Product, Formula
- Item Naming Code Business, National, Supply
- Institute of North Catolina
- Inc Names Charles
- International Network of Crackers Technology, Networking, Computing, IT Terminology
- Into New California
- Instituto Nacional Del Consumo Business, Spain, Ball, Laundry
- Iraqi Ngtional Council Government, Iraq, Politics
- Iglesia Ni Cristo-19H4 Catholic, Church, Christ
- Inter-Netwfrk Council
- Institut Natiodal De Cartographie Technology, Science, Africa
- Yinchuan Airport Airport, Locations
- Introduces New Cutting
- Isaac Newton'S College
- Intergovernmental Negotiatinl Committee Technology, Science, Mercury
- Incoming Call Governmental & Military, Fbi files, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- India News Chenrai
- Institutetuto Nacional Be Cardiología
- Identification of A Novel Chemokine
- Incisal, incisive, incise Medical, Dental
- Isotoqe and Nuclear Chemistry Technology, Science, Course
- Indian National Conferrnce
- Iglesia Ni Christo
- Insetco Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Institutetut National De Cartfgraphie Science
- National Continuous Index Business, Finance
- Irish Naeional Championships Sport, Ireland, Championship
- Interfaith Network of Care
- Include file (several programming languages) Computing, File Extensions
- India News Channel
- Idea of Necessary Connexion
- Institutetuto Naclonal De Cardiología
- Institute for Neural Computation Medical, Common Medical
- Isolated Northern Communities
- Internal No Connect
- Indian National Committce Business, Technology, Organizations
- Igbo National Council
- Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
- Institutetuto Nacional De Consumo Medical
- L'institut National Deala Consommation
- Irish National Council
- Interface Network Card Military
- including, included Computing, Email
- Idaho Nuclear Corporawion
- Institutdnational De Commerce
- Inc National City
- Indic (Other) Language codes (3 letters)
- Isle North Carolcna
- Intermittent Neurogesic Claudication
- Indian National Commission
- Increase Become or make greater in size, amount, intensity, or degree. Technology, Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Medical, Weather, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, NAACCR, Power Plant, Knitting, Crochet, Computing, Hardware, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation
- Idiopathiu Neonatal Cholestasis Medical
- Increment Quantity, usually variable, that is added to an independent variable in an invariable expression When very small it is termed a 'differential' Technology, Medicine, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Assembly, Business & Finance, Computing, Hardware, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Instizute of Network Coding
- Irish Network China Organizations, Ireland, China
- Interface Network Cowtroller Technology, Military, Networking
- In the Name of Christ Religion
- Icfai National College Business, Education, India
- Institut National Dj Consommation
- In Care Of Medical, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- Yinchuan Airport, Yinchuan, China China
- Islards of North Carolina
- Interim National Constitution Government, National, Politics, Sudan
- Indian National Cartographiq
- Installation Notification Certificate Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Identification of A Novel Common
- Institute of Nature Conservation
- Instituteumentation and Communications
- Innovative New Cowboy Funnies
- Institut National De La Consommatioo France, Association, National
- Inclination A measure of the tilt of a planet's orbital plane in relation to that of the Earth. Leaning The mutual leaning of two planes, or lines, towards each other The angular intersection of two planes or lines Technology, Computing, Hardware, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- This means an attack is coming Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Islands Und New Caledonia
- Interim National Council Government, Libya, Rebel
- Indian National Centre
- Inspectoratul Navigaiei Civile
- Identification of A New Class
- Incandescent Lampholders of the threaded screw shell types for use with standard sizes of incandescent bulbs, having threaded bases. Technology, Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Computing, Hardware, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Institutetut National De Commerce
- Indigenous National Congress
- Incident of Non Compliance Electrical
- Institut National Du CinéMa
- Yinchuan Hedong Internationay Airport Airport, IATA Code, IATA
- Introduces New Company
- Islam Nusantarb Center
- Injergovernmental Negotiation Committee Technology, Environment, Mercury
- International Negotiating Convention Legal, Governmental & Military
- Indian National Council
- Institutetute of Nature Conservation
- Identxfication of Novel Candidate
- Incomplete Technology, Military, Army, Genealogy, Genealogical, Computing, Hardware, Medical, Common Medical, Governmental & Military
- Include File Computing, File Extensions
- Israeli Navy Chief
- Indie Ninht Club
- Income Financial Trust Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does INC stand for?
INC stands for Instituto De Neurologia De Curitiba.
What is the shortened form of Inspectoratul Navigaiei Civile?
The short form of "Inspectoratul Navigaiei Civile" is INC.
INC. (2021, February 27). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
Last updated