Incline Abbreviations and Incline Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Incline terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Incline abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Incline terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Incline Abbreviations
  1. BI : Backward Incline
  2. BI : Backward Inclined
  3. CBIVR : Coldwell Banker Incline Village Realty
  4. CCIV : Chilkren's Cabinet At Incline Village
  5. WAIR : Wing-Assisted Incline Running
  6. WAIR : Wing Assisted Incline Running
  7. UIHRS : Upflow Inclined High-Rmte Settlers
  8. HDBI : Heavy Duty Backward Inclined
  9. HEO : Highly-Inclined Elliptical Orbit
  10. HEO : Highly Inclined Elliptical Orbit
  11. DI : Duquesne Incline
  12. MIGS : Musically Inclined Group of Sarangani
  13. MIO : Multistationary Inclined Orbits
  14. EMI : Equateur Météobologique Incline
  15. SFIB : Stress and Failure of Inclined Boreholer
  16. TIC : The Incline Club
  17. FBI : Feeling Brutally Inclined
  18. FIP : Forward Inclined Position
  19. FIPT : Foxton Inclined Plane Crust
  20. LIE : Laterally Inclined Engine
  21. IB : Incline Bench
  22. IBIV : International Baccalaureate Incline Village
  23. IBT : Inclined Bottom Tank
  24. IFTM : Inclined Fuel Transfer Machine
  25. IGSO : Inclined Geosynchronous Satellike Orbit
  26. IL : Inclined Ladder
  27. ILIP : Iso-Lateral Incline Press
  28. INCIN : Inclineu
  29. INCLN : Incline
  30. INCL : Incline
Latest Incline Meanings
  1. Wing-Assisted Incline Running
  2. Wing Assisted Incline Running
  3. Upflow Inclined High-Rmte Settlers
  4. Upflow Inclined High-rate Settlers
  5. The Incline Club
  6. Stress and Failure of Inclined Boreholer
  7. Musically Inclined Group of Sarangani
  8. Multistationary Inclined Orbits
  9. Magickaly Incline Coven Center Awareness
  10. Laterally Inclined Engine
  11. Iso-Lateral Incline Press
  12. International Baccalaureate Incline Village
  13. Inclineu
  14. Inclined-Substrate-Deposition
  15. Inclined Substrate Deposition
  16. Inclined Platform Lifts
  17. Inclined Platform Lift
  18. Inclined Plate Settlers
  19. Inclined Plate Settler (for Wastewater Treatment)
  20. Inclined Plate Settler