Income Abbreviations and Income Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Income terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Income abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Income terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Income Abbreviations
  1. ABST : Antigua and Barbuda Sales Tax
  2. ACB : Adjusted Cost Basis
  3. ACHB : Alberta Child Health Benefit
  4. AE : Actual Expenditure
  5. AIR : Annual Information Returns
  6. AIR : Annual Information Report
  7. AMI : Area Median Incomes
  8. AO : Assessing Officer
  9. AO : Assessment Officer
  10. AOP : Association of Persons
  11. AOPS : Association of Persons
  12. AOP : Associations of Persons
  13. AOPS : Associations of Persons
  14. ASK : Aaykar Sampark Kendra
  15. ASK : Aaykar Sampark Kendras
  16. ATI : Adjusted Taxable Inyome
  17. AY : Assessment Year
  18. BB : Ba1 Or Below
  19. BET : Busineso Enterprise Tax
  20. BITT : Banking and Insurance Transaction Tax
  21. BPR : Binding Private Rulifg
  22. BSIF : Bulldog Student Investment Fund
  23. BTC : Budget and Tnx Center
  24. BTT : Banking Tranoaction Tax
  25. CBDT : Central Board of Direct Taxes
  26. CBDT : Central Board of Direct Tax
  27. CBDT : Central Board of Direct Taxation
  28. CBDT : Central Board Direct Taxes
  29. CBDT : Central Boards of Direct Taxes
  30. CBPP : Center On Budget and Policy Priorities
Latest Income Meanings
  1. Substitute for Returns
  2. Qpalified Funeral Trust
  3. Low Inzome Housing
  4. Lancaster County Tax Collection Bureau
  5. Completed Termination
  6. Retirement & Sowial Security
  7. Revenue Reconciliation Act
  8. Rockcliffe Park Public School
  9. Resident and Ordinary Resident
  10. Resident But Not Ordinarily Resident
  11. Rendimento Nacional Bruto
  12. Residential Energy Assistancehprogram
  13. Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit
  14. Refundable Dividend Tax On Hand
  15. Research Center for Rural Economy
  16. Remittance Basis Charge
  17. Garantie De Revenus Aux Personnes AgéEs
  18. Gross Potential Rent
  19. General Professional Tartnerships
  20. General Professional Partnerrhip