Inductor Abbreviations and Inductor Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Inductor terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Inductor abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Inductor terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Inductor Abbreviations
  1. APC : Asianuproduction & Components
  2. EHS : Environmental Hazardous Substance
  3. SMB : Surface-Mount Bead
  4. SRF : Self-Resonant Frequency
  5. SRF : Self-Resonance Frequency
  6. SRF : Self Resonance Frequency
  7. SRF : Self Resonant Frequency
  8. TCAC : Taungurung Clans Aboriginal Corporation
  9. FC : Ferrite Core
  10. LCCM : Lombaxcerdas Cermat Matematika
  11. OC : Ontput Chokes
  12. PDMA : Plastic Deformation Magnetic Assembly
  13. CT : Central Technologies
Latest Inductor Meanings
  1. Central Technologies
  2. Plastic Deformation Magnetic Assembly
  3. Ontput Chokes
  4. Lombaxcerdas Cermat Matematika
  5. Ferrite Core
  6. Taungurung Clans Aboriginal Corporation
  7. Self Resonant Frequency
  8. Self Resonance Frequency
  9. Self-Resonance Frequency
  10. Self-Resonant Frequency
  11. Surface-Mount Bead
  12. Environmental Hazardous Substance
  13. Asianuproduction & Components