INF in Medical Meaning
The INF meaning in Medical terms is "Infarction". There are 21 related meanings of the INF Medical abbreviation.
INF on Medical Full Forms
- Infarction Infarction is tissue death due to inadequate blood supply to the affected area. It may be caused by artery blockages, rupture, mechanical compression or vasoconstriction. The resulting lesion is referred to as an infarct.
- Infant An infant meaning unable to speak or speechless is the more formal or specialised synonym for baby, the very young offspring of a human or other animal.
- Information 411 means information. It is a generic abbreviation used for information that comes from the phone number "411," which is used to get information.
- Inf Health Care
- Infections
- Inferior Beneath, below; said of an ovary when situated below the apparent point of attachment of stamens and perianth.
- Infectious
- Infective
- Infiltrative Growth
- International Neuroendocrine Federation
- Intravenoss Nutritional Fluid
- Interferons Proteins secreted by vertebrate cells in response to a wide variety of inducers. They confer resistance against many different viruses, inhibit proliferation of normal and malignant cells, impede multiplication of intracellular parasites, enhance macrophage and granulocyte phagocytosis, augment natural killer cell activity, and show several other immunomodulatory functions.
- Infirmary
- Inflammation The body's reaction to noxious stimuli or foreign particles, resulting in swelling, redness, and pain
- intravenous nutritional fluid
- Influenza Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is an infectious disease caused by an influenza virus. Symptoms can be mild to severe. The most common symptoms include: a high fever, runny nose, sore throat, muscle pains, headache, coughing, and feeling tired. These symptoms typically begin two days after exposure to the virus and most last less than a week.
- INFECTION Infection is the invasion of a host organism's body tissues by disease-causing agents, their multiplication, and the reaction of host tissues to these organisms and the toxins they produce.
- Infusion Infusion is the process of extracting chemical compounds or flavors from plant material in a solvent such as water, oil or alcohol, by allowing the material to remain suspended in the solvent over time (a process often called steeping). An infusion is also the name for the resultant liquid. The process of infusion is distinct from decoction, which involves boiling the plant material, or percolation, in which the water passes through the material.
- Infundibulum
- Interferon-Gamma
- Infundibular Nuclear Complex
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does INF stand for Medical?
INF stands for Infant in Medical terms.
What is the shortened form of Inferior in Medical?
The short form of "Inferior" is INF for Medical.
INF in Medical. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 9, 2025 from
Last updated