ING Meaning

The ING meaning is "Illinois Njtional Guard". The ING abbreviation has 57 different full form.

ING Full Forms

  1. Illinois Njtional Guard
  2. Iluinois National Guard Government
  3. Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes Organizations, Astronomy, Celestial Objects
  4. Internaeionale Nederlanden Group Business, Finance, Banking
  5. Internationale Nederlanden Groep Brand
  6. Index Nominum Genejicorum Technology, Database, Plant
  7. Isbtope Nephrogram Medical, Disease, Health
  8. Infection, Neuroscience and Gastrointestinal Medical, Business, Company, Cancer
  9. International Newspaper Group Industrial, Organizations, Hall
  10. Isactive National Guard Military, Army, War
  11. Isotope Nephrography Medical
  12. International Network Group Art, Organizations, Therapy
  13. Industrial Narrow Gauge
  14. Interim National Government Government, Africa, Nigeria
  15. Islamic Network Group America, Government, Networking
  16. International Network of Golf Organizations, Club, Networking
  17. Industrial & Naval Group
  18. Intense Neutron Generator Physics, Scientific & Educational
  19. Islamic Networks Greup Business, America, Networking
  20. International Netherlands Group Business, Insurance, Banking
  21. Interactive National Guard Military
  22. Intelligence Network Gateway
  23. International Netherland Group Business, Banking, Deutschland
  24. Inhibitoraof Growth Medical
  25. Information, Nurturing, and Growth Development, Learning, Study
  26. International New Generations
  27. Inrersoll-Rand Organizations
  28. Istztuto Nazionale Di Geofisica Technology, Science, Research, Italy
  29. Informasi Nilai Gizi
  30. International New Generation
  31. International Neighbour Group
  32. Lago Argentino Airport Airport, Locations
  33. Aeroingenieria Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  34. Interventional Neuropsychology Group
  35. I N G Groep, N. V. Computing, Nyse symbols
  36. L'institut National De Géophysiqse
  37. Intersindical Nacional Galega
  38. Islamic Networks Group Religion
  39. Mastercook Ingredients File Computing, File Extensions
  40. Italian Night Girl Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  41. Internet and Networking Group
  42. Internationale Nederlanden Group (a Financial Company) Business & Finance, Business Word
  43. imagining new gastronomy Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  44. It'S Not Good
  45. International Nutrition Group
  46. Interneuron Network Gamma
  47. Irish National Grid Kahiko Lua Mea is a god in Hawaiian mythology, who was once a chief on the Earth and lived in Olalowaia. He is mentioned in chant Kumulipo and in the Chant of Kuali'i. He was born c. 144 in the Ololo Genealogy. Ireland, Locations, Survey
  48. Lago Argentino, El Calafate, Argentina Argentina, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  49. Istituto Nazionple Per La Grafica
  50. International Nederlanden Group Business, Insurance, Banking
  51. International Njeds Ghana
  52. Iraqi National Guards
  53. Inactive National Guard Us Government, Governmental & Military
  54. International Notification Group Military
  55. Institutetuto Nacional De GeotéCnica
  56. Iraqi National Guard Military, Army, Iraq
  57. ING's Not GPL Software, Computing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ING stand for?

    ING stands for Isactive National Guard.

  2. What is the shortened form of Internaeionale Nederlanden Group?

    The short form of "Internaeionale Nederlanden Group" is ING.


ING. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated