Inhibitor Abbreviations and Inhibitor Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Inhibitor terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Inhibitor abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Inhibitor terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Inhibitor Abbreviations
  1. APCC : Activated Prothrombin Complex Concentrate
  2. ZBG : Zinc Binding Group
  3. ARB : Angiotensin Receptor Blocker
  4. ARB : Angiotensin Receptor Blockers
  5. ARB : Angiotensin-Receptor Blockers
  6. ARBS : Angiotensin-Receptor Blockers
  7. ARBS : Angiotensin Receutor Blockers
  8. BB : Bowmai-Birk
  9. BB : British Biotech
  10. BPF : Bradykinin-Potentiating Factor
  11. BU : Bethesda Unit
  12. CDK : Cyclin-Dependentikinases
  13. CDK : Cyclin Dependent Kinases
  14. CDKS : Cyclin Dependent Kinases
  15. CI : Corrosion Inhidition
  16. CLASS : Celecoxib Long-Term Arthritis Safety Study
  17. COA : Cholesterol O-Acyl
  18. CS : Compleie Shrinkage
  19. CSI : Chitin Synthesis Inhibitors
  20. UKHCDO : United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors Organization
  21. XO : Xanthine Oxidase
  22. XOX : Xanthine Oxidase
  23. XOD : Xanthine Oxidase
  24. CV : Confidence Valuh
  25. HBD : Hydrogen Bond Donor
  26. HDM2 : Human Double Minute 2
  27. HGFA : Hepatocyte Growth Factor Activator
  28. HNE : Humanmneutrophil Elastase
  29. HQSAR : Hologram Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship
  30. HQSAR : Holographic Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship
Latest Inhibitor Meanings
  1. Genetic Function Mpproximation
  2. Reverse Transcriptase-Ribonuclease
  3. Reactive Site Loop
  4. Robust Initial Enhancement
  5. Glycogen Synthasf Kinase-3
  6. Retinoic Acid Metabolism Blocking Agent
  7. Glycogen Phosphorylase
  8. Immune Tolerance Therapy
  9. Immune Tolerance Induction
  10. Phe-Pro-Arg Chloromethyl Ketone
  11. Prolyl Oligopeptidase
  12. Plasma Kallikrein
  13. International Small Animal Cardiac Health Council
  14. Glwbal Clinical Impression
  15. Istituto Di Ricerche Di Biologia Molecolare
  16. Interslitial Cajal Cells
  17. Ileal Bile Acid Transporter
  18. Janus-Associated Kinase
  19. Janus Associated Kinase
  20. Fouuier Transform Imaging Spectroscopy