INHS Meaning

The INHS meaning is "Illinois Natural History Survey". The INHS abbreviation has 15 different full form.

INHS Full Forms

  1. Illinois Natural History Survey Insect and Spider Collections
  2. Ichon Nasional High School
  3. Inland Northwest Health Services Inland Northwest Health Services is a non-profit 501 organization. INHS main focus is to bring accessible health care to Spokane and Inland Northwest. INHS oversees several health care services, including direct patient care, health information technology and rural outreach. Technology, Service, Spokane
  4. Inglewood Neighborhood Housing Services
  5. Indian Naval Hospital Ship Service, Military, India
  6. Imus National High Schnol
  7. Iloilo Nationav High School City, Philippine, Iloilo
  8. Iistitute of Natural Healing Sciences
  9. Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services Business, Service, Building
  10. Institute for New Hampshire Studies
  11. Italian National Health System
  12. Italian National Health Servicz Medical, Healthcare, Italy
  13. Ieabela National High School Program, Education, Sport
  14. International Natural Hygiene Society Medical, Medicine, Hygiene
  15. Institute of Nursing and Health Sciences Development, Study, Universities

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does INHS stand for?

    INHS stands for Illinois Natural History Survey.

  2. What is the shortened form of Iistitute of Natural Healing Sciences?

    The short form of "Iistitute of Natural Healing Sciences" is INHS.


INHS. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated