INJ Meaning

The INJ meaning is "Inject". The INJ abbreviation has 20 different full form.

INJ Full Forms

  1. Inject To force or drive a fluid into something. \nExample: An accelerator pump, operated by the movement of the throttle lever, injects fuel into the choke tube. Technology
  2. Injector Or Injection Technology, Auto, Automotive, Automobile
  3. Indianapolis Jets Basketball, Basketball Team
  4. Iata Code for Hillsboro Municipal Airport, Hillsboro, Texas, United States Locations
  5. Injune Airport Injune, Queensland,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  6. Irish Naturalists' Journal Organizations, Journals, Magazines, Publications
  7. Inject Or Injection Medical, Veterinary, Animals
  8. Irish Naturalists Journal
  9. Injector  Typically, a perforated plate through which liquid fuel and oxidizer are injected into the combustion chamber at a controlled rate.  Technology
  10. Injured Referring to some-one who has been hurt plural noun the in-jured people who have been injured All theinjured were taken to the nearest hospital. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Sport, Football
  11. In Nomine Jesu
  12. Injection Forcing of fuel into cylinder of a compression ignition oil engine. Forcing of feed water into a boiler Medical, Animal, Biolog, Computing, Hardware, Legal, Governmental & Military, Pharmacy, Business & Finance, Common Medical, Reading Prescription, Power Plant, Clinical
  13. Injune, Queensland, Australia Australia
  14. Israel Numismatic Journal
  15. International Neurourolgy Journal Medical, Neurology
  16. Irish Network Japan
  17. International Nonwovens Journal
  18. Institutului NaţIonal Al JustiţIei Din, Moldova, Tor
  19. Institutul NaţIonal Al JustiţIei Din, Care, Moldova
  20. Instituto Nacional De La Juventud Para, Chile, Sin

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does INJ stand for?

    INJ stands for Irish Naturalists Journal.

  2. What is the shortened form of Injection?

    The short form of "Injection" is INJ.


INJ. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated