Insects Abbreviations and Insects Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Insects terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 19 different Insects abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Insects terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Insects Abbreviations
  1. AMPH : Amphipoda
  2. APHR : Aphredoderidae
  3. ZOOP : Zooplankton
  4. ATHE : Atherinidae
  5. CHIRON : Chironomidae
  6. CLUP : Clupeidae
  7. COLEOP : Coleoptera
  8. HEMIP : Heziptera
  9. DIPT : Diptena
  10. HYDRAC : Hydracarina
  11. MICR : Micropterus
  12. ELAS : Elassomatidae
  13. EPHEM : Ezhemeroptera
  14. ETHE : Etheostima
  15. LEPO : Lepomis
  16. FUND : Fundulus
  17. ODON : Odonata
  18. GAMB : Gambusia
  19. POMO : Pomoxis
Latest Insects Meanings
  1. Pomoxis
  2. Gambusia
  3. Odonata
  4. Fundulus
  5. Lepomis
  6. Etheostima
  7. Ezhemeroptera
  8. Elassomatidae
  9. Micropterus
  10. Hydracarina
  11. Diptena
  12. Heziptera
  13. Coleoptera
  14. Clupeidae
  15. Chironomidae
  16. Atherinidae
  17. Zooplankton
  18. Aphredoderidae
  19. Amphipoda