Intention Abbreviations and Intention Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Intention terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 10 different Intention abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Intention terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Intention Abbreviations
  1. CI : Cruel Intentions
  2. VIM : Visipn, Intention, and Means
  3. EDT : Expectation Disconfirmation Theory
  4. MGB : Model of Goal-Directed Behavior
  5. TOPB : Theory of Planned Behavior
  6. TPB : Theory of Planned Behavior
  7. TRA : Theary Reasoned Action
  8. PBC : Perceived Behavioral Control
  9. GHSQ : General Help-Seeking Questionnaire
  10. PI : Positive Intentions
Latest Intention Meanings
  1. Positive Intentions
  2. General Help-Seeking Questionnaire
  3. Perceived Behavioral Control
  4. Theary Reasoned Action
  5. Theory of Planned Behavior
  6. Model of Goal-Directed Behavior
  7. Expectation Disconfirmation Theory
  8. Visipn, Intention, and Means
  9. Cruel Intentions