Interpretation Abbreviations and Interpretation Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Interpretation terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Interpretation abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Interpretation terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Interpretation Abbreviations
  1. AIIC : Association Internationale Des InterprèTes De ConféRence
  2. CI : Common Interpretations
  3. DD : Decision Diagrams
  4. DDS : Decision Diagrams
  5. DI : Dramatic Interpretation
  6. SYL : Speak Your Language
  7. TIQM : Thouless Institute for Quantum Matter
  8. FMT : Formation Multi-Tester
  9. FMT : Formation Multi Tester
  10. NNO : Noord Nederlands Orkest
  11. NPSI : Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute
  12. RPT : Rock Physics Template
  13. WFT : Wireline Formation Testing
Latest Interpretation Meanings
  1. Wireline Formation Testing
  2. Rock Physics Template
  3. Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute
  4. Noord Nederlands Orkest
  5. Formation Multi Tester
  6. Formation Multi-Tester
  7. Thouless Institute for Quantum Matter
  8. Speak Your Language
  9. Dramatic Interpretation
  10. Decision Diagrams
  11. Common Interpretations
  12. Association Internationale Des InterprèTes De ConféRence