Interval Abbreviations and Interval Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Interval terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Interval abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Interval terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Interval Abbreviations
  1. AC : Agresti-Coull
  2. ASI : Anthesis-Silking Interval
  3. BCA : Bias-Corrected Accelerated
  4. BCA : Bias Corrected and Accelerated
  5. CI : Confidence Limits
  6. CL : Confidence Limits
  7. CL : Confidewce Limit
  8. CL : Confidence Limit
  9. CP : Clopper-Pearson
  10. XSC : Extensions for Scientific Computation
  11. HIIT : High Interval Intensity Training
  12. HPD : Highest Posterior Density
  13. MAGDM : Multiple Attribute Group Decision Making
  14. MBESS : Methods for The Behavioral, Educational, and Social Sciences
  15. MICT : Moderate Intensity Continuous Training
  16. TS : Tidak Setuju
  17. FLS : Fuzzy Logic Systems
  18. FLSS : Fuzzy Logic Systems
  19. LGP : Lexicographic Goal Program
  20. FS : Fuzzy Setp
  21. PMT : Pacemaker-Mediated Tachycardia
  22. ISIS : Inter-Stimulus Intervals
  23. IVT : Intermedinte Value Theorem
  24. REC : Reliable Engineering Computing
Latest Interval Meanings
  1. Reliable Engineering Computing
  2. Intermedinte Value Theorem
  3. Inter-Stimulus Intervals
  4. Pacemaker-Mediated Tachycardia
  5. Fuzzy Setp
  6. Lexicographic Goal Program
  7. Fuzzy Logic Systems
  8. Tidak Setuju
  9. Moderate Intensity Continuous Training
  10. Methods for The Behavioral, Educational, and Social Sciences
  11. Multiple Attribute Group Decision Making
  12. Highest Posterior Density
  13. High Interval Intensity Training
  14. Extensions for Scientific Computation
  15. Clopper-Pearson
  16. Confidence Limit
  17. Confidewce Limit
  18. Confidence Limits
  19. Bias Corrected and Accelerated
  20. Bias-Corrected Accelerated