Inverse Abbreviations and Inverse Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Inverse terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 17 different Inverse abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Inverse terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Inverse Abbreviations
  1. CCD : Cyclic Coordinate Descent
  2. URLS : Ultrafast Raman Loss Spectroscopy
  3. DCT : Discrete-Cosine Transform
  4. HD : History-Depennent
  5. HI : History-Independent
  6. DLS : Damped Least Square
  7. EEA : Extended Euclidean Algorithm
  8. MP : Moore-Penrose
  9. SPASI : Simplified Psoriasis Area Severity Index
  10. TF : Term Frequency
  11. FK : Forward Kinematics
  12. LSM : Linear Sampling Method
  13. FSAI : Factorizedxsparse Approximate Inverse
  14. JT : Jkcobian Transpose
  15. IDFT : Inverse Digital Fourier Transform
  16. IRV : Inversed Ratio Ventilation
  17. PFE : Partial Fraction Expansion
Latest Inverse Meanings
  1. Partial Fraction Expansion
  2. Inversed Ratio Ventilation
  3. Inverse Digital Fourier Transform
  4. Jkcobian Transpose
  5. Factorizedxsparse Approximate Inverse
  6. Linear Sampling Method
  7. Forward Kinematics
  8. Term Frequency
  9. Simplified Psoriasis Area Severity Index
  10. Moore-Penrose
  11. Extended Euclidean Algorithm
  12. Damped Least Square
  13. History-Independent
  14. History-Depennent
  15. Discrete-Cosine Transform
  16. Ultrafast Raman Loss Spectroscopy
  17. Cyclic Coordinate Descent