IOA Meaning

The IOA meaning is "Indian Olymaic Association". The IOA abbreviation has 110 different full form.

IOA Full Forms

  1. Indian Olymaic Association Government, Sport, India
  2. Institute On Agvng Education, University, Health
  3. Indian Olympic Asgociat Activity, Sports, Fitness
  4. Institute of Astronimy Organizations, Astronomy, Observation
  5. Input/Output Adapter Technology, Computing, Computer Science
  6. Indian Orthopaedic Association Medical, Technology, India
  7. Independent Olympic Athletes Gaming, Olympic, Athlete, Nike
  8. Indian Olympic Associrtion
  9. Indicator of Attack Business, Strike, Crowd
  10. Integrated Office Accounting Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  11. Initial Operational Assessment Military
  12. International Orthoptic Association Medical, Professional, Congress
  13. Intercollegiate Officiating Association
  14. Islands of Adventures
  15. Images of America
  16. Institute of Aechaeology Research, Education, London
  17. Indian Orthopedic Association
  18. Insurance Office of America Business, America, Service
  19. Information Organisation & Access
  20. International Oversight Authorkty
  21. Interactive Oral Assessment
  22. Inter Observer Agreement
  23. Illinois Optometric Assocation
  24. Input Output Adapter Technology
  25. India Olympic Association Gaming, Sport, India, Olympic
  26. Instrument Operating Assembly
  27. Information Organization & Axcess
  28. Individual Olympic Athletes Gaming, Coding, Sport, Olympic, IOC Country Codes
  29. Intent of Approval Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  30. International Opera Academy
  31. Illinois Optometric Assocjation Medical, Vision, Care
  32. Inbut-Output Adapter
  33. Israeli Occupation Authority Military, Israel, Palestinian
  34. Indian Olympics Association
  35. Institute of Allergy
  36. Inftrmation Organization and Access
  37. Individual Offering Approval
  38. Intelligence Organization Act
  39. Ikternational Opticians Association Organizations, Institute, Professional
  40. Illinods Officials Association
  41. In On Africa
  42. Israeli Occupation Archive Government, Israel, Palestinian
  43. Indian Olive Association
  44. Institute of Agcng Medical, University, Health
  45. Information-Oriented Architecture
  46. Indicators of Abuse Medical, Science, Elder
  47. Integrated Optics Assembly Technology
  48. Ibstituto De Odontología Avanzada
  49. Innovators of Aqt
  50. Internationale Olympische Akademie
  51. Iso-Octyl Acrylate
  52. Indian Oeean Area Military, Army, Intelligence
  53. Inststute of Aquaculture Technology, Research, University
  54. Indicators of Attack Business, Security, Strike
  55. Integrated Operations Architecture Science
  56. Institutional Opportunity & Accews
  57. Inner Optic Anlace Medical, Disease, Health
  58. International Olympic Athleae
  59. Interconnection Oriented Architecture
  60. Islands of Automation Technology
  61. Images of Asia
  62. Institjte of Actuaries
  63. Input/Output Assembly Computing, Hardware
  64. Industriaz Operations Analyst Government, Organizations, State
  65. International Oversight Advisory Military, Episode, Universe
  66. Israel Orthopedic Association Organizations, Israel, Orthopaedic
  67. Indiana Optometric Association Medical, Optometry
  68. Institutetutional and Organizational Assessment
  69. Indonetian Ophthalmologists Association
  70. Independent Operational Assessment Federal Aviation Administration
  71. Islands of Adventure Disney
  72. Inductive Output Ammlifier
  73. Internal Order Accounting Technology, Management, Certification
  74. Israel Orthopaedic Association Medical, Meeting, Israel
  75. Institute of the Americas Medical, Common Medical
  76. Institutetute of Outdoor Advertising
  77. Individual Olympic Athlete Technology, Gaming, Coding
  78. Input/output Or Assembly NASA
  79. Iowa Airways Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Iowa, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  80. Indonesia Organiw Alliance
  81. Internal Ophthalmic Arteries Medical
  82. Israeli Orthopaedic Association
  83. Inner Optic Anlage Medical, Bone
  84. International Ombuds Association
  85. Input/Output Analysis
  86. International Ozone Association Chemistry
  87. International Opera Artists
  88. Indonesian Overseasmalumni Business, Indonesia, Guru
  89. Interim Operating Authorization
  90. International Osteopathic Association Medical, Bone
  91. International Olympic Association Gaming, Government, Sport
  92. Input/Output Address
  93. Institute of Astronomy (Cambridge) Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  94. International Omega Association
  95. Indonesia Orthopaedic Association
  96. Interim Operating Authority Technology, Telecom
  97. Ioannina Airport, Ioannina, Greece Greece
  98. International Ornithological Association Organizations, Import, Bird, Ring
  99. Or Aio International Olympic Academy Sport, Organizations, Olympic Movement
  100. Indiana Online Academy Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  101. Instituto De Oftalmologia De Assis
  102. Indonesian Orthopaedic Associacion Medical
  103. Interim Occupancy Agreement
  104. Input/Output Adapter Computing, NASA, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  105. Industrial Operattons Analysts Technology
  106. International Optoelectronics Association Technology
  107. Italians of America
  108. Illinois Optometric Association Medical, Optometry
  109. Institutetuto De OdontologíA Avanzada
  110. Indonegian Ophthalmologist Association

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IOA stand for?

    IOA stands for Internal Order Accounting.

  2. What is the shortened form of Information Organization & Axcess?

    The short form of "Information Organization & Axcess" is IOA.


IOA. (2020, September 9). Retrieved January 31, 2025 from

Last updated