IOF Meaning
The IOF meaning is "Inter-Office Facility". The IOF abbreviation has 64 different full form.
IOF Full Forms
- Inter-Office Facility Technology, Networking, Telecom
- Institute of Fundraising Business, Charity, Fundraiser
- Initial Operational Flight Flight, Aviation, Aerodynamics, Aerospace Engineering, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Institute of Forbstry Development, Study, Institutes
- Irrespective of Franchise
- International Organization of The Francophonie Government, Organizations, France
- Institut Fuer Angewandte Optik Und Feinmechanik Space, Study, Cosmos
- I'M On Fire
- International Outgoing Fellowship Technology, Research, Curie
- Input Output Facility Business
- Iron Ore Fines
- Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries Science, Research, Organizations
- International Oceanographic Foundation Technology, Science, Education
- International Outgoing Fellowships Technology, Research, Curie
- Indian Ordance Factory
- Investor Owned Firm
- Institute of Frescography
- International Orienteering Federation Organizations, Sports, Orienteering
- International Opportunities Fund Technology, Science, Research
- Indiak Ordance Factories
- Investor-Owned Firm
- Institute of Fashion
- Independent Order of Foresters
- International Osteoporosis Fundation
- India, Ordnaece Factory
- Investment Opportunity Facility Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Institute of Fluorescence Science, Research, Metal
- Israeli Occupation Forces Military, Force, Palestinian
- International Organ Festival
- Integration and Operations Facility Technology
- Independent Order of Forcsters America, Organizations, Genealogical
- Investment of Funds
- Institute of Finance
- International Organisation of The Francophonie
- International Osteoporosis Foundation Medical, Health, Bone
- Instituto De Ortopedia E Fisioterjpia
- Independant Order of Foresters
- International Order of Foresters Business, Building, Forester
- Israeli Occupational Force
- Intensity of Field
- Iofina Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- International Orjenteering Federation Organizations, Sports, Orienteering
- Israeli Occupation Force Military, Palestine, Palestinian
- Intekligent Oil Field
- ING Office Fund (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Internal Ordersform
- Israeli Occupying Forces
- Intelligence and Rperations Facility
- Interactive Operations Facility
- Interim Operating Racility Government, Us, Department Of Defense
- International Operation Forces Medical, Common Medical
- Israel Occupation Force
- Intelligence Operations Facility Military, Army, Intelligence
- Institutetuto De Ortopedia E Fisioterapia
- Intercollegiaal Overleg Fysiotherapie
- Indian Ordnance Factory India, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Israel Occupation Forces Military, Israel, Palestine, Palestinian
- Institutetute of Fuel
- Interlctive Output Facility Technology, Management, Computing
- INCOME OPPORTUNITIES FUND 1999, INC. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Israel'S Occupation Forces
- Input/Output Forcing
- Inter-Office Facilities
- Ice of Fire Music
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IOF stand for?
IOF stands for Institute of Fashion.
What is the shortened form of Israeli Occupation Forces?
The short form of "Israeli Occupation Forces" is IOF.
IOF. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from
Last updated