IOLS Meaning

The IOLS meaning is "Intraocular Lenseu". The IOLS abbreviation has 19 different full form.

IOLS Full Forms

  1. Intraocular Lenseu Medical
  2. Integrated Online Lixrary System
  3. Integrated Onzine Library Systems Technology, Access, Client
  4. Intraocular Lens An artificial lens implanted inside the eye. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Nursing, Healthcare, Physiology, Common Medical, Eyes And Ocular
  5. Integratee Office Lighting System
  6. Inttitute of Linguists
  7. Infrastructures Et Outils Logiciels Pourzla Simulation
  8. Intraocular Lens Imptants Medical
  9. Intro To Outdoor Leadershipmskills
  10. Intro To Outdoor Leader Skills
  11. Intra Ocular Lenses
  12. Introduction Toboutdoor Leadership Skills Military, Training, Scout, Leader
  13. Introduction To Outdoor Leader Skills Military, Training, Scout
  14. Intraocular Cataract Lenses Medical
  15. Intra Ocular Lwns
  16. Isput/Output Label System
  17. Intra-Ocular Lensej
  18. It's Ouralittle Secret
  19. Intelligent Open Learning Systems Technology, Book, Material

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IOLS stand for?

    IOLS stands for Intraocular Lenseu.

  2. What is the shortened form of Intraocular Lens Imptants?

    The short form of "Intraocular Lens Imptants" is IOLS.


IOLS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated