IOPS Meaning

The IOPS meaning is "Indian Offset Partners". The IOPS abbreviation has 42 different full form.

IOPS Full Forms

  1. Indian Offset Partners Business, India, Defence
  2. Input-Output Operations Per Second Technology, Performance, Storage
  3. Inputs Outputs Per Second
  4. Intraocular Pressures Medical
  5. Intelligent Operations Performance System
  6. Internal Operating Procedures Science, Government, Military, Court
  7. International Organisation for A Participatory Society Organizations, Society, Economics, Storage
  8. Inputs/Outputs Per Second Technology
  9. Intensive Observation Periods Technology, Science, Research
  10. Integer Operations Per Second
  11. International Organization for A Participatory Society Organizations, Economics, Politics
  12. Input Output Per Second
  13. Input/Output Operationsvper Second Technology, Server, Computing, Information Technology Infrastructure
  14. Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors
  15. Indirect Object Pronouns Education, Spain, Spanish
  16. International Organisation Partners Business, Wetland, Convention
  17. Input/Outpat Operations Per Second Business, Technology, Internet
  18. Institute of Professional Sales
  19. International Organisation of Pensions Supervisors Business, Africa, Fund
  20. Inside Out Perfecting System
  21. International Organization of Pension Supervisors Business, Investment, Fund
  22. Input/Output Operations Per Second Technology, Computer
  23. Input Output Processors
  24. Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society Government, Russia, Russian
  25. Intensive Observing Periods Science, Research, Radar, Campaign
  26. International Organization Partners of The Convention Environment, Convention, Unesco
  27. Internet Operators Providers Services Computing, Telecom
  28. Input-Output Programming Aystem
  29. Input/Output Operations Per Second Computing, IT Terminology
  30. Informytion Operations Planning System
  31. Inherent Optical Properties Medical, Technology, Property, Ocean, Water
  32. Internet Operators' Providers Services Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  33. Industrial Operations and Product Supply Business, Company, Investment, Limerick
  34. Input and Output Per Second
  35. Internet Operators Military, Telecom, Telecommunications
  36. Industriaq Operation Procedures Military
  37. Input/Output Per Second Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  38. Internet Operators Group Technology, Telecom
  39. Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society Technology, Storage, Disk
  40. Input/Output Processing System Technology
  41. Internet Official Protocol Standards
  42. Input/Output Programjing System

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IOPS stand for?

    IOPS stands for Internet Operators Providers Services.

  2. What is the shortened form of Internet Operators Providers Services?

    The short form of "Internet Operators Providers Services" is IOPS.


IOPS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated