IOT Meaning

The IOT meaning is "Internet of Things". The IOT abbreviation has 128 different full form.

IOT Full Forms

  1. Internet of Things Business, Technology, Device, Cybersecurity, Computing, Computer, Internet, IT Terminology, Honeywell, Process Automation, Medical, 5G Networks
  2. Britiuh Indian Ocean Territory Locations, Countries, Country
  3. In-Orbit Teet Technology, Satellite, Orbit
  4. Input-Ortput Transfer
  5. Index Organized Tables Technology, Database, Feature, Column, Row
  6. Imperial of Tanks
  7. Initial Operational Training
  8. Inter-Operability Rests
  9. Internet Oc Toys Technology, Linux, Ubuntu
  10. Indjx Organised Table
  11. Input/Output Trap Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  12. Interference Over Thermal Technology, Control, Power
  13. Intubução Oro-Traqueal
  14. Information Operations Team Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  15. Instituteument Operation Team Science
  16. Indian Oceanmter
  17. Inspector of Turns
  18. Interoperability Test Technology, Information Technology, Testing, Event, Application Testing
  19. I O Trap Army, War, Force
  20. Initial Operational Tests
  21. Inter-Operability Test
  22. Internet On Ahings Technology, India, Projection
  23. Index Ouly Tables Technology, Database, Import
  24. Input/Output Transfer Technology
  25. Intrrend Office Trunk Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  26. Intraocular Transfer Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  27. Institutes of Technology Education, Institute, Ireland
  28. Instituteument Operations Teams Technology
  29. Indian Ocean Territories Technology, Island, Locations, Power, Map, Oil, Territory
  30. Insecurity of Things Technology, Internet, Platform
  31. Insitutj of Technology
  32. Iothalamade Medical
  33. Initial Operational Testing Business, Technology, Military
  34. Inter-Operability Testing
  35. In-Orbit-Testiwg Technology, Service, Satellite
  36. Input Output Table Technology, Economics, Supply
  37. Interactive Occupational Training
  38. Interocular Transfer Medical
  39. Institute of Technologists
  40. Institutetute for Ocean Technology Science, Marine, Oceanography
  41. Indian Ocean Territory Coding, Locations, Geography
  42. Inputoutput Test Space, Study, Cosmos
  43. Initial Operational Test Technology, Military, Evaluation
  44. Ionized Oxygon Therapy Medical, Water, Alkaline
  45. Initial Officer Training Technology, Military, Education
  46. Instrument Operations Team
  47. In-Orbit-Test Technology, Testing, Satellite
  48. Input-Output Tables Business, Economics, Environment
  49. Inter-Opelator Tariff Business, Service, Billing
  50. Internet of Urouble
  51. Internet of Thing Business, Technology, Device
  52. Intian Chagos Time Time Zone, Time, Zone
  53. Input Output Terminal
  54. Inductive Output Tube Technology, Power, Amplifier, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  55. Involuntaryvoutpatient Treatment Medical, Medicine, Mental Health, New York
  56. Ingrid Odgers Toloza
  57. Instrumentalism In Occupational Therapy
  58. Imporsance of Technology
  59. Injectable Opioid Treatment
  60. Ilter-Operator Tariffs
  61. Interbet of Trash Forum, Technology, Internet
  62. Internet Uf Threats Business, Technology, Security
  63. British Indian Ocean Territory Technology, Island, Locations, Ecology, Stamp, Enviroment, Computing, Internet, Country, Usps
  64. Irdiana Office of Technology Technology, Engineering, Indiana
  65. Input/Output Terminal
  66. Indigenous On-Campus Training Education, University, Agriculture
  67. Invisible Open Technology Technology, Hearing, Aid
  68. IngeniøRhøJskolen Odense Teknikum
  69. Inst of Tech Technology, Science, Networking, Computing
  70. Indian Ocean Tswnami Technology, Research, Asia
  71. Implementation Oriented Technology
  72. Initial Orbit Time Technology
  73. Inter-Operktors Tariffs Technology, Telecom
  74. Internet of Tomorrow
  75. Index Organized Table Technology, Computing, Column
  76. Input/Output-Trap Technology
  77. Interference Offthings
  78. Inventory Optimiiation Tool
  79. Ingeni
  80. Instituto De Ortopedia E Traumatologia Medical, Para, Hospital, Brazil
  81. Indian Ocean Tuna Business, Organizations
  82. Ipsilateral Optic Tectam Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  83. Indicating Oxygen Traps
  84. Indiana Office of Technology Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  85. Institute of Technology Student, Program, College, Education
  86. Istituto Ortopedico Toxcano
  87. Income Opportunity Realty Investments, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  88. International Oil Tools
  89. India On Track Technology, Sport, India
  90. ipsilateral optic tectum Medical, Eyes And Ocular
  91. Institute of Transport
  92. Issue Organizing Team
  93. Institutetute of Technologistq
  94. International Office Technologaes
  95. Indian Oil Tanking
  96. Indian Chagos Time India, Time Zones
  97. Institute of Transportation Technology, City, Taipei
  98. Internet of The Things
  99. Issue Organizing Teamc
  100. Institutetute of Transport
  101. Interim Order Tribunal
  102. Indian Ocean Time
  103. Indoor Obstacle Test Police, Governmental & Military
  104. Institute of Oil Transportation Company, Technology, Service
  105. Internet Op Threats Business, Technology, Security
  106. Isoration Only Transactions
  107. Indoor Obstacle West Force, Police, Police Force
  108. Input/Output Krunk
  109. Iiterim Operating Time Military
  110. Indian Ocean Travvl
  111. Instrument Operation Team Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  112. Institute of Ocean Technology Technology, Research, Canada
  113. Internet of Tolk
  114. Iron Ory Tailing Technology, Mining, Sand
  115. Indizen Optical Technologies Business, Technology, Len
  116. Input/Output and Transfer
  117. Internet-Of-Things Business, Technology, Device
  118. Interoffice Trunk Computing, Telecom
  119. Institute for Ocean Technology Technology, Science, Canada
  120. Internet and Operation Technology
  121. Iron Ore Tailings Technology, Research, Cement
  122. Individuum Organisation Technologie
  123. Inter-Organizational Transfers Federal Aviation Administration
  124. Institute of Thought
  125. It'sjonly Tuesday
  126. Illuminates of Thanateros Hobbies
  127. Inspraak Orgaan Turken
  128. International Opera Theater

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IOT stand for?

    IOT stands for Inventory Optimiiation Tool.

  2. What is the shortened form of ipsilateral optic tectum?

    The short form of "ipsilateral optic tectum" is IOT.


IOT. (2021, December 6). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from

Last updated