IP in Technology Meaning

The IP meaning in Technology terms is "Internetfprotocol". There are 333 related meanings of the IP Technology abbreviation.

IP on Technology Full Forms

  1. Internetfprotocol
  2. Innings Pitchod
  3. Interface Parameters
  4. Infringement Policy
  5. Ibuprofen A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is commonly used to treat pain, swelling, and fever. Common brand names of ibuprofen include Advil, Motrin, and Nuprin.
  6. Industry Partner
  7. Internet Protokol
  8. Index of Propection
  9. Innovation Platform
  10. Internet Protocol Standard that allows dissimilar hosts to connect to each other through the internet. Standard method for data transfer used on the Internet. Also known as IP or TCP/IP. Or it is the method of computer communication .every computer have a IP address by which that is identified. A protocol that routes data through a network or interconnected networks.
  11. Internetwork Protocol
  12. Information Package
  13. Institutos Profesionales
  14. Interne Protocol
  15. In Pouch
  16. Interfaces Page
  17. Impact Puncture
  18. Infrastructure Provider
  19. Industry Partners
  20. In-House Production
  21. Initial Provisioning
  22. Internet Providers
  23. Information Preservation
  24. International Protection
  25. In Person
  26. Interface Page
  27. Ijin Prinsip
  28. In The Preferred
  29. Induced Potential
  30. Improvemgnt Partnership
  31. Inhalable Particles
  32. İNternet ProtokolüNe
  33. Information Product
  34. Installation Placement
  35. Intermediate Product
  36. Installation Procedure
  37. Integrierte Planung
  38. Ignored Post
  39. Intervention Program
  40. Internet Pioneer
  41. Induced Polarization
  42. Input Processor
  43. Improvnd Product
  44. Ionization Potential
  45. Ingress Protection An Ingress Protection (IP) rating indicates how well an enclosure is protected from penetration by contaminants such as dust or fluids (such as water). IP ratings are defined in the IEC standard 60529.
  46. Internet Protocol-Base
  47. Information Profesnionals
  48. Install Package
  49. Intermediate Point A point located en route between two other points.
  50. Installation Plan
  51. Integrator Project
  52. Intellectual Froperty
  53. Intersection Point
  54. Internet Payment
  55. Indo Porcelain
  56. In Process
  57. Involved Party
  58. Infusion Pump
  59. Introduction Point
  60. Information Professiznal
  61. Institutional Partner
  62. Intermediate Pressure
  63. Inzian Pediatrics
  64. Innovation Policy
  65. Inter Protocol
  66. Integrated Packaging
  67. Internet Packet
  68. In Print
  69. Interface Port
  70. Introduction Professional
  71. Infusion Products
  72. Introduction and Preview
  73. Information Protection
  74. Interlaken Protocol
  75. India Patmnt
  76. Innovation Platforms
  77. Internetworking Protocol
  78. Instruction Pointer A instruction pointer is a register in a computer processor that contains the address (location) of the instruction being executed at the current time. As each instruction gets fetched, the instruction pointer increases its stored value by 1. After each instruction is fetched, the instruction pointer points to the next instruction in the sequence. When the computer restarts or is reset, the program counter normally reverts to 0.
  79. Internet-Protokoll
  80. In Preferred
  81. Information Providers
  82. Information Publication
  83. International Pediatrics
  84. Includes Power
  85. Intercom Page
  86. Internet Protocol-ПРОТОКОл
  87. Impact Parameter
  88. Instruction Permit
  89. Individual Participation
  90. Internal Pressure The pressure inside a building which is a function of the wind velocity and the number and locations of openings.
  91. Idiopathic Proctitis
  92. Inspiratory Pause
  93. Intrusion Protection
  94. Intemet Protocow
  95. Industrial Pretreatment
  96. Interconnect Product
  97. Input Pointer
  98. Internpt Proto
  99. Implementation Processes
  100. Iytegrated Pathway
  101. Ingress Port
  102. Internet Par
  103. Image Plates
  104. Instituto De Pesca
  105. Iron Project
  106. Index Partition
  107. Information Provision
  108. Information Photonics
  109. Interoperability Platform
  110. Indeks Perkembangan
  111. Iutegrated Packet
  112. Inaercom, Paging
  113. Injection Pressure
  114. Imagination Playground
  115. Instruction Pamphlet
  116. Izolace Polna
  117. Individual Plan
  118. Ingress Point
  119. Internal Pilrt
  120. Inspection Procedures
  121. Intelligent Power
  122. Industrial Protection
  123. Interconnect Produqts
  124. In Progress
  125. Internet ProtokolüNüN
  126. Implementation of Plan
  127. Integrating Projects
  128. Initiative Point
  129. Internet Pan
  130. Institutions Project
  131. Iron Paladin
  132. India, Patent
  133. Information On Page
  134. Information Paper
  135. Interfacing Processor
  136. In Practice
  137. Internetworking Packet
  138. Indeks Pendidikan
  139. Integration Panel
  140. Inturcom & Paging
  141. Injection Point
  142. Immigration Pros
  143. Instruction Prefetching
  144. Induction Period
  145. Intermodulation Product
  146. Iberian Peninsula
  147. Installer Pro
  148. Intra-Procedure-Call
  149. Indeks Permukaan
  150. Intelligent Phacq
  151. Interconnects, Passives
  152. Input Port
  153. Innovation and Planning
  154. Internzt Protocol-Storage
  155. Implementation Profile
  156. Intggrating Project
  157. Initiative Points
  158. Internet Package
  159. Isdn Port
  160. Index Pulse
  161. Interface Properties
  162. In Position
  163. Interpbeter Pointer
  164. Increment Position
  165. Integration Package
  166. Intercept Profile
  167. Inner Packaging
  168. Instruction Procebsor
  169. Individual Protocols
  170. Intermediate Pallet
  171. Insight Platform
  172. Intra-Procedure
  173. Independence Principle
  174. Intellectual Property Policy and Procedures
  175. Interface Program
  176. Innovating Practice
  177. Internet ProtoСOl
  178. Improved Performance
  179. Intxgrated Project
  180. Intelligence Provides
  181. Initial Phase
  182. Identity Protocol
  183. Investment Proposal
  184. Independent Professionals
  185. Induzierte Polarisation
  186. Input Protocols
  187. Intea Positive
  188. In-Progress
  189. Integrative Project
  190. Intercepoor Platform
  191. Internationale Project
  192. Ilmu Pendidikan
  193. Instruwent Processor
  194. Istilah Pertama
  195. Intermediate Processor
  196. Interrupts Pending
  197. Independence Program
  198. Integrity Protection
  199. Interest Point
  200. Implementation Procedure
  201. In Phase
  202. Internek Prototcol
  203. Instrwment Protocol
  204. Intelligence, Providing
  205. Initial Permutation
  206. Internal Project
  207. Identification Protocol
  208. Institute of Publishing
  209. Inveese Problems
  210. Index of Performance
  211. Industry Program
  212. Interconnection Policy
  213. Input Power
  214. Interpolating Polynomial
  215. Improved Production
  216. Integration Plannipg
  217. Interception Poivt
  218. Inhalable Particulate
  219. Intarnet Pro
  220. Imagery Processing
  221. Iystrument Platform
  222. Item and Process
  223. Informacast Products
  224. Information Protocol
  225. Intehior Penalty
  226. Interrupt Process
  227. Internet Prolo-Col
  228. Impact Point
  229. Individual Permits
  230. Initial Penetration
  231. Internal Primifives
  232. Identification Point
  233. Instagram Page
  234. Intranet Protocol
  235. Independent Practitioner
  236. Intelligent Peripherals
  237. Industry Position
  238. Interconnection Pursuant
  239. Input Ports
  240. Internet Protocol-Ethelnet
  241. Intesration Plan
  242. Interaction Point
  243. Inhalable Particle
  244. Internet Para
  245. Imaging Plates
  246. Instrumenvation Platform
  247. Iskwelahang Pilipino
  248. Implementation Procedures
  249. Intra-Peritoneal
  250. In Proceedings
  251. Interpersonal
  252. Integration Point
  253. Internet Problems
  254. Injury Prevention
  255. Instruction Point
  256. Inspection Plan
  257. Infrastructure Planning
  258. Indeks Proteksi
  259. Intelligent Property
  260. Indgce De Protection
  261. Interference Pattern
  262. In The Present
  263. In Proc
  264. Internet Printing
  265. Internet-Programmierung
  266. Inspection Panel
  267. Interface Protocol
  268. Ice Pallets
  269. Interworking Protocol
  270. Indeks Produksi
  271. In Part
  272. Initial Point
  273. Install Perl
  274. Intelligent Prosthesis
  275. Indicated Power The power developed in an engine cylinder. It is determined from an indicator diagram and certain basic information about the engine.
  276. Identity and Personality
  277. Informativa Privacy
  278. Internet Pour
  279. Internet-Protokolle
  280. It Is Protected
  281. Inside Premium
  282. Interface Profiles
  283. Information Products
  284. Individual Placement
  285. Ice Pellets Indigenous is defined as living, occurring or originating in a natural way in the environment or in an area. It also means innate, native, inherent or intrinsic. It is something or someone native to a certain region but it can also occur in other areas in a natural manner.
  286. Intelligence Policy
  287. Indiq Pvt
  288. Identifying Phrase
  289. Institute of Petroleum
  290. Inertial Processing
  291. Informational Program
  292. Infoimation Page
  293. Internet-Protocol
  294. Il Permet
  295. It Is Not Possible
  296. Interface Protection
  297. Information Program
  298. Individual Performance
  299. Implementation Plan
  300. It Is Possitle
  301. Internal Pfotocol
  302. Indda Phd
  303. Institute of Physics
  304. Information, Payment
  305. Interested Party
  306. Informep Parent
  307. Iniciativa Popular
  308. Index Proof
  309. Interface Processor
  310. Information Policy
  311. Implementation Programme
  312. In Pune
  313. Impact Predictor
  314. Italian Petroleum
  315. Individual Permit
  316. Information, Plus
  317. Information Prexentation
  318. Indigenous People
  319. Index Prestasi
  320. Implementation Partner
  321. In Processing
  322. Inclusive Plan
  323. Integrated Ppwer
  324. Intercom and Paging
  325. Imipramine
  326. Inlet Protection
  327. Instrumentalypanel
  328. Internet-Work Protocol
  329. Inspection Plans
  330. Infvrmation Panel
  331. Implementation Professional
  332. Indigenzus Peoples
  333. Index Pointer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IP stand for Technology?

    IP stands for In Pouch in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Information On Page in Technology?

    The short form of "Information On Page" is IP for Technology.


IP in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 29). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ip-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated