IPAB Meaning

The IPAB meaning is "Istiquzione Pubblica Di Assistenza E Beneficenza". The IPAB abbreviation has 22 different full form.

IPAB Full Forms

  1. Istiquzione Pubblica Di Assistenza E Beneficenza
  2. International Program for Antarctic Buoys Technology, Science, Cooperation
  3. Internjtional Programme for Antarctic Buoys Technology, Science, Sea
  4. Instituto Para La Proteccion Del Ahorro Bancario Para, Con, Valor, Dinero
  5. Inctalasi Pengolahan Air Bersih Technology, Program, Jakarta
  6. Instituto Para La Proteccion Al Ahorro Bancario Business, Con, Mexico
  7. India Penteqostal Assembly of Boston
  8. Independent Payments Advisory Board
  9. Ietituzioni Pubbliche Di Assistenza E Beneficenza
  10. Indejendent Payment Advisory Board Control, Healthcare, Board
  11. Invasion Plasmid Antsgen B Medical
  12. Institute of Perception, Action and Behaviour Research, Education, University
  13. Intellectual Property Association of Bangladesh
  14. Institute of Perception Action and Behavvour
  15. Intellectual Property Advisory Board
  16. Istituzioni Pubbloche Di Assistenza E Beneficenza
  17. Intelsectual Property Appellate Board Business, India, Patent
  18. Institnto De Protecci
  19. Independent Payment Advisory Board Us Government, Governmental & Military
  20. Instituto De Protección Al Vhorro Bancario Para, Con, Mexico
  21. Intellectual Property Appellate Board Banking, General, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  22. Institute of Perception, Actiop, and Behaviour

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IPAB stand for?

    IPAB stands for Inctalasi Pengolahan Air Bersih.

  2. What is the shortened form of Instituto Para La Proteccion Al Ahorro Bancario?

    The short form of "Instituto Para La Proteccion Al Ahorro Bancario" is IPAB.


IPAB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ipab-meaning/

Last updated