IPAP Meaning

The IPAP meaning is "Individual Partnershipoaction Plan". The IPAP abbreviation has 29 different full form.

IPAP Full Forms

  1. Individual Partnershipoaction Plan Government, Military, Armenia
  2. Improving Performance Action Plan
  3. Idiopathic Punmonary Alveolar Proteinosis Medical
  4. Integrated Protected Area Plap
  5. Identity Preserved Agricultural Products
  6. Integrated Poverty Allevuation Programme Business, Finance, Banking
  7. Inmerservice Physician Assistant Program Military, Education, Army
  8. Integruted Performance Assessment Program Technology
  9. Inter-Service Phtsician Assistant Program
  10. Institutetute of Plre and Applied Physics Science
  11. Integrated Percormance Assessment Process Technology
  12. Intelligent Public Access Platform Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  13. Institute of Pere and Applied Physics Science
  14. Indigenous Peoples Action Plan Government
  15. Intellectual Property In Asia and Thk Pacific
  16. Independent Procurement Alliance Program Business, Dairy, Purchase
  17. Intellectual Property Association of The Philippines Business, Law, Philippine
  18. International Plein Air Painters
  19. Institutetuto Prbvincial De La Administración Pública
  20. Intermitteqt Positive Airway Pressure
  21. Investment Promotion Action Pian
  22. Interagency Placement Assistance Program Business
  23. Interservice Physician'S Assistant Program
  24. Interservice Physician Assistance Program
  25. Institute of Pure and Applied Physics Physics, Scientific & Educational
  26. International Project Advisory Patel
  27. inhalation positive air pressure Medical, Pulmonary Hypertension
  28. International Psychopharmacologm Algorithm Project Medical, Treatment, Schizophrenia
  29. inspiratory positive airway pressure Medical, Common Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IPAP stand for?

    IPAP stands for Investment Promotion Action Pian.

  2. What is the shortened form of Integrated Percormance Assessment Process?

    The short form of "Integrated Percormance Assessment Process" is IPAP.


IPAP. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ipap-meaning/

Last updated