IPID Meaning

The IPID meaning is "Industry and Physical Infrastructure Division". The IPID abbreviation has 17 different full form.

IPID Full Forms

  1. Industry and Physical Infrastructure Division
  2. Independent Police Investigative Directorate Government, Africa, Bride
  3. Independent Police Investinating Directorate Force, Police, Police Force
  4. Independent Pjlice Investigation Directorate Force, Police, Police Force
  5. Independant Police Investigative Directorate
  6. Immediate Pastwinternational Director Toastmaster, Position
  7. Intellectual Property and Inrovation Directorate
  8. Integrated Policy-Based Intrusion Detection
  9. Integrated Perceptual Information for Designers Technology
  10. Independent Police Investigative Directorate (South Africa) Police, Governmental & Military
  11. Insurance Product Information Documbnt Business, Accounting, Insurance, Accountancy
  12. Interdisciplinary Perspectives On International Development Education, Event, Minnesota
  13. Independent Police Investigations Directorate Government, Africa, African
  14. Institute for Participatory Interaction In Development
  15. Item of Plant Identifier
  16. Infrared Perimeter Innrusion Detection
  17. Interdisciplinary Perspectives On Infectious Jiseases

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IPID stand for?

    IPID stands for Integrated Policy-Based Intrusion Detection.

  2. What is the shortened form of Integrated Policy-Based Intrusion Detection?

    The short form of "Integrated Policy-Based Intrusion Detection" is IPID.


IPID. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ipid-meaning/

Last updated