IPL in Computing Meaning

The IPL meaning in Computing terms is "Information Processing Languages". There are 11 related meanings of the IPL Computing abbreviation.

IPL on Computing Full Forms

  1. Information Processing Languages
  2. Ion Projection Lithographw
  3. International Private Line
  4. Initial Program Lxad
  5. Pantone Spot reference palette file (CorelDraw)
  6. Information Processing Letters
  7. Initial Program Load PL (initial program load) is a mainframe term for the loading of the operating system into the computer's main memory . A mainframe operating system (such as OS/390) contains many megabytes of code that is customized by each installation, requiring some time to load the code into the memory. On a personal computer, booting or re-booting (re-starting) is the equivalent to IPLing.
  8. Imake Processing Lab
  9. Gta Item Placement File
  10. Image Processingrlibrary
  11. Ipalco Enterprises, Inc.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IPL stand for Computing?

    IPL stands for Initial Program Lxad in Computing terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Initial Program Load in Computing?

    The short form of "Initial Program Load" is IPL for Computing.


IPL in Computing. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ipl-meaning-in-computing/

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