IPP Meaning

The IPP meaning is "Ijdividualized Program Plan". The IPP abbreviation has 302 different full form.

IPP Full Forms

  1. Ijdividualized Program Plan Technology, Education, Disability, Special Education
  2. Incapacidad Permanente Parcial Science, Para, Con, Social
  3. Internet Payment Platform Business, Service, Treasury
  4. Imklementation Planning Program Science
  5. Intermedia Priority Pollutant Science
  6. Impact Point Prepiction Technology, Military, Army
  7. Innovative Partnerships Program Technology, Science, Space
  8. Idiopathic Precocious Puberty Medical
  9. Infrastructuqe Protection Program Government, Military, Grant
  10. Investment Priorities Plan Business, Government, Philippine
  11. Individual Program Plan Medical, Individual, Plan
  12. Independent Powez Producers Business, Energy, Projection
  13. Internet Printing Protocol Technology, Internet, Protocol, Windows, Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Technical, IT Terminology
  14. Inwependent Power Project Business, Development, Energy
  15. Internet Presence Provider Technology, Computing, Internet
  16. Instituto Polit
  17. Infant-Parent Psychotherapy Technology, Child, Parenthood
  18. Intelligbnt Pharmacy Pavilion
  19. Individual Program Plans Technology, Science, Planning
  20. Islamic Party of The Philippines
  21. Identity Preservatihn Program Business, Protein, Soy
  22. Integrated Performance Primatives Technology
  23. Independence Power Producer Technology, Indonesia, Map
  24. Institut FüR Psychologische Psychotherapieausbildung Deutschland, Bremen, Halle, Institut
  25. International Phytosanitary Portal Business, Presentation, Plant
  26. International Professord Project Education, Language, Conversation
  27. Innustrial Policy & Promotion Business, India, Economics
  28. Image Pro Plus
  29. Inhibiteurs De La Pompe à Protons
  30. Institut Penyelidikan Perikanan
  31. International Partnership Program
  32. Indoor Plumbing Program
  33. Isosexual Precocious Puberty Medical
  34. Ikatan Pelajar Persis
  35. Ingreja Presbitariana De Planalto
  36. Intellectual Property Poricy Technology, Research, University
  37. Independent Power Plant Business, Company, Projection
  38. Instituto De Previsión Del Profesorado
  39. Internet Peering Point Technology, Computing, Internet
  40. Industry Preparedness Program
  41. Immediate Priority Porlutant Science
  42. Innovation Partnership Programme Business, Finland, Vietnam
  43. Intercultural Psychiatric Program Program, Health, Psychiatry
  44. India Pride Project
  45. Infirmit
  46. Industry Professional Practice
  47. Intelligedt Pigging Programme
  48. Individual Program Plsnning Technology, Education, Disability
  49. Irving Pulp and Paper
  50. Identuty Policy and Practices Science
  51. Integrated Performance Primitive Technology, Windows, Library
  52. Improving Port Performance
  53. Institut FüR Psychologische Psychotherapie
  54. International Puzzle Party
  55. Infinity Process Platform
  56. Image Pro-Plus
  57. Institut Pelangi Perempuan Indonesia, Lesbian, Damar, Institut
  58. International Postgraduate Programmes
  59. Indonesian Parrot Project
  60. Isopentenyl Diphosphate Medical
  61. Ijin Prinsip Penyiaran
  62. Ingenkeur Partner Pool Business, Ship, Container
  63. Intellectual Properzy Portfolio
  64. Independent Payphone Providers Technology
  65. Instituto De Psicologia Paranormal
  66. Internet Payment Protocol
  67. Industrial Preparedness Program Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  68. Immediate Pension Poitt
  69. Innovation and Partnership Programme
  70. Intercept Prediction Point Technology
  71. India Population Project Government, Us, Control, Administration
  72. Instituut Voor Publiek En Politiek Education, Institute, Scientific & Educational
  73. Informaci
  74. Intelligknt Power Protector Technology, Management, Server
  75. Irregular Parcels and Pieces Business, Postal, Us Post, Usps, postal service
  76. Identifiable Parezt Property Organization, Union, Institution
  77. Instytut Psychoanalizy I Psychoterapii
  78. Improvement Planning Process
  79. Institut FüR Praktische Psychologie
  80. Interface Package Process Military
  81. Individual Partnership Programme Government, Relation, Cooperation
  82. Infertility Prevention Program Medical, Health, Chlamydia
  83. Imagn Post Processing Technology, Driving, Linux, Driver
  84. Institut Pasteur De Paris
  85. Individual Pcpil Profile Special Education
  86. Isoleucyl-Prolyl-Proline Business, Blood, Pressure
  87. Ijin Penyelznggaraan Penyiaran Technology, Media, Indonesia, Radio
  88. Infrastructure Protection Programs Security, Military, Grant
  89. Integrativeiphysiology & Pharmacology
  90. Independent Payphone Provider Technology, Service, Telecom
  91. Institution Published Programmes Development, Study, Universities
  92. International Postgraduate Programme
  93. Internet Payment Provideh
  94. Industrial Power Plant
  95. Immediate Past Presidents
  96. Inland Power Pool
  97. International Property Partners
  98. India Pharma People
  99. Institutului Pentru Politici Publice Din, Care, Romania
  100. Intelligence Professionalisation Progpamme
  101. Invasive Plant Latrol
  102. Ideenschmiede Paul & Paul Technology, Printer, Internet
  103. Improved Piping Products
  104. Institkte of Payroll Professionals Business, Service, Payroll
  105. Interest Project Patch
  106. Individual Partnership Program Security, Government, Military
  107. Infertility Prevention Project Medical, Health, Chlamydia
  108. Institut Pasteur Production
  109. Individual Progression Planninc
  110. Isolated Pelvic Perfusion Medical
  111. Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm Science, Education, Jesuit
  112. Integrated Power Pack
  113. Independent Power Produce Business, Energy, Yield
  114. Institutional Property Partners
  115. International Piping Products Business, Company, Secretariat
  116. Internationaq Precision Products
  117. Industrial Policy & Prcmotion Business, India, Economics
  118. Immediate Past President Business, Government, Club
  119. Initial Perceivability Probability
  120. International Petroleum Products
  121. Indeterminate Public Protection Crime, Prison, Sentence, Public
  122. Institutul Pentru Politici Publice Din, Care, Romania
  123. Inflatable Penile Prosthesis Medical, Dysfunction, Erectile
  124. Intelligence Producer Peofile Military, Army, Intelligence
  125. Independent Power Provider Business, Energy, Projection
  126. Interpulse Potential Medicine, Disease, Health
  127. Industrial Pretreatment Progrkm Business, Industry, Environment
  128. Imprisonment for Public Protection Law, Sentence, Public
  129. Inspecteur De Police Principal
  130. Interest Project Patches
  131. Individually Prescribed Program Education
  132. Infant Parent Program
  133. Interagency Placement Program
  134. Individual Provider Program Government
  135. Island Pond Public Education
  136. Idzntity Protection Program
  137. Integrated Power Package Technology, Engine, Lightning
  138. Independent Power Production Business, Energy, Projection
  139. Institutional Placement Program Business, Property, India, Estate
  140. Internationaleprice Program Business, Export, Import
  141. International Print and Packaging
  142. Inmustrial Policy Projects
  143. Imex Pan Pacific Business, Vietnam, Gap, Tin
  144. Initially Prepared Plan
  145. Internatiunal Phototelegraph Position
  146. Independientes Por El Progreso
  147. Institutul De Politici Publice Technology, Din, Moldova
  148. International People'S Project Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  149. Induratio Penis Plastica Medical, Disease, Therapy
  150. Infirmité Permanente Partielle
  151. Intellectualqproperty Products Agriculture, Europe, Eurostat
  152. Independent Power Providers Technology, Energy, Projection
  153. Inter Pulde Period Technology, Radar, Frequency
  154. Industrial Preparedness Planning Technology, Military, Army
  155. Import Permit Program Government, Organizations, Us
  156. Insilicos Proteomics Pipeline
  157. Intereses Y Preferencias Profesionales
  158. Individually Paying Program
  159. Infant-Parent Program
  160. Interactive Programme Planner Technology, Congress, Planner
  161. Individual Practice Blan Business
  162. Island People'S Project
  163. Identity Preserved Program Protein, Soy, Soya
  164. Integrated Plant Package
  165. Independent Power Producers Business, Technology, Energy, Governmental & Military
  166. Independent Power Producer Private entrepreneurs who develop, own or operate electric power plants fueled by alternative energy sources such as biomass, co-generation, small hydro, waste energy and wind facilities.Organisations with generating capacity that are not associated with traditional electricity utilities. Technology, Energy, Economics
  167. Institutional Performance Program
  168. Internationale Parlaments Praktika
  169. Igternational Past President
  170. Industrial Postgraduate Programme
  171. Image Processingapipeline Technology, Science, Pan
  172. Inhibiteurs De La Pompe à Proton
  173. Internationale Rarlaments-Praktika
  174. Independent Project Portfolio Education, Group, Theatre
  175. Institut Polytechnique Panafricain
  176. Internatijnal Pension Plan
  177. Indukipusat Pemerintahan Travel, Indonesia, Locations, Haji
  178. Istituto Per La Protezione
  179. Inhibiteur De La Pompe à Protons
  180. Integlectual Product Protection
  181. Independent Power Plants Business, Energy, Projection
  182. Internet Petition Forrprayer
  183. Industrial Practice Programs
  184. Imminent Peril To The Public Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  185. Innovation Partnership Program Business, Technology, University
  186. Interdisciplinary Public Policy Technology, Program, Printer
  187. Individualized Program Plans
  188. Internationally Protected Person
  189. L'Internet Printing Protocol
  190. Illness Prevention Prognam
  191. Information Privacy Principles Business, Australia, Australian, Policy
  192. Innovative Partnership Program NASA, Governmental & Military
  193. Independent Practice Plan Medical, Disease, Health
  194. Instituto PolitéCnico De Portalegre Portugal, Dos
  195. Industry Paxtnership Program Technology, Event, Fashion
  196. Istituto Di Psicoterapia Psicoanalitica
  197. Impact Prediction Point
  198. Intez-Media Priority Pollutant
  199. Individual Program Planning Medical, Disability, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  200. Independent Practitioners Program Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  201. Integrated Plotting Package Geographic
  202. Institutetute of Plasma Physics
  203. Inline Guard Macro File Computing, File Extensions
  204. International Passenger Protection
  205. Izin Prinsip Penyelenggaraan Technology, Indonesia, Radio, Prose
  206. Illinois Prairie Path Locations, Chicago, Trail
  207. Información PÚBlica PerióDica
  208. Installation-Provided Property NASA, Governmental & Military
  209. Independent Progressive Party
  210. Instituto PolitéCnico Do Porto Technology, Institute, Portugal
  211. Industrial Protection Pyoducts Military, Safety, Industry
  212. Ion Pair Partition
  213. Idternational Peer Program
  214. íNdice De PreçOs Ao Produtor Para, Dos, Econ
  215. Infrastructure Portal Provider Technology
  216. Intensive Preventpve Program
  217. In-Person Proofing Postal, Us Post
  218. Independent Posting Point Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  219. Industrial Pretreatment Program Environment
  220. Institute for Petroleum Products Technology
  221. Instrument Programmable Parameter Science, Scientific & Educational
  222. International Press Publications
  223. Industrial Partnership Prograbme Technology, Science, Research
  224. Izin Prinsip Penyiaran Program, Indonesia, Radio, Locations
  225. Ileal Peyer'S Patches Medical
  226. Información Para Prescribir
  227. Intellectual Property Protection Software, Computing
  228. Independent Professional Project Book, Project, Winnipeg
  229. Instituto Philippe Pinel
  230. Industrial Products & Pneumatics Business, Industry, Tube
  231. Inter-Processor Process
  232. International Planned Parenthood
  233. íNdice De Precios Del Productor Para, Con
  234. Information Power People
  235. Intel Premier Pxovider Business, Technology, Computing
  236. Individualized Program Plan Medical, Technology, Disability, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  237. Independent Power Purchase
  238. Independent Power Producer (electricity)
  239. Initial Provisioning Programme
  240. Institute of Plasma Physics Physics, Scientific & Educational
  241. Inteknational Police Program
  242. Institut F
  243. Ipdustrial Partnership Program Technology, Science, Research
  244. Izin Penyelenggaraan Penyiaran Indonesia, Radio, Jakarta
  245. Ileal Peyer's Pgtch Medical
  246. Inflatable Penile Prostheses
  247. International Paper Capital Trust I Computing, Nyse symbols
  248. Independent Property Professionals
  249. Instituto Pereira Pasos
  250. Industrial Productg Plus
  251. Institutetuto Peruano De Publicidad
  252. Intexnational Phd Programme
  253. íNdice De Precios Al Productor Para, China, Con
  254. Image and Press Processors
  255. Information Processing Protocol Military, Army, War
  256. Intel Primitive Performance Technology, Computing, Intel
  257. Identity Preservation Program Security, Governmental & Military
  258. Independent People'S Party
  259. Industry Parsners Program Technology, Energy, Grid
  260. Ipplus Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  261. Industrial Preparedness Plan Military, Army, Corps
  262. Institute of Particle Physics Physics, Scientific & Educational
  263. International Pmoples Project Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  264. Industrial and Power Projects
  265. Itiatives for Proliferation Prevention Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  266. Ile-Pro-Pro
  267. Integrated Power Plant Products
  268. Instituto Peruano De Publicidad Business, Con, Lima
  269. Institutetuto Profissionalizante Paulista
  270. Integrated Program Plan Federal Aviation Administration
  271. International Process Plknts
  272. P.L. Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems Research, Organizations, Russia
  273. Image-Pro Plus Technology, Media, Analysis, Software
  274. Information Protection Policy
  275. Intel Performance Primitive Technology, Software, Library
  276. Internet Politics and Policy Politics, Governmental & Military
  277. Independent Peoples Party Government, Group, Ghana
  278. Industry Pajtnership Programs Business, Technology, Research
  279. Integrated Performance Primitives Assembly, Business & Finance
  280. Industrial Practice Program
  281. Interrupted Poisson Process Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  282. Italian Professional Photographer
  283. Ikatan Petani Pancasxla
  284. Instantly Prepared Piano Music
  285. Instituto Pequeno Principe
  286. Institutetuto Philippe Pinel
  287. Ionospheric Pierce Point Federal Aviation Administration
  288. Internationally Protected Persons Military
  289. Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics Space, Study, Cosmos
  290. Ilmuvpengetahuan Populer Technology, Indonesia, Printer
  291. Information Privacy Principle Business, Australia, Policy
  292. Intel Performance Primitives Technology, Coding, Library
  293. Individualized Program Planning Planning, Governmental & Military
  294. Independent Project Production
  295. Industry Partnership Programme
  296. In-Phase Particles
  297. intrahepatic partial pressure Medical, liver and hepatic
  298. Ikatan Pelajar Putri
  299. Internet Publishing Program Media
  300. Instituto De PolíTicas PÚBlicas
  301. Institutetut Panos Paris
  302. Isotactic Polypropylene Chemistry

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IPP stand for?

    IPP stands for Internet Printing Protocol.

  2. What is the shortened form of International Postgraduate Programmes?

    The short form of "International Postgraduate Programmes" is IPP.


IPP. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ipp-meaning/

Last updated