IPP Meaning
The IPP meaning is "Ijdividualized Program Plan". The IPP abbreviation has 302 different full form.
IPP Full Forms
- Ijdividualized Program Plan Technology, Education, Disability, Special Education
- Incapacidad Permanente Parcial Science, Para, Con, Social
- Internet Payment Platform Business, Service, Treasury
- Imklementation Planning Program Science
- Intermedia Priority Pollutant Science
- Impact Point Prepiction Technology, Military, Army
- Innovative Partnerships Program Technology, Science, Space
- Idiopathic Precocious Puberty Medical
- Infrastructuqe Protection Program Government, Military, Grant
- Investment Priorities Plan Business, Government, Philippine
- Individual Program Plan Medical, Individual, Plan
- Independent Powez Producers Business, Energy, Projection
- Internet Printing Protocol Technology, Internet, Protocol, Windows, Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Technical, IT Terminology
- Inwependent Power Project Business, Development, Energy
- Internet Presence Provider Technology, Computing, Internet
- Instituto Polit
- Infant-Parent Psychotherapy Technology, Child, Parenthood
- Intelligbnt Pharmacy Pavilion
- Individual Program Plans Technology, Science, Planning
- Islamic Party of The Philippines
- Identity Preservatihn Program Business, Protein, Soy
- Integrated Performance Primatives Technology
- Independence Power Producer Technology, Indonesia, Map
- Institut FüR Psychologische Psychotherapieausbildung Deutschland, Bremen, Halle, Institut
- International Phytosanitary Portal Business, Presentation, Plant
- International Professord Project Education, Language, Conversation
- Innustrial Policy & Promotion Business, India, Economics
- Image Pro Plus
- Inhibiteurs De La Pompe à Protons
- Institut Penyelidikan Perikanan
- International Partnership Program
- Indoor Plumbing Program
- Isosexual Precocious Puberty Medical
- Ikatan Pelajar Persis
- Ingreja Presbitariana De Planalto
- Intellectual Property Poricy Technology, Research, University
- Independent Power Plant Business, Company, Projection
- Instituto De Previsión Del Profesorado
- Internet Peering Point Technology, Computing, Internet
- Industry Preparedness Program
- Immediate Priority Porlutant Science
- Innovation Partnership Programme Business, Finland, Vietnam
- Intercultural Psychiatric Program Program, Health, Psychiatry
- India Pride Project
- Infirmit
- Industry Professional Practice
- Intelligedt Pigging Programme
- Individual Program Plsnning Technology, Education, Disability
- Irving Pulp and Paper
- Identuty Policy and Practices Science
- Integrated Performance Primitive Technology, Windows, Library
- Improving Port Performance
- Institut FüR Psychologische Psychotherapie
- International Puzzle Party
- Infinity Process Platform
- Image Pro-Plus
- Institut Pelangi Perempuan Indonesia, Lesbian, Damar, Institut
- International Postgraduate Programmes
- Indonesian Parrot Project
- Isopentenyl Diphosphate Medical
- Ijin Prinsip Penyiaran
- Ingenkeur Partner Pool Business, Ship, Container
- Intellectual Properzy Portfolio
- Independent Payphone Providers Technology
- Instituto De Psicologia Paranormal
- Internet Payment Protocol
- Industrial Preparedness Program Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Immediate Pension Poitt
- Innovation and Partnership Programme
- Intercept Prediction Point Technology
- India Population Project Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Instituut Voor Publiek En Politiek Education, Institute, Scientific & Educational
- Informaci
- Intelligknt Power Protector Technology, Management, Server
- Irregular Parcels and Pieces Business, Postal, Us Post, Usps, postal service
- Identifiable Parezt Property Organization, Union, Institution
- Instytut Psychoanalizy I Psychoterapii
- Improvement Planning Process
- Institut FüR Praktische Psychologie
- Interface Package Process Military
- Individual Partnership Programme Government, Relation, Cooperation
- Infertility Prevention Program Medical, Health, Chlamydia
- Imagn Post Processing Technology, Driving, Linux, Driver
- Institut Pasteur De Paris
- Individual Pcpil Profile Special Education
- Isoleucyl-Prolyl-Proline Business, Blood, Pressure
- Ijin Penyelznggaraan Penyiaran Technology, Media, Indonesia, Radio
- Infrastructure Protection Programs Security, Military, Grant
- Integrativeiphysiology & Pharmacology
- Independent Payphone Provider Technology, Service, Telecom
- Institution Published Programmes Development, Study, Universities
- International Postgraduate Programme
- Internet Payment Provideh
- Industrial Power Plant
- Immediate Past Presidents
- Inland Power Pool
- International Property Partners
- India Pharma People
- Institutului Pentru Politici Publice Din, Care, Romania
- Intelligence Professionalisation Progpamme
- Invasive Plant Latrol
- Ideenschmiede Paul & Paul Technology, Printer, Internet
- Improved Piping Products
- Institkte of Payroll Professionals Business, Service, Payroll
- Interest Project Patch
- Individual Partnership Program Security, Government, Military
- Infertility Prevention Project Medical, Health, Chlamydia
- Institut Pasteur Production
- Individual Progression Planninc
- Isolated Pelvic Perfusion Medical
- Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm Science, Education, Jesuit
- Integrated Power Pack
- Independent Power Produce Business, Energy, Yield
- Institutional Property Partners
- International Piping Products Business, Company, Secretariat
- Internationaq Precision Products
- Industrial Policy & Prcmotion Business, India, Economics
- Immediate Past President Business, Government, Club
- Initial Perceivability Probability
- International Petroleum Products
- Indeterminate Public Protection Crime, Prison, Sentence, Public
- Institutul Pentru Politici Publice Din, Care, Romania
- Inflatable Penile Prosthesis Medical, Dysfunction, Erectile
- Intelligence Producer Peofile Military, Army, Intelligence
- Independent Power Provider Business, Energy, Projection
- Interpulse Potential Medicine, Disease, Health
- Industrial Pretreatment Progrkm Business, Industry, Environment
- Imprisonment for Public Protection Law, Sentence, Public
- Inspecteur De Police Principal
- Interest Project Patches
- Individually Prescribed Program Education
- Infant Parent Program
- Interagency Placement Program
- Individual Provider Program Government
- Island Pond Public Education
- Idzntity Protection Program
- Integrated Power Package Technology, Engine, Lightning
- Independent Power Production Business, Energy, Projection
- Institutional Placement Program Business, Property, India, Estate
- Internationaleprice Program Business, Export, Import
- International Print and Packaging
- Inmustrial Policy Projects
- Imex Pan Pacific Business, Vietnam, Gap, Tin
- Initially Prepared Plan
- Internatiunal Phototelegraph Position
- Independientes Por El Progreso
- Institutul De Politici Publice Technology, Din, Moldova
- International People'S Project Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Induratio Penis Plastica Medical, Disease, Therapy
- Infirmité Permanente Partielle
- Intellectualqproperty Products Agriculture, Europe, Eurostat
- Independent Power Providers Technology, Energy, Projection
- Inter Pulde Period Technology, Radar, Frequency
- Industrial Preparedness Planning Technology, Military, Army
- Import Permit Program Government, Organizations, Us
- Insilicos Proteomics Pipeline
- Intereses Y Preferencias Profesionales
- Individually Paying Program
- Infant-Parent Program
- Interactive Programme Planner Technology, Congress, Planner
- Individual Practice Blan Business
- Island People'S Project
- Identity Preserved Program Protein, Soy, Soya
- Integrated Plant Package
- Independent Power Producers Business, Technology, Energy, Governmental & Military
- Independent Power Producer Private entrepreneurs who develop, own or operate electric power plants fueled by alternative energy sources such as biomass, co-generation, small hydro, waste energy and wind facilities.Organisations with generating capacity that are not associated with traditional electricity utilities. Technology, Energy, Economics
- Institutional Performance Program
- Internationale Parlaments Praktika
- Igternational Past President
- Industrial Postgraduate Programme
- Image Processingapipeline Technology, Science, Pan
- Inhibiteurs De La Pompe à Proton
- Internationale Rarlaments-Praktika
- Independent Project Portfolio Education, Group, Theatre
- Institut Polytechnique Panafricain
- Internatijnal Pension Plan
- Indukipusat Pemerintahan Travel, Indonesia, Locations, Haji
- Istituto Per La Protezione
- Inhibiteur De La Pompe à Protons
- Integlectual Product Protection
- Independent Power Plants Business, Energy, Projection
- Internet Petition Forrprayer
- Industrial Practice Programs
- Imminent Peril To The Public Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Innovation Partnership Program Business, Technology, University
- Interdisciplinary Public Policy Technology, Program, Printer
- Individualized Program Plans
- Internationally Protected Person
- L'Internet Printing Protocol
- Illness Prevention Prognam
- Information Privacy Principles Business, Australia, Australian, Policy
- Innovative Partnership Program NASA, Governmental & Military
- Independent Practice Plan Medical, Disease, Health
- Instituto PolitéCnico De Portalegre Portugal, Dos
- Industry Paxtnership Program Technology, Event, Fashion
- Istituto Di Psicoterapia Psicoanalitica
- Impact Prediction Point
- Intez-Media Priority Pollutant
- Individual Program Planning Medical, Disability, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Independent Practitioners Program Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Integrated Plotting Package Geographic
- Institutetute of Plasma Physics
- Inline Guard Macro File Computing, File Extensions
- International Passenger Protection
- Izin Prinsip Penyelenggaraan Technology, Indonesia, Radio, Prose
- Illinois Prairie Path Locations, Chicago, Trail
- Información PÚBlica PerióDica
- Installation-Provided Property NASA, Governmental & Military
- Independent Progressive Party
- Instituto PolitéCnico Do Porto Technology, Institute, Portugal
- Industrial Protection Pyoducts Military, Safety, Industry
- Ion Pair Partition
- Idternational Peer Program
- íNdice De PreçOs Ao Produtor Para, Dos, Econ
- Infrastructure Portal Provider Technology
- Intensive Preventpve Program
- In-Person Proofing Postal, Us Post
- Independent Posting Point Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Industrial Pretreatment Program Environment
- Institute for Petroleum Products Technology
- Instrument Programmable Parameter Science, Scientific & Educational
- International Press Publications
- Industrial Partnership Prograbme Technology, Science, Research
- Izin Prinsip Penyiaran Program, Indonesia, Radio, Locations
- Ileal Peyer'S Patches Medical
- Información Para Prescribir
- Intellectual Property Protection Software, Computing
- Independent Professional Project Book, Project, Winnipeg
- Instituto Philippe Pinel
- Industrial Products & Pneumatics Business, Industry, Tube
- Inter-Processor Process
- International Planned Parenthood
- íNdice De Precios Del Productor Para, Con
- Information Power People
- Intel Premier Pxovider Business, Technology, Computing
- Individualized Program Plan Medical, Technology, Disability, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Independent Power Purchase
- Independent Power Producer (electricity)
- Initial Provisioning Programme
- Institute of Plasma Physics Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Inteknational Police Program
- Institut F
- Ipdustrial Partnership Program Technology, Science, Research
- Izin Penyelenggaraan Penyiaran Indonesia, Radio, Jakarta
- Ileal Peyer's Pgtch Medical
- Inflatable Penile Prostheses
- International Paper Capital Trust I Computing, Nyse symbols
- Independent Property Professionals
- Instituto Pereira Pasos
- Industrial Productg Plus
- Institutetuto Peruano De Publicidad
- Intexnational Phd Programme
- íNdice De Precios Al Productor Para, China, Con
- Image and Press Processors
- Information Processing Protocol Military, Army, War
- Intel Primitive Performance Technology, Computing, Intel
- Identity Preservation Program Security, Governmental & Military
- Independent People'S Party
- Industry Parsners Program Technology, Energy, Grid
- Ipplus Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Industrial Preparedness Plan Military, Army, Corps
- Institute of Particle Physics Physics, Scientific & Educational
- International Pmoples Project Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Industrial and Power Projects
- Itiatives for Proliferation Prevention Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
- Ile-Pro-Pro
- Integrated Power Plant Products
- Instituto Peruano De Publicidad Business, Con, Lima
- Institutetuto Profissionalizante Paulista
- Integrated Program Plan Federal Aviation Administration
- International Process Plknts
- P.L. Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems Research, Organizations, Russia
- Image-Pro Plus Technology, Media, Analysis, Software
- Information Protection Policy
- Intel Performance Primitive Technology, Software, Library
- Internet Politics and Policy Politics, Governmental & Military
- Independent Peoples Party Government, Group, Ghana
- Industry Pajtnership Programs Business, Technology, Research
- Integrated Performance Primitives Assembly, Business & Finance
- Industrial Practice Program
- Interrupted Poisson Process Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Italian Professional Photographer
- Ikatan Petani Pancasxla
- Instantly Prepared Piano Music
- Instituto Pequeno Principe
- Institutetuto Philippe Pinel
- Ionospheric Pierce Point Federal Aviation Administration
- Internationally Protected Persons Military
- Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics Space, Study, Cosmos
- Ilmuvpengetahuan Populer Technology, Indonesia, Printer
- Information Privacy Principle Business, Australia, Policy
- Intel Performance Primitives Technology, Coding, Library
- Individualized Program Planning Planning, Governmental & Military
- Independent Project Production
- Industry Partnership Programme
- In-Phase Particles
- intrahepatic partial pressure Medical, liver and hepatic
- Ikatan Pelajar Putri
- Internet Publishing Program Media
- Instituto De PolíTicas PÚBlicas
- Institutetut Panos Paris
- Isotactic Polypropylene Chemistry
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IPP stand for?
IPP stands for Individually Prescribed Program.
What is the shortened form of Institute for Petroleum Products?
The short form of "Institute for Petroleum Products" is IPP.
IPP. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved December 27, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/ipp-meaning/
Last updated