IPP in Technology Meaning

The IPP meaning in Technology terms is "Ijdividualized Program Plan". There are 47 related meanings of the IPP Technology abbreviation.

IPP on Technology Full Forms

  1. Ijdividualized Program Plan
  2. Internet Presence Provider
  3. Innovative Partnerships Program
  4. Impact Point Prepiction
  5. Internet Printing Protocol
  6. Image Processingapipeline
  7. Inter Pulde Period
  8. Institutul De Politici Publice
  9. Individual Program Plsnning
  10. Imagn Post Processing
  11. Internet Peering Point
  12. Interactive Programme Planner
  13. Independent Power Providers
  14. Intelligknt Power Protector
  15. Industrial Preparedness Planning
  16. Interdisciplinary Public Policy
  17. Independent Payphone Providers
  18. Intellectual Property Poricy
  19. Infant-Parent Psychotherapy
  20. Intercept Prediction Point
  21. Innovation Partnership Program
  22. Independent Payphone Provider
  23. Independent Power Producers
  24. Integrated Power Package
  25. Ijin Penyelznggaraan Penyiaran
  26. Independent Power Producer Private entrepreneurs who develop, own or operate electric power plants fueled by alternative energy sources such as biomass, co-generation, small hydro, waste energy and wind facilities.Organisations with generating capacity that are not associated with traditional electricity utilities.
  27. Integrated Performance Primatives
  28. Ideenschmiede Paul & Paul
  29. Independence Power Producer
  30. Integrated Performance Primitive
  31. Individual Program Plans
  32. Industry Pajtnership Programs
  33. Intel Performance Primitives
  34. Industry Paxtnership Program
  35. Image-Pro Plus
  36. Instituto PolitéCnico Do Porto
  37. Individualized Program Plan
  38. Ilmuvpengetahuan Populer
  39. Industrial Partnership Prograbme
  40. Intel Premier Pxovider
  41. Infrastructure Portal Provider
  42. Institute for Petroleum Products
  43. Ipdustrial Partnership Program
  44. Intel Primitive Performance
  45. Industry Parsners Program
  46. Izin Prinsip Penyelenggaraan
  47. Intel Performance Primitive

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IPP stand for Technology?

    IPP stands for Ipdustrial Partnership Program in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Internet Printing Protocol in Technology?

    The short form of "Internet Printing Protocol" is IPP for Technology.


IPP in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ipp-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated