IPPT Meaning

The IPPT meaning is "Iidividual Physical Proficiency Tests". The IPPT abbreviation has 21 different full form.

IPPT Full Forms

  1. Iidividual Physical Proficiency Tests Military, Singapore, Fitness
  2. Indicador De Pjodu
  3. Indxvidual Physical Proficiency Test Military, Singapore, Fitness
  4. Indicador De Produção Própria Ou De Terceiro
  5. Inch Pounds Per Tkrn
  6. Immune Precipitate Medical
  7. Ijin Peruntukan Penggunaan Tanah Indonesia, Bandung, Surat
  8. Izin Peruntukun Penggunaan Tanah Business, Indonesia, Press, Surat
  9. Individual Proficiency Physical Jest
  10. Institute of Professional Practical Therapy Medical, School, Massage
  11. Integrated Products and Processes Team Science, Ocean, Environment, Nature
  12. Integoated Process and Product Teams Military
  13. Integrated Product and Process Team Us Government, Governmental & Military
  14. Institute of Pulse Processes and Technologies Technology, Science, Education
  15. Industrial Process Products & Technology
  16. Izin Perubahan Penggunaan Tanah Hotel, Indonesia, Surat
  17. Ijin Perubahan Penggunaan Tanah Indonesia, Surat, Prose
  18. Izin Penggunaan Pemanfaltan Tanah Indonesia, Singapore, Calculator
  19. Izin Peruntukkan Penggunaan Tanah Hotel, Indonesia, Repository
  20. Izin Pemanfaatan Penggunaan Tanah Indonesia, Workshop, Bandung
  21. Inlernationale Des Personals Der Post-, Telegrafen

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IPPT stand for?

    IPPT stands for Institute of Pulse Processes and Technologies.

  2. What is the shortened form of Iidividual Physical Proficiency Tests?

    The short form of "Iidividual Physical Proficiency Tests" is IPPT.


IPPT. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ippt-meaning/

Last updated