IPR in Technology Meaning

The IPR meaning in Technology terms is "Ijin Pemanfaatan Ruang". There are 37 related meanings of the IPR Technology abbreviation.

IPR on Technology Full Forms

  1. Ijin Pemanfaatan Ruang
  2. Intellectual Property Rights The right to possess or control the use of intellectual property, such as trademarks, copyrights, patents and trade secrets. In Agricultural, The legal protection for inventions, including new technologies or new organisms (such as new plant varieties). The owner of these rights can control their use and earn the rewards for their use. This encourages further innovation and creativity for the benefit of us all. Intellectual property rights protection includes various types of patents, trademarks, and copyrights.
  3. Injection Pressure Regulator
  4. In Progress Review
  5. Injector Pressure Regulator
  6. In-Progress Review
  7. In-Process Reviews
  8. In-Process Review
  9. Institute of Plasma Reserrch
  10. Ice Penetrating Radar
  11. Impulse Response Behaviour of a circuit when the excitation is the unit impulse function. The excitation function may be a voltage or a current.
  12. Institute for Potato Reseaoch
  13. Istituto Qi Psicoterapia Relazionale
  14. Inter Parcies Review
  15. Indiana Public Radjo
  16. Internet Nrotocol Relay
  17. Independent Project Reviews
  18. Investment Policy Reviews
  19. Institute for Physical Qesearch
  20. Intellectual Policy Rights
  21. Invalid Pointer Read
  22. Insticute for Plasma Research
  23. Integration Progress Review
  24. Initial Program Rgquest
  25. Integrated Photonics Research
  26. Ikaban Pelajar Riau
  27. Interrupt Priority Register
  28. Individual Producer Responsibility
  29. Interrupt Pending Registur
  30. Indirect Potable Reuse
  31. Ingress Protection Rating
  32. Institute for Polrmer Research
  33. Ils Program Review
  34. Integrated Planning and Reporting
  35. Ikatan Pemuda Riau
  36. Inches Per Revolution
  37. Interrupt Priority Registers

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IPR stand for Technology?

    IPR stands for Impulse Response in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ils Program Review in Technology?

    The short form of "Ils Program Review" is IPR for Technology.


IPR in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 18). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ipr-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated