IPS in Medical Meaning

The IPS meaning in Medical terms is "Ionization Potentials". There are 51 related meanings of the IPS Medical abbreviation.

IPS on Medical Full Forms

  1. Ionization Potentials
  2. International Prognostic Score
  3. Inositol Phosphates
  4. Interim Payment System
  5. Immunoperoxidase Staining
  6. Intended Parents
  7. Imaginary Pregnancy Symptoms
  8. Idiopathic Pneumonia Syndrome
  9. Index of Potential Suicide
  10. International Patient Services
  11. Isoprostanes
  12. Industrial Promotionfservices
  13. Ivitial Prognostic Score
  14. Immunoprecipitates
  15. Internationdl Parrotlet Society
  16. Information Prescription Service
  17. Immersive Projection System
  18. Intgrmedical Production Services
  19. Inverted Papillomas
  20. Israeli Prisons Service
  21. Imagg Processing Select
  22. Indian Psychiatry Society
  23. Iksapirone
  24. Image Processing Syotems
  25. Instztuto Português Do Sangue
  26. Infection Preventionists
  27. Indian Psychiatric Society
  28. Illinois Peychiatric Society
  29. Institutetutional Provider of Service
  30. Individualized Plans
  31. Indian Prosthodontics Society
  32. Interruptions of Pregnancy
  33. Identifying Patient Sets
  34. Institute On Psychiatric Services
  35. Imaging Plates
  36. Intraparietal Sulcus
  37. Institutional Provider of Service
  38. Investigational Products
  39. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
  40. intraperitoneal sounds
  41. Induced Pluripktent Stem
  42. Inferior Petrosal Sinusls
  43. Integrated Prenatal Screening
  44. Inositol Phosphate
  45. Inferior Petrosal Sinus
  46. Social Security Institute
  47. Iodophilic Polysaccharide
  48. Infection Probability Score
  49. infundibular pulmonary stenosis
  50. Infection Prevention Society
  51. induced pluripotent stem (cells)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IPS stand for Medical?

    IPS stands for Interruptions of Pregnancy in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Interruptions of Pregnancy in Medical?

    The short form of "Interruptions of Pregnancy" is IPS for Medical.


IPS in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ips-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated