IPS in NASA Meaning

The IPS meaning in NASA terms is "Interface Problem Sheets". There are 48 related meanings of the IPS NASA abbreviation.

IPS on NASA Full Forms

  1. Interface Problem Sheets
  2. Integral Rocket Ramiet
  3. Ir Spectinfrared Spectrometer
  4. Inches Per Second
  5. Inside Radius
  6. Interrange Instrumentation Group
  7. Irinclination of The Ascending Return
  8. Infrared  Electromagnetic radiation of wavelengths between 7500 A, the limit of the visible light spectrum at the red end, and centimetric radio waves. 
  9. Ipt In-Plant Tranrporter
  10. Irig Inirtial Rate Integrating Gyro
  11. Iptcsinternational Pipe Thread
  12. Inner Rolligimbal
  13. International Rendezvous
  14. Ipsl Interface Problem Status Log
  15. Inertial Reference Integrating Gyro
  16. Interface Requirement List
  17. Ips International Pipe Standard
  18. Intercennecting Station
  19. Iru Inertial Reference Unit
  20. Iransatfranian Government Communicationsysatellite
  21. Irn Interface Revision Notice
  22. I Ran)
  23. Isd Instructional Systems Development (usaf)
  24. Interconnecting Station
  25. Iran Inspection and Repairs As Necessary
  26. Irme Initiator Resistance Measuring Equipment
  27. Isc Initial Software Configuration Map
  28. Instrumentation Power Subsystem
  29. Initiating Rnference Document
  30. Irl Initiating Reference Letter
  31. Irig-Binterrange Instrumentation Group B
  32. Isa Interim Stowage Assembly
  33. Instrument Pointing System (subsystem)
  34. Iris Italian Research Interim Stage
  35. Irg Inertial Rate Gyro
  36. Isinstallation Support
  37. Inner Roll Gimbal
  38. Irig Inertial Rate Integrating Gyro
  39. Ird Information Requirements Document
  40. Irv Isotope Reentry Vehicle
  41. Initiating Reference Document
  42. Inverter Power Supply
  43. Iransatfranian Government Communications Satellite (replace
  44. Irar Internal Variable
  45. Irr Inspection Rejection Report
  46. I Rtcmintegrated Real-time Contamination Monitor
  47. Lglc)o Passive Thermal Control Section
  48. Ipt In-plant Transporter

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IPS stand for NASA?

    IPS stands for Interface Requirement List in NASA terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Inches Per Second in NASA?

    The short form of "Inches Per Second" is IPS for NASA.


IPS in NASA. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ips-meaning-in-nasa/

Last updated