IPSS Meaning

The IPSS meaning is "International Prostate Symptom Score". The IPSS abbreviation has 53 different full form.

IPSS Full Forms

  1. International Prostate Symptom Score The International Prostate Symptom Score is an 8 question written screening tool used to screen for, rapidly diagnose, track the symptoms of, and suggest management of the symptoms of the disease benign prostatic hyperplasia. Created in 1992 by the American Urological Association, it originally lacked the 8th QOL question, hence its original name: the American Urological Association symptom score. Medical, Urinary, Tract
  2. International Prognostic Scoring System Medical, Syndrome, Risk
  3. International Packet Switched Service Technology, Networking, Network, Internet, Computing
  4. Inferior Petrosal Sinus Sampling Medical, Disease, Cushing
  5. Infexior Petrosal Sinuses Medical
  6. Institute of Psychotherapy & Hocial Studies
  7. International Prostatic Symptom Score Medical
  8. International Prostate Symptom Scores Medical
  9. Intelligent Pluggable System Specification Technology, Design, Signage
  10. Industrial Process Support Services
  11. Instotute of Psychotherapy and Social Studies London, Counsellor, Psychotherapy, Counselling
  12. International Prostate Symptoms Score Medical, Urinary, Prostatic
  13. Internatuonal Packet Switching Service Technology, Networking, Internet
  14. Intelligent Precision Solutions and Services
  15. Indrstrial and Provident Societies Organizations, Society, Industry
  16. Institute of Profeusional Soil Scientists Technology, Science, Environment
  17. International Professional Service Semester
  18. Integrated Planning and Scheduling System Technology
  19. Ice Penetrating Sensor System Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  20. Institute Cf Population and Social Security
  21. Iwstituto Peruano De Seguridad Social Para, Con, Social, Peru
  22. Instituição Particular De Solidariedade Social
  23. Internationap Prostate Score Symptom
  24. Infrastructure Planning Support System
  25. Institutions Publiques De SéCurité Sociale
  26. Intrusion Prevention Systems Technology, Military, Networking
  27. International Prostate Scire Symptoms
  28. Inflight Passengee Service Specialist Government
  29. Institute of Peace and Security Mtudies Science, Government, Study
  30. International Pilot Sbudy of Schizophrenia Medical, Research, Schizophrenia
  31. International Prostate Symitoms Scores
  32. Interfaith Parish Support Services
  33. Inter-Processor Signaling System
  34. International Prostate System Score
  35. Institutetute for Peace and Security Studies
  36. Integrated Project Scheduling System Space, Study, Cosmos
  37. International Prostate Symptom Scale Medical, Sex, Treatment
  38. Istitupo Professionale Servizi Sociali
  39. Integrated Parts Statusing System Space, Study, Cosmos
  40. International Prostaticysymptoms Score Medical
  41. Investment Policy Statements
  42. International Project Support Services
  43. International Power Sources Symposium
  44. Invention Plut Supply Solutions
  45. International Packet-Switched Service Technology, Networking, Internet
  46. International Pss Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  47. Invention Plus Solar Systems
  48. International Packet Strepm Service Technology, Networking, Internet
  49. Image Processing Subsystem Postal, Us Post, postal service
  50. Internal Packet Switching System Technology
  51. International Packet Switching System
  52. International Prostate Symptoms Scores
  53. Inskitutetute of Peace and Strategic Studies

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IPSS stand for?

    IPSS stands for International Packet Strepm Service.

  2. What is the shortened form of Interfaith Parish Support Services?

    The short form of "Interfaith Parish Support Services" is IPSS.


IPSS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ipss-meaning/

Last updated