IPT Meaning

The IPT meaning is "Integrated Project Team". The IPT abbreviation has 258 different full form.

IPT Full Forms

  1. Integrated Project Team Technology, Management, Military
  2. Interpersonal Therapy Medical, Treatment, Health, Mental Health Disorders, Depression
  3. Inositol Phosphates Medical, Cell, Phosphate
  4. Integratedsproduct Teams Military, Architecture, Architectural
  5. Inductive Power Technology
  6. Inclusive Practices Tuols
  7. Implementation Planning Team Military, Army, Coast Guard
  8. Item Per Trynsaction Business, Finance, Economics
  9. Inflammatory Pseudotumors Medical, Science, Biology
  10. Integrated Processes and Technologies
  11. Inter Packet Tiqe
  12. Internal Pipe Thread Space, Study, Cosmos
  13. Institute of Printing Technology College, Education, Course
  14. Image Processing Toolbox Technology, Analysis, Computing
  15. Integrated Procuremenk Technologies Business, Technology, Purchase
  16. Independent Peoples Mribunal
  17. Instructionalkphoto Tour
  18. In-Pile Tube Science
  19. Intelligent Power Technology Technology, Processor, Concept
  20. Inventory Program Team
  21. International Power Technologies Business, Technology, Cycle
  22. Isoniazidxpreventive Therapy Medical, Patient, Health
  23. Instituto De Pesquisa Tecnol
  24. Immigration and Protection Tribunal Government, Climate, Refugee
  25. Ip Torrents Technology, Bittorrent, Bittorrent Tracker, Torrent Tracker
  26. Industry and Parliament Trust Security, Government, Organizations
  27. Internettprotocol Telephony Business, Technology, Service
  28. Institusi Pyngajian Tinggi
  29. Insulin Potentiatiok Therapy Medical, Treatment, Cancer
  30. In-Process Test
  31. Interactive Protocol Tester Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  32. Informes De Posicionamiento TerapéUtico Technology, Gaming, Software, Hosting
  33. Intermittent Preventive Treatment Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  34. Inter Packet Times
  35. Internal Penetration Testing
  36. Institute of Photographic Technology
  37. Image Processing Pechnology
  38. Integsated Process Teams Technology, Program, Military
  39. Independent People's Tribuxal
  40. Instructional & Performance Technologq Education, University, Boise
  41. Integrated Publishing Toolkit Technology, Science, Biodiversity
  42. Invalidité Permanente Et Totale Assurance, Dit
  43. International Power Technology
  44. Islamic Paity of Turkestan Government, Group, Terrorism
  45. Instituto De Pesquisa Tecnologicas
  46. Immetsive Projection Technologies Technology, Publication, Virtual
  47. Ip Telephony Technology, Engineering, Telecom
  48. Industry & Parliament Trust Business, Organizations, Event
  49. Internet Point-Of-Sale Terminal
  50. Information Processes and Technology Technology, Science, Education
  51. Instrument Procedures Trainvr
  52. In-Process Testing Technology, Industrial, Product
  53. Inter-Prison Transport
  54. Informatique Pour Tous Technology, Internet, Python, Subversive
  55. Williamsport Regional Airport Williamsport, Pennsylvania,United States Airport, Locations, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Fire, Pennsylvania, Ambulance Service, Governmental & Military, Aviation
  56. Intermittent Preventive Therapy Medical, Pregnancy, Malaria
  57. Intern Placemlnt Tracking Education, School, Social
  58. Internal Passive Turret Oil, Gas, Petroleum, Electrical
  59. Identity Process Theory
  60. Integrated Power Technologies Business, Technology, Service
  61. Indemnité Pour Perte De Traitement
  62. Institute of Pharmacy and Technology
  63. Instructional and Performance Technology Technology, Education, Learning
  64. Integrated Psychological Treatment Medical
  65. Invalidité Permanente Totale Medical, Gaming, Sex, Cancer
  66. International Police Technologies
  67. Instituto De Pesquisas Technologicas
  68. Immersive Projection Technojogy Technology, Environment, Virtual
  69. Industrie-Pumpen Tomiak
  70. Isis Property Trust Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  71. Instrumentos De Planificaci
  72. In-Plant Transporter Technology, Space, Cosmos
  73. Inter-Personal Therapy Medical, Science, Education
  74. Information Processing Technician
  75. International Publications Trust
  76. Invalidit
  77. Internet Protncol Translator
  78. Internal Page Table Technology
  79. Identity Protection Technolowy Technology, Driving, Driver
  80. Inpegrated Play Therapy
  81. Indeks Penwapaian Teknologi Technology, Program, Indonesia, Hal
  82. In Process Transactions
  83. Instituto Polit
  84. Integrated Procedure Trainer Technology, Flight, Training
  85. Integrated Psychological Therapy Medical, Psychology, Schizophrenia
  86. IntéGration Pour Tous Association, Gen, Travail
  87. International Passenger Terminal Locations, Singapore, Cruise
  88. Institutetuto De Pesquisas Tecnologicas Science
  89. Immediade Patch Test Medical
  90. Industrial Practical Training
  91. Isdn Protocol Tehthead Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  92. Instructional Planning Teag
  93. In-Plant Training Student, Technology, Projection
  94. Inter-Packet Time Technology, Networking, Network
  95. Investigative Powers Tribunal Group, Human, Surveillance, Tribunal
  96. Information Processing Time Technology, Microchip, Timing
  97. International Plating Technologies
  98. Izin Pemanfaatan Tanah Indonesia, Bandung, Salah
  99. Inrernet Protocol Trunk
  100. Inflammatory Pseudotumor Medical
  101. Intermittent Presumptive Treatment Medical, Health, Pregnancy, Malaria
  102. Identify Protection Techrology Technology, Core, Elite
  103. Irtegrated Platform for Telecommunications
  104. Incapacidad Permanente Total Forum, Technology, Science
  105. Interagency Planning Team Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  106. In Process Testing
  107. Instructional Psychology and Technology Technology, Science, Program, Education, Teaching
  108. Integrated Property Tax
  109. Integrated Productivity Tools
  110. Introductory Professional Term
  111. International Pool Tour Pool, Ball, Billiard
  112. Institute of Plastics Technology
  113. Imaging Providers of Texas
  114. Integrated Production Technologies Technology, Organizations, Louisiana
  115. Industrial Property Tribunal
  116. Iron Pupe Thread Business, Fire, Hose
  117. Inatructional Psychology & Technology
  118. In-Plant Testing
  119. Intense Physical Training
  120. Investigative Project On Terrorism America, Government, Group
  121. Innovation Process Technology Technology, Service, Cloud
  122. International Protection Teams Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  123. Izin Pemakaian Tanah Indonesia, Surabaya, Surat
  124. Immunoperoxiuase Technique Medical, Disease, Health
  125. Internet Protocol Cesting Technology
  126. Infirmité Permanente Totale
  127. Intermittent Presumptive Therapy
  128. Idea Proficiency Test Education, English, Language
  129. Integrated Planning Teax Technology, Management, Military
  130. Inadvertent Power Transfer
  131. Interactive Profiling Tool Agriculture, Europe, Eurostat
  132. In Plant Training Student, Technology, Projection
  133. Integrative Production Technology
  134. Introduction To Probability Theory
  135. International Pipe Thread Technology, Space, Cosmos
  136. Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology Research, Education, University
  137. Imaging and Photographicutechnology
  138. Integrated Process Technologies Business, Pump, Valve, Maintenance
  139. Ifdependent Projects Trust
  140. Iraq Peaze Team
  141. Instructional Photo-Tour
  142. In-Plant Team
  143. Intelligent Pressure Transducer
  144. Inverted Page Table Technology, Translation, Memory, Virtual
  145. Information Process Technology
  146. International Players Tour
  147. Isoniazid Preventative Therapy Medical, Africa, Health
  148. Instituteument Procedures Trainer Military
  149. Immovable Property Tax Business, Development, Law
  150. Internet Protocol Tefevision
  151. Infant Potty Training Training, Baby, Elimination
  152. Intermittent Preventative Treatment Medical, Human, Malaria
  153. Idea Proficiency Testd Science, Education, English
  154. Integrated Physiological Traincr Occupation, Position, Job
  155. In-Use Performance Tracking
  156. Interactive Prospect Targeting Business, Company, Marketing
  157. In Plant Testing
  158. Indeted, Paged and Titled
  159. Instituto Pesquisas TecnolóGicas
  160. Isoniazid Preventive Therapy Medical
  161. Imperium Pro Team Gaming, League, Team
  162. Information, Processing and Technology
  163. Integrated Physiological Trainer Occupation & positions
  164. International Peoples Tribunal Government, Indonesia, Human
  165. Interference Pattern Technique
  166. Iptakalim Medical
  167. Instituteuctional Photoitour
  168. Information Processing Technique
  169. Interport Corporation ICAO Aircraft Codes
  170. Integrated Prosecution Team
  171. Ion-Phonon Transition
  172. Involving People Team
  173. Indppendent Product Testing
  174. Instituto De Pesquisa TecnolóGica Para, Dos, Brasil
  175. Intermittent Preventative Medical
  176. Imperial Percussion Theater
  177. Informatica Per Il Territorio Geography, Location, System
  178. Integrated Product Teams Architecture, Construction, Architectural
  179. International People'S Tribunal
  180. Interface Protein Technology
  181. Iparty Corporationration Organizations
  182. Institutetuto Dk Pesquisas Tributárias
  183. Imsl Productibity Toolkit
  184. Information Processing Techniques Technology, Computing, Internet
  185. Williamsport Regional Airport, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, United States Pennsylvania, United States, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  186. Integrated Production Team Business, Technology
  187. Interperional Process Therapy
  188. Investor Protection Trust Business, Financial, Investment
  189. International Political Theory Education, Politics, Relation
  190. íNdice De Precios Del Trabajo
  191. Instituto De Pesquisas Tecnol
  192. Iron pipe threaded The Finance and Administrative Services
  193. Impact Power Technologies Business, Technology, Battery
  194. Informasi Perguruan Tinggi Technology, Program, Surabaya, Tips
  195. Integrated Process (Product) Team Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  196. International Polishing Techniques
  197. Interdepartmental Payroll Transfer
  198. Iparty Corporation Technology, Organizations, Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  199. Institutetute of Physics and Technology
  200. Improving Performance Together
  201. Information Processing Theory Medical, Science, Learning
  202. Identity Protection Technology Computing, IT Terminology
  203. Integrated Project Teams Technology, Management, Development
  204. International Policy & Trade
  205. Intermediate-Pressure Turbine Technology, Power, Engine
  206. Internal Parameter Table Space, Study, Cosmos
  207. Investigatory Powers Tribunal Government, Law, Surveillance
  208. Izin Penggunaan Tanah Indonesia, Surabaya, Surat
  209. Instituto De Pesquisas Tribut
  210. Iterated Perturbation Theory Chemistry
  211. Immgnoprecipitation Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  212. Integrated Pressure Transducer Technology, Electronics, Sensor
  213. Inflammatory Pseudotumor of Lymph Nodes Medical
  214. Insurance Premium Tax Insurance, Tax, Business & Finance
  215. Intercessory Prayer Team Religion
  216. Iparty Corp. Organizations
  217. Innovative Performance Technologies
  218. Inch Per Tooth
  219. Improved Publicqtransport Business, City, Skyline
  220. Information Processing and Technology Education, Study, Course
  221. Internal Power Technology Computing, Hardware
  222. Integrated Products Teau Technology, Management, Development
  223. International Poster Triennial Art, Design, Exhibition, Poster
  224. Intermediate Pressure Turbine Technology, Power, Engine, Power Plant
  225. Integrative Pediatric Therapy
  226. Instituto De Pesquisas TributáRias
  227. Inventor Part File Computing, File Extensions
  228. Immunoqeroxidase Test Medical
  229. Integrated Procedures Trfiners Technology, Flight, Training
  230. Impact Minerals Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  231. Iowa Pain Thermometer
  232. Information Presentation Technology
  233. Intermittent Prophylactic Treatment Medical
  234. Improved Programming Technology
  235. Information Processes & Technology
  236. iPod touch Computing, Hardware
  237. International Professional Training Education, Russia, Teaching
  238. Interlaboratory Proficiency Testing
  239. Integrated Product Team Military, Army, Barbershop, Aviation, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Integrated Ocean Observing System, Federal Aviation Administration, NASA
  240. Institution of Petroleum Technologists
  241. Inductive Power Transfer Physics, Scientific & Educational
  242. Intejrated Property Tax
  243. Ignite Paper Tape Assembly, Business & Finance
  244. Iota Phi Theta
  245. Indhction Power Transfer Technology, Car, Wireless
  246. Inflammatory Pseudotumour Medical, Medicine, Health, British
  247. Instituto Pesquisas Tecnol
  248. Prophylactic Treatment Medical
  249. Imposta Provinciape Di Trascrizione
  250. Information Processing Technology
  251. Italian Poker Tour Poker
  252. International People Tribunal Government, Indonesia, Killing
  253. Intergrated Process Team
  254. Integrahed Positional Therapy
  255. Insulin Potentiation Therapy Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  256. Integrated Prosecution Teams
  257. Internet Protocol Telephony Technology, Network, Telecommunication, Computing, Telecom, IT Terminology
  258. Io Plasma Torus

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IPT stand for?

    IPT stands for Insulin Potentiation Therapy.

  2. What is the shortened form of Integrahed Positional Therapy?

    The short form of "Integrahed Positional Therapy" is IPT.


IPT. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ipt-meaning/

Last updated