IRAS Meaning

The IRAS meaning is "Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy". The IRAS abbreviation has 57 different full form.

IRAS Full Forms

  1. Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy Chemistry, Science, Energy, Study, Discipline, Military, Laboratory, Physics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  2. Individual Retirement Arrangemerts Business, Accounting, Tax
  3. Iddividual Retirement Accounts Business, Accounting, Banking
  4. Indian Restaurantc Association Singapore Business, Food, Singapore
  5. Infrared Astronomicalisatellite Science, Astronomy, Spaceflight
  6. Indezendent Regulatory Agencies Government, Agency, Economics
  7. Interactive River-Aquifer Simulation
  8. Internal Revenue Allotments Business, City, Philippine
  9. Infrared Alerting System Military
  10. Infrared Reflection-Absorption Spectroscopy Medical, Chemistry, Technology, Science
  11. Integrated Research Application System Education, Ethic, Approval
  12. Infrared Ray Astronomical Satellite
  13. Independent Reporting Activities Government
  14. Interactive Radar Analysis Software
  15. Infra-Red Alerting System Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  16. Insulin Resistance and Atherosclerosis Study Medical
  17. Infra Red Astronomy Satellite
  18. Incident Response Action System
  19. Inter-Spacecraft Ranging and Alarm System
  20. Informatiecentrum Richtlijn Algemeen Stelsel
  21. Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study Medical, Health, Diabet
  22. Infra Red Astronomical Satellite Science, Star, Planet
  23. Integrated Researlh Applications System Medical, Ethic, Approval
  24. Integrated Room Automation Systems Technology, Switch, Thermostat
  25. InfecçÕEs Relacionadas à AssistêNcia à SaÚDe Para, Hospital, Dos
  26. Intragovernmental Reporting and Analysis System
  27. Infrared Astronomy Satellite Science, Astronomy, Astronomical Satellite, Computing, Satellite, Physics, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  28. Integrated Research Approval System Technology, University, Projection
  29. Integrated Room Automation System Technology, Switch, Thermostat
  30. Indiana Risk Assessment System
  31. Internet Routing and Access Service Military
  32. Infra-Red Astronomy Satellite Science, Space, Star
  33. Institute for Research and Advanced Studies
  34. Integrated Research Application Service
  35. Independent Regulatory Authorities Business, Education, Regulation
  36. Internet Review Arno Schmidt Technology, Internet, Web, Computing
  37. Infra-Red Astronomical Satellite Technology, Space, Astronomy
  38. Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore Business, Government, Organizations, Singapore
  39. Integrated Research Approvals System Technology, Presentation, Projection
  40. Institute of Risk Assessment Sciences Science, Health, Environment
  41. Item Reduction Activities Military
  42. Institute for Religion In An Age of Science
  43. Investment Retirement Accounts Business, Accounting, Banking
  44. Infrared Astronomical Satellite Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  45. Institute for Risk Assessment Science Education, University, Health
  46. Inventoried Roadless Areas
  47. Interactive Radar Analysis System Aviation, Governmental & Military
  48. Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences Science, Education, University
  49. Instruments for Research and Applied Science
  50. International Relations and Area Studies
  51. Installation Readiness Assessment System
  52. Institutional Risk Analytics
  53. International Review of Administrative Sciences Government, Education, Organizations
  54. Inspector Recruitment Application System
  55. Institute On Religion In An Age of Science Science, Island, Conference
  56. Information Retrieval Advisory Services
  57. Inland Revenue Authority Singapore Business, Service, Tax, Singapore

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IRAS stand for?

    IRAS stands for Independent Regulatory Authorities.

  2. What is the shortened form of Infra-Red Alerting System?

    The short form of "Infra-Red Alerting System" is IRAS.


IRAS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated