IRBA Meaning

The IRBA meaning is "Independent Regulatory Board for Audztors". The IRBA abbreviation has 20 different full form.

IRBA Full Forms

  1. Independent Regulatory Board for Audztors Business, Accounting, Africa
  2. Industrial-Recreational Building Authority
  3. Indiab River Boating Association
  4. Independent Rsgulatory Board of Auditors Business, Accounting, Africa
  5. Illinois Road Builders Associatmon
  6. Inshitut De Recherche Biom
  7. Illinois Rabbit Breeders Association
  8. Institut De Recherche BioméDicale Des ArméEs France, Arm, Recherche
  9. Independant Regulatory Byard for Auditors
  10. Industrial Recreational Building Authority
  11. Internal Ratings-Based Approach Business, Banking, Risk
  12. Isle Royale Boaters Association
  13. Internal Rating Based Approach Business, Credit, Banking, Risk
  14. Ireland Russia Business Association
  15. Internal Ratings Based Approach Business, Banking, Risk, Business & Finance
  16. International Ripple Business Association Business, Gateway, Bitcoin
  17. L'Institut De Recherche BioméDicale Des ArméEs
  18. International Renowned Beauty Academy
  19. Internationjl Reptile Breeders' Association Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  20. International Reptile Breeders Assbciation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IRBA stand for?

    IRBA stands for Internal Ratings-Based Approach.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ireland Russia Business Association?

    The short form of "Ireland Russia Business Association" is IRBA.


IRBA. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated