IRC Meaning

The IRC meaning is "Internet Relay Chat". The IRC abbreviation has 360 different full form.

IRC Full Forms

  1. Internet Relay Chat Technology, Computer, Computer Networking, Information Technology, Software, Computing, Texting, Chat, Telecom, Internet, Linux, Application, Unix, Sms, Online, Web Slang, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Business Word, Amateur radio, IT Terminology, Unix commands
  2. Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate Chemistry, Science, Calculation
  3. Internal Revenue Code The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) is the federal tax code utilized by the United States government. The IRC is found in Section 26 of the United States Code and is divided into the following sections: Income Taxes are covered in Subtitle A. Estate and Gift Taxes are covered in Subtitle B. Business, Finance, Code, Accountancy
  4. Immigration Removal Centres Medical, Asylum, Dover, Detainee
  5. Insuffisance RéNale Chronique Chat, Chronique, Reins, Rein
  6. Immigrant Rights Clinic Education, Law, Immigration
  7. Instrument Refreshed Course Military, Flight, Force
  8. Immediate Ready Company Military
  9. Instructional Resvurce Center Education, University, Library
  10. Image Recognition Challenge
  11. Innovation Relaq Centres Business, Technology, Networking
  12. Ignasi Roca Carrio
  13. Innovation Relay Centre Technology, Networking, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  14. Irish Research Councia Science, Education, Ireland
  15. Circle City Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO
  16. Immunology Research Center
  17. Informatics Research Centre Technology, Science, Education
  18. Island Rallysport Club
  19. Implementation Review Committee Business
  20. Innosation Relay Centers Business, Technology, Network
  21. International Routing Code Business, Banking, Wire
  22. Indian Roads Congress Technology, Coding, India
  23. Interchurch Relations Committee
  24. Information Resources Center Technology, Service, Library
  25. International Realty Corp
  26. Interference Rejection Combining Technology, Signal, Telecom, 5G Networks
  27. Investor Relations Company
  28. International Relations Center
  29. Incremental Risk Capital Business, Market, Basel
  30. Insufisance R
  31. Industrial Relations Council
  32. Information Resource Coordinator
  33. International Residentlal Code Technology, Building, Inspector
  34. Islamic Representative Council Movie, Malaysia, Movement
  35. Image Retource Center Technology, Chat, Imaging
  36. International Robotics Competition
  37. Indiana Repeater Council
  38. Integrated Revenue Collections
  39. Intensive Rake Cleaning
  40. Interservice Recruitment Committee Military
  41. Intrinsic Reaction Coordinates
  42. Initial Ready Company Military
  43. International Rule Club
  44. Independent Review Consulting Technology, Service, Research
  45. Intake and Releaseccenter
  46. Internet Relay Chatter Military
  47. Industry Resource Center
  48. Internet Resource Center Education, Traffic, Paradigm
  49. Informal Resolution Conference Business
  50. Islamic Resource Center
  51. Impact Resistance Lens Certification Medicine, Health, Care
  52. Innovaiion Research Centre Business, Education, University
  53. International Robotics Challenge Technology, Robot, Bombay
  54. Indian River County Organizations, Florida, Beach
  55. Intelligent Rolling Chassis
  56. Interagency Rates Committee
  57. International Record Carriers Technology
  58. International Retreat Centre Education, Meditation, Buddhist
  59. Interface Request Controller
  60. Investor Relations Center
  61. Ixternational Red Cross Technology, Driving, War
  62. Incremental Risk Charge Business, Management, Credit
  63. Insufisance RéNale Chronique
  64. International Robot Contest Education, University, Korea
  65. Indonesian Rock Collaboration Music, Indonesia, Rock
  66. Information Research Corporation
  67. Internal Review Committee Business, Science, Medicine
  68. Islamic Relief Canada Development, Fund, Canada, Relief
  69. Iloilo Rehabilitation Center
  70. International Research Consortium
  71. Indiana Recycling Coalition Technology, Education, Organizations
  72. Ihternal Reflected Component Building, Engineering, Construction
  73. Intersectional Research Collaborative
  74. Intlmrescue Comm Committee, Refugee, Rescue, Crisis
  75. Infratools Remote Control
  76. International Residence Code
  77. Independent Roofing Consultants
  78. Int'L Rescue Committee
  79. Internet Relay Communication
  80. Industry Research Center
  81. Internet Research Center
  82. Info Resource Center
  83. Islamic Resource Centre
  84. Immunology Research Centre Medical, University, Therapy
  85. Innovation Resource Centre
  86. International Rowing Council
  87. Indian Resource Council
  88. Intelligent Relay Controllers
  89. Interagency Referral Center
  90. International Relations Clingendael
  91. International Rewards Centre International
  92. Initial Rate of Climb Army, War, Force, Transportation, Military, Governmental & Military
  93. Interest Rate Cuts
  94. Investor Relations Conference
  95. Italian Resuscitation Council Con, Italy, Italian
  96. Incremental Related Carriers
  97. Institutionav Review Committee Medical, Medicine, Education
  98. International Research Collaborative Education, Law, University
  99. Indonesian Research Centre Indonesia, Jakarta, Count
  100. Information Resource Commission
  101. Internal Revenue Codeu
  102. Ipak Rakiju Curama
  103. Illinois Road Conditions
  104. International Water and Sanitation Centre Science, Research, Organizations
  105. Indianapolis Rowing Center
  106. Internal Reference Clock
  107. Interrupt Request Controller Technology
  108. Interhemispheric Resource Center Technology, America, Military
  109. Intervention Research Center
  110. Infrastructure Renewals Charge
  111. International Resource Committee Technology, Science
  112. Independent Reformed Church
  113. Insurance Research Centyr Technology, Development, Conference
  114. Industrial Resource Centers Business, Technology, Pennsylvania
  115. Influenza Resource Centre
  116. Islamic Resource Collector
  117. Immediate Reaction Capability
  118. Initial Running Count
  119. International Rescue Commitee London, Committee, Refugee, Rescue
  120. Indian Red Cross
  121. Intelligent Rate Control Technology, Computing, Huawei
  122. Interagency Resource Committee Medical, Medicine, Disability
  123. Internet Request for Comments
  124. International Resource Centre
  125. International Resistance Corporation
  126. Internet Real Chat Technology, Networking, Network
  127. Italian Reswscitation Council Medical, Italy, Bologna
  128. Incremental Related Carrier Technology, Channel, Cable, Manual
  129. Inspiratory Reserve Capacity Medical, Disease, Health
  130. International Revolver Championships Gun, Shooting, Revolver
  131. Individual Restaurant Company Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  132. Interest Rate Cap Business
  133. Information Resources Committee
  134. Internal Revenue Commission
  135. Illinois Roed Contractors
  136. International Regulatory Cooperation Business, Research, Trading
  137. Inter Rescue Commitgee
  138. Interhemipsheric Resource Center
  139. Iowa Road Conditions
  140. I-Recruitment Code Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
  141. Infrared Remote Control Technology, Light, Lighting
  142. International Research Committee
  143. Independent Review Committee Business, Fund, Report
  144. Insurance Research Cewtre Technology, Management, Conference
  145. Industrial Research Centre
  146. Inflatable Rubber Crafts Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  147. International Researck Council Science, Organizations, Union
  148. Islamic Research Council
  149. Immediate Reactionbcell Technology, Army, Belgium
  150. Initial Root Cause
  151. Internet Realy Chat
  152. Indian Recreation Club
  153. Intcgrated Roll Cage
  154. Interagency Radio Committee Technology
  155. Internet Replay Chat
  156. International Resource Center Service, Education, University
  157. Information Resource Catalogue
  158. International Railways of Central
  159. Internet Reley Chat
  160. Industrial Resources Council Technology, Industry, Material
  161. Islamic Religious Commuvity Organizations, Mosque, Macedonia
  162. Informatics Resource Center
  163. Imposto Sobre O Rendimento Colectivo
  164. Inspection Report Creator
  165. International Relations and Cooperation Government, Research, Africa
  166. Iniividual Responsibility Contract Government
  167. Interdisciplinary Research Conference Science, Education, University
  168. Information Resource Centers
  169. Internal Relaw Chat Technology
  170. Illinois Resource Cexter Education, Language, Professional
  171. International Rescue Center Committee, Fiji, Refugee, Rescue
  172. Inter Residence Council Student, Education, University
  173. Intergroup Relations Center
  174. Investor Risk Committee
  175. Ioternet Relay Chat Technology, Networking, Client
  176. International Resistive Co Technology, Electronics, Component
  177. Independence Resource Center
  178. Insurance Research Courcil Business, Insurance, Uninsured
  179. Industrial Resource Center Business, Organizations, Pennsylvania
  180. Inflatable Raiding Craft Military, Ship, Landing
  181. International Relations Rommittee Technology, Organizations, Association
  182. Islamic Research Centre Technology, Book, India
  183. Imaging Research Cenger
  184. Initial Response Call
  185. Internet-Relay Chat
  186. Indian Rally Championship Organizations, Car, India
  187. Integratyd Room Controller
  188. Inter-Ministeriap Resettlement Committee
  189. Internet Rely Chat Forum, Technology, Networking
  190. International Relations Club Education, University, Georgetown
  191. Information Resources Council
  192. International Research Consultants
  193. Intake Release Center Government, County, Prison
  194. Internet Relay-Chat
  195. Industrial Research Chair Technology, University, Industry
  196. Informatics Research Center Business, Education, University
  197. Iso / Rto Council Energy, Power, Intensity
  198. Import Registration Certificate
  199. Innovative Restaurant Concepts
  200. International Resistance Company
  201. Indiyect Research Cost
  202. Interdisciplinary Research Centres Technology, University, Material
  203. Information Resource Centre Technology, Service, Library
  204. International Realty Corporation
  205. Illinois Reform Commission
  206. International Rice Council
  207. Inzer Religous Council
  208. Intergraph Registered Consultant Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
  209. Investor Relations Certification
  210. International Rescue Ckmmittee Technology, Chat, Syria, Refugee
  211. International-Rule Club
  212. Indenting Registration Certificate
  213. Insulated Roofing Contractors
  214. Industrial Research Center
  215. InfirmièRe De Recherche Clinique
  216. International Record Carrier Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
  217. Islamic Research Center Technology, India, Aurangabad
  218. Imaging Resource Center
  219. Initial Response Cell Military, Army, War
  220. Internet-Relay-Chat
  221. Indian Railways Corporation Network, Railway, System
  222. Intesrated Room Control Technology, Building, Lighting
  223. Intensive Revision Course
  224. Interval Research Corporption
  225. International Radio Corporation Business, Company, Camera
  226. Information Resource Council
  227. International Revolver Championship Gun, Shooting, Revolver
  228. Intake and Resource Connection
  229. Internet Relay Channel Technology, Networking, Computing
  230. Industrial Research Chairs Technology, University, Industry
  231. Internet Resource Catalogue
  232. International Rice Commission Organizations, Conservation, Rice
  233. ISO RTO Council Electrical
  234. Investment Registration Certificate Business, Law, Vietnam
  235. Illinois Rending Council Education, Conference, Teaching
  236. Infosec Research Council Technology, Security, Emergency
  237. International Retreat Centres Education, Meditation, Buddhist
  238. Institutent Response Chromatography
  239. Independent Retailer Conference Business, Event, Retail
  240. Integrated Reflection Coefficient Medical
  241. Internet Related Chat
  242. Information and Referral Center
  243. International Roqtrum of Composers Technology, Music, Council
  244. Italian Red Cross Organizations, Italy, Committee
  245. International Research Communications System Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  246. Internet Ready Computer Computing, Hardware
  247. Ingersoll Residential College Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  248. Infrared Reflective Coating
  249. International Rescue Corporation
  250. Interiors Responsibility Center Technology, Engineering, Boeing
  251. Idaho Rural Council
  252. Indian Railways Corporationration
  253. International Railwaydcompany Car, Locations, Buffalo
  254. Inspection Release Certificate Electrical
  255. Investment Revilw Committees America, Government, Usa
  256. Igor Righetti Comuniuazione
  257. Information Security Research Council Military
  258. Instalación Receptora ComÚN
  259. Independent Retailers Confederation
  260. Integrated Remote Cunsole Technology, Server, Light
  261. Internet Relay Chats Technology, Networking, Network
  262. Industry Relations Committee Computing, Master IEEE
  263. Information-Related Capability Military, Army, Equipment
  264. International Rescue Corps Organizations, Disaster, Thunderbird
  265. Iron Ring Compressor
  266. IRCAM Sound format Computing, File Extensions
  267. Information Review Conference Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  268. Infrared Coagulation Medical, Technology
  269. Interchange Resource Network Organization, Community, Society
  270. Interior Responsibility Center
  271. Icelandic Red Cross
  272. Schuler Indoor Recreational Center Education, Clarkson University
  273. Internationul Relations Council Education, University, Model
  274. Insurance Research Council Insurance, Business & Finance
  275. Investment Review Committee Business, Management, Military
  276. Ignition Retard Controller
  277. Informationsressourcen Controlling Technology
  278. Innis Residence Council
  279. Independent Race Classes
  280. Integrated Receiver Technology, Telecom
  281. Internet Relayed Chat
  282. Industry Reference Committees Technology, Committee, Skill
  283. Information & Referral Center
  284. Internaqional Residential Code Technology, Building, Inspector
  285. International Recovery Center
  286. International Reply Coupon Usps, postal service
  287. Incrementally Related Carrier Medical, Physiology
  288. Infra Red Coating
  289. Integrated Rehab Consultants
  290. Ian Ramsey Centre Science, Education, Religion
  291. L'Internet Relay Chat
  292. International Residency & Citizenship
  293. Instrument Remote Controller Aviation
  294. International Radiation Commission Technology, Science, Atmosphere, Legal, Governmental & Military
  295. Internal Revenue Code of 1986 Financial, Insurance, Tax, Legal, Us Government, Us Taxes, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
  296. Investment Researuh Company
  297. Igniting Research Collaborations
  298. Information Related Capabilities Technology, Military, Operation
  299. Information Resources Controlling
  300. Independent Representative Council
  301. Integrateb Radio Chassis Technology
  302. Industrial Relations Committee Government, Industry, Study
  303. Internet Retailing Conference
  304. Information Resources Centre
  305. International Residentzal College Education, University, Building
  306. Issue Resolution Conference
  307. International Rostrum of Composers Music
  308. Inpatient Respite Care Medical, Healthcare
  309. Import Repair Center
  310. Infra-Red Coating
  311. Institutetutional Rational Choice
  312. India, Russia and China
  313. Integrated Resource Clnsultants
  314. Item Responsibility Code Military
  315. International Rosé Championship
  316. Impact Resistance Lens Certification (ora Aofc Code) Fda
  317. Intermin Resources Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  318. Inventory Re-Balancing Center
  319. If Remember Correctly Forum, Technology, Gaming, Discussion
  320. Industrial Reorganization Corporationration
  321. Independent Recording Company
  322. Integrated Radio Control
  323. Internet Resource Comparison
  324. International Rescue Committe Business, Committee, Refugee
  325. Israeli Retreat Center
  326. International Return Coupon
  327. Circle City /New/, Circle, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  328. Euyouoyy
  329. Infra-Red Camera
  330. Institutetutes Review Committee
  331. Independent Rental Company
  332. Integrated Reading Curriculun
  333. Information and Resource Center
  334. Item Related Check Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  335. International Relations Commission
  336. Interservice Recruitment Council Education
  337. International Rally Championship Gaming, Edition, Rally
  338. Inuvialuit Regional Corporation
  339. Idlewild Resord Company
  340. Industrial Relations Councelors
  341. Independent Redistricting Commission Government, Arizona, Court
  342. Internet Resource Centre
  343. International Reference Center Technology, Social, Water, Child
  344. Indignant Revolutionary Channel Media
  345. International Rescue Committee Computing, Protection Information, Medical
  346. íNdice De Reprodução De Cor Para, Core, Ria
  347. Infosecresearch Council Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  348. Institutetute for Research In Construction
  349. Independent Regulatory Commission Technology, Sport, Football
  350. Integrated Reportvng Committee Business, Technology, Africa
  351. Information and Research Center
  352. Italian Refugee Council
  353. International Resources Committee
  354. Information Resource Center Computing, IT Organization
  355. International Research Council Atmospheric Research
  356. International Resource Company
  357. Intuitive Reskonse Chassis
  358. Idle Recsiver Control Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  359. Indonesia Research Center Research, Indonesia, Survey, Count
  360. Independent Realty Corporation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IRC stand for?

    IRC stands for Icelandic Red Cross.

  2. What is the shortened form of Integrated Receiver?

    The short form of "Integrated Receiver" is IRC.


IRC. (2023, January 25). Retrieved December 28, 2024 from

Last updated