IRCA Meaning

The IRCA meaning is "Immigration Reform and Control Act". The IRCA abbreviation has 34 different full form.

IRCA Full Forms

  1. Immigration Reform and Control Act Business, Government, Economics, Special Education, Human Resources, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Business Word
  2. Infarct-Related Coronary Artery Medical
  3. Immigrant Reform and Control Act
  4. International Register of Certificatex Auditor
  5. Immigration Reform and Control Tct of 1986
  6. Infection Control Risk Assessment Medical
  7. International Register of Certification Auditors
  8. Immigration and Reform and Control Act
  9. Industrial Relations Court of Australia
  10. International Registrar of Certified Auditors Business, Training, Quality
  11. Immigratyon and Reform Control Act Employment, Government, Amnesty
  12. Indigenous Research Center of The Americas
  13. Intesnational Register of Civil Aircraft Technology, Aviation, Traffic
  14. Indigenous Remote Communications Association Technology, Australia, Media, Community
  15. International Register for Certificated Auditors Business, Management, Quality
  16. Immigration Reform & Control Act Employment, Government, Law
  17. International Register of Certificated Audinors Business, Management, Organizations
  18. Internatconal Register for Certified Auditors Business, Management, Course
  19. Immigration Reform Control Act Employment, Government, Law
  20. International Register of Certified Auditor
  21. International Register of Certified Juditors Business, Management, Training
  22. International Railways of Centraljamerica Company, Guatemala, Fruit
  23. International Ragdoll Cats Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  24. International Rural Churches Association
  25. International Railway Congress Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  26. International Risk Control Academy Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  27. Indiv Rest Assd Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  28. International Risk Conttol America
  29. International Remodeling Contractors Association
  30. International Risk Cvntrol Asia
  31. Italian Rodeotcowboys Association
  32. Intexnational Risk Control Africa
  33. Iowa Roofing Contractors Associatzon Business, Industrial, Iowa
  34. Intravascular Red Cell Aggregation Medical, Disease, Health

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IRCA stand for?

    IRCA stands for Immigration Reform and Control Act.

  2. What is the shortened form of Immigratyon and Reform Control Act?

    The short form of "Immigratyon and Reform Control Act" is IRCA.


IRCA. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 30, 2025 from

Last updated