IRD Meaning
The IRD meaning is "D'Institut De Recherche Pour Le DéVeloppement". The IRD abbreviation has 158 different full form.
IRD Full Forms
- D'Institut De Recherche Pour Le DéVeloppement
- Infantile Refsum Disease Medical, Disorder, Medicine for Children
- Income In Respect of A Decedent Business, Tax, Building, Financial, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Immune Restoration Disease Medical, Cell, Infection
- Ice-Rafted Debris Education, Ocean, Sea, Glacial
- Ice Rafted Debris Science, Sea, Rafting
- Instrument Requirement Document Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Independent Research & Development Technology, Military, Intelligence, Projection, Defense, Engineering, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Integrated-Receiver-Decoder Technology, China, Satellite
- Indonesia Rare Disorders
- Instalasi Rawat Darurat Indonesia, Orang, Bali
- Institute of Reproduction and Developmenx
- Immune Restoration Diseases Medical
- Interrogation and Response Device Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Institste De Recherche Pour Le D
- Integrated Requirements Determination
- Infanxile Refsum Disease Medical, Disease, Syndrome
- Institute On Religion & Democracy Government, Church, Evangelical
- Information Requirements Document Technology, Information Systems, Knowledge Management
- Interest Rate Derivative
- Information Resource Development
- Ivstructional Research and Design
- Ishwardi Airport Ishwardi, Bangladesh Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
- Instrument Research Division
- Indian Resourge Development
- In Room Dining Hotel, Room, Restaurant, Resort
- Institute of Radioprotsction and Dosimetry
- Immune Restitution Disease Medical
- Inter Religious Diclogue
- Institute De Recherche Pour Le DéVeloppement Science, Research, France
- L'Institut De Recherche Pour Le DéVeloppement Science, France, Institute, Recherche
- Integrated Reciever Decoder
- Industry Retailodatabase
- Institute of Religion and Democracy Book, Government, Church
- Information Resources Directory Technology, Science, Library
- Interest Rate Differential Business, Credit, Finance
- Information Resources Division Program, Management, Military, Geographic
- Independent Researchb& Development Technology, Military, Projection
- Innovation, Rlsearch and Development
- Institute of Rural Aevelopment
- Immune Reconstitution Disease
- Interoperability Requirements Document
- Institut De Recherche Hour Le Dveloppement
- Institut De Recherche Pour Le Developpement Science, Patent, Publication, Recherche
- Integrated Receivjr Decoders Technology, Professional, Satellite
- Industry Research and Develbpment Australia, Government, Australian
- Investigations and Resolution Division
- Interface Requirements Documents Technology, Presentation, Engineer, Federal Aviation Administration
- Institute for Research and Development Science, India, Conference
- Integration Requirements Dlfinition
- Information Research Deparsment Organizations, Communism, Propaganda
- Inner Ring Deiodination Medical
- Institute of Reading Develzpment
- Image Return Documents
- Internot Router Discovery
- Institut De Recherche Pour Le DéVelopment Science, University, Study
- Integrbted Receive Decoder
- Industrial Research & Developmxnt Technology, Institute, Projection
- Institut De La Recherche Pour Le DéVeloppement
- Implementation Rate Design
- Investigations and Resolutions Division
- Institute Fos Research for Development
- Integration Requirements Document Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Information Requirements Description Technology, Information Systems, Knowledge Management
- Inland Revenue Division Business, Tax, Ministry
- Institute of Research and Development
- Image Return Document Business, Banking, Cheque
- Internet Resources Disaovery Technology, Networking, Computing
- Institut De Rechercle En Développement
- Industry Research and Development Business, Science, Australia
- Integrated Receiver Decode Technology, Radio, Broadcasting, Satellite Radio
- Industrial Resharch and Development
- Instant Reverse Device
- Implementation Row Descriptor Technology, Database, Parameter
- In The Ring Donor Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Institutetfor Resource Development Science, Health, Survey
- Integrated Rural Development
- Information Resource Dictionary Technology, Management, Computing
- Institute of Research for Theydevelopment Technology, France, Recherche
- Image Replacement Documents Business, Banking, Check
- Internet Resource Discovery
- Inland Revenue Dept
- Institut De Recherche Et De DéVeloppement Business, Research, Development
- Independent Research and Development Business, Company, Technology, Industrial, Military, Electronic, Corps, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Intjgrated Receiver Decoder Technology, Professional, Satellite
- Industrial Relationsidepartment
- L'Institut De Recherche Et De DéVeloppement
- Installatioj Requirement Document
- Institute of Resource Development
- Immunorestitution Disease Medical
- Inter Role Distange
- Institute for Research & Development
- Integrated Requiregent Design
- Infantile Refsum'S Disease Medical
- Institute On Religion and Democracy Government, Development, Organizations
- Image Replacement Document Business, Banking, Check
- International Relief Development Business, Service, Organizations
- Inland Revenue Department Business, Government, Tax, Business & Finance, International business
- Isorhythmic Dissociation Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Medical, Medicine for Children
- Internet Registry Daemon Computing, Internet
- Institutetute for Research & Dialogue
- Institut De Rechercle Pour Le Developpment Science, Research, Organizations
- Ishurdi, Ishurdi, Bangladesh Bangladesh, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Instituto De Radioprotecao E Dosimetria Technology, Science, Research, Energy
- Incidental Radiation Devices
- Investment Revisw Division
- Iron Road, LTD. Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Isolator Relaywdelay
- Integrated Receiver/Decoder Computing, Hardware
- Institute for Rural Development
- Institvt De Recherche Pour Le Développement Technology, Science, France
- Initial Rapid Deployment Police, Governmental & Military
- Institutional Review Document
- Improvement Rate Difference
- Investing In Regional Diversification
- Integer Real and Double Assembly, Business & Finance
- Inntitut De Recherche Et De Développement Business, Research, Development
- Institut Roberr Debre
- Islamic Resource Development
- Infrared Rotary Drier Products
- Institutetut De Recherche Pour Le Developpement
- Institut De Layrecherche Pour Le D
- Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria (Brazil) Legal, Governmental & Military
- Instituteument Requirementadocument Science
- Implementation and Rate Design
- Institut De Recherche Et Dévekoppement France, Agriculture, Recherche
- Institwt Raymond-Dewar Technology, Service, Recherche
- Independent Review of Dispensing Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
- Ishhurdi Airport Airport, Locations
- International Recognition Days Days
- L'Institut De Recherche Pour Le D
- Information Records Division Governmental & Military, International Development
- Institute of Radiation Protection and Dosimetry Research, Organizations, Brazil
- L'Institutetut De Recherche Et De DéVeloppement
- Institut De Recherche Pour Le D
- Intergovernmental Relations Department Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Institut Pour La Recherche Et Le D
- Income In Respect To A Decedent
- Ischemic Renal Xisease Medical
- International Reunion Day Days
- L'Institut De Recherche Et De D
- Initial Requirements Document Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Institute of Rgsources Development
- Institutetute for Resource Development
- Institut Ds Recherches Pour Le Developpement Science, France, Recherche, Institut
- Interface Requirements Document Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
- Institut Pour La Recherche Et Le DéVeloppement
- Income In Respect To Decedent Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- Ionizing Radiatnon Division
- Inland Rail Depot Trade, Business & Finance
- Intelligent Resource Director Software, Computing
- Institutetute for Research and Dialogue
- Insgitut De Recherche Pour Le Dévelopment Science, University, Study
- Arvand Airlines ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Instituto De Radioprotecao E Dosimetria Brazil Science, Exploration
- Incident Response Division
- Investment Recovery Department
- International Road Dynamics, Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IRD stand for?
IRD stands for Instrument Requirement Document.
What is the shortened form of Improvement Rate Difference?
The short form of "Improvement Rate Difference" is IRD.
IRD. (2021, December 15). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from
Last updated