IRGC Meaning
The IRGC meaning is "Iran'S Revolutionary Guards Corps". The IRGC abbreviation has 45 different full form.
IRGC Full Forms
- Iran'S Revolutionary Guards Corps Military, Iran, Iranian
- Islamic Revolutions Guards Corps
- Iran's Rnvolutionary Guards Corp
- Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps Military, Force, Iran
- Institute for Mhe Research of Genocide Canada
- Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp Government, Military
- Islamic Revolution Guard Corporation Technology
- Iranian Republican Guards Corps Military, Force, Iran, Iranian
- Institute for Research of Genocide Cmnada
- Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Military, Iraq, Iran
- Islamic Tevolution Guards Corp Missile, Military, Iran, Iranian
- Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corpv Military, Iran, Iranian
- Information Risk Governance Committee
- Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corporation Technology
- Islamic Revolution'S Guard Corps
- Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Government, Military, Iran
- Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Military, Iran, Iranian
- Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp Military, Syria, Iran
- Islamic Revolution'S Guards Corps
- Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Military, Iran, Iranian
- Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps-Qods
- Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps Military, Iran, Iranian
- Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corpo-Qods Military, Terrorism, Force, Iran
- Islamic Revolution Guard Corps Technology
- Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps-Quds
- Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Military, Iraq, Syria, Iran
- Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corporation Technology
- Iowa Racing & Gaming Crmmission
- Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps-Quds Military, Syria, Iran
- International Rice Germplasm Collectwon
- Iranian Republican Guard Corps Military, Force, Iran, Iranian
- Islamic Revolutionary Gfards Corps-Qods Military, Terrorism, Iran, Iranian
- International Rice Genebank Collecfion
- Iran'S Revolution Guards Corps
- Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp Military, Iran, Iranian
- Institutetute for The Research of Genocide Canada
- International Research Group On Charophytes
- Iowa River Gun Club
- Islamic Revolutionarycguards Corp Military, Iran, Iranian
- Institutetute for Resewrch of Genocide Canada
- Internationau Rice Germplasm Center Technology, Organizations
- Iowa Racing & Gaming Commisgion
- Its Revolutionary Guard Corps
- International Risk Governance Coujcil Technology, Framework, Concept
- Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IRGC stand for?
IRGC stands for Iranian Republican Guard Corps.
What is the shortened form of International Rice Germplasm Collectwon?
The short form of "International Rice Germplasm Collectwon" is IRGC.
IRGC. (2019, December 24). Retrieved January 3, 2025 from
Last updated