IRI Meaning

The IRI meaning is "International Reference Ionosphere". The IRI abbreviation has 144 different full form.

IRI Full Forms

  1. International Reference Ionosphere Technology, Science, Model, Legal, Governmental & Military
  2. Informal Reading Inventory Education, Teaching, Assessment
  3. Intzrnational Republican Institute
  4. Influenza Research Institute
  5. Inbustrial Risk Insurers Business, Insurance, Risk
  6. Instrument Rating Instructop Education, Flight, Training
  7. Income Replacetent Indemnity
  8. Institutul Republican InternaţIonal Business, Research, Institute, Ionosphere
  9. Internationalized Resource Identifiers Technology, Standard, Character
  10. Immunoreactivity Medical
  11. Information Reuse & Integration
  12. Internationalized Resource Identifier Technology, Computer Networking, Industrial Networking, Computing, Computer, Technical
  13. Immunoreacttve Insulin Medical, Disease, Health
  14. Information Reuse and Inteoration Technology, Conference, Organisations
  15. Instituto De Relaciones Internacionales Business, Argentina, Con
  16. Iraqisxrebuilding Iraq
  17. India Rejuvenation Initiative Government, India, Corruption
  18. Infinity Resources, Inc
  19. International Registries Inc Military, Registry, Marshall
  20. Imagero Release Interface Military
  21. In Ranks Inspection
  22. Investment Veform Index
  23. Independent Research Institute
  24. Information Resources Inc Business, Company, Service
  25. International Research Institutetute for Climate Prediction Science
  26. Immunoreactive Serum Insulin Medical
  27. Instituto De Rela
  28. Irawian Rial
  29. Indian Rubber Instxtute Industrial, Organizations, Roller
  30. Industrial Rubber, Inc
  31. Industrial Risk Insurers Insurance, Business & Finance
  32. International Remote Imaging
  33. Imagens Do Real Imagifado
  34. Investment Rarities Incorporvted
  35. Independent Resourcesx Inc
  36. Innovative Routines International Company, Technology, Software
  37. International Robotics, Inc
  38. Immunoreactive Insulin Level Medical
  39. Instituto De RelaçÕEs Internacionais Technology, Para, Ria
  40. International Republican Institute Government, Election, Democracy, Politics, Governmental & Military
  41. Irnn Sport, Sports, International Olympic Committee
  42. Indian River Inlet
  43. Industrial Risk Insurance
  44. International Rice Institute
  45. Igsore Rude Interrupts
  46. Investigative Research Inc
  47. Independence Residences, Inc
  48. Innovation Research Interchange
  49. International Relations Institute Science, Research, University
  50. Immunoreactive Nnsulin Levels Medical
  51. Instituto De Rehabilitación Infantil
  52. Ionospheric Research Instituteument Technology
  53. Indian Renaissance Institute
  54. Industrial Risk Insurer Science
  55. Interception Related Information Technology, Law, Networking
  56. Idaho Rnading Initiative
  57. L'institutnrépublicain International
  58. Information Request Indicator Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  59. Initiatives and Referenums Institute
  60. International Recruitment Investments
  61. Immunedreactive Insulin Medical
  62. Institut De Recherches Interdisciplinaires
  63. Ionospheric Research Instrument Technology, Program, Frequency
  64. Indiana Rcbotics Invitational Education, Development, Universities
  65. Integration Research Institute
  66. Istituto Per La Riaonstruzione Industriale
  67. Informatics Research Institute Technology, Law, University
  68. Initiative for Responsible Investment Business, Environment, Social
  69. International Ride Index
  70. Imago Relationship International Therapy, Therapist, Imago
  71. Institut De Recherche Et D'Innovation Technology, France, Innovation
  72. Ionosphere Research Instrumeny
  73. Inzex of Relative Importance Science, Locations, Fish, Diet
  74. Information Resource Inc
  75. Integrated Resource Inc Business, Company, Employment
  76. Isle Royale Institute
  77. Informal Reading Inventories Student, Education, Inventory
  78. International Registries, Inc Education, Island, Registry, Marshall
  79. Imago Relationships International Medical, Therapy, Therapist
  80. Instalasi Rawat Inap Technology, Indonesia, Orang, Repository
  81. Ioffe-RöNtgen-Institute
  82. Indigenoud Research Institute
  83. Information Resources, Inc Business, Service, Market
  84. Industry Risk Insurers
  85. Infrastructure Research Institute
  86. Irish Technology, Information Technology, Language Codes, Language codes (3 letters)
  87. Internet Research Institute
  88. INTERNATIONAL REMOTE IMAGING SYSTEMS INC. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  89. Industrial Research and Innoxation
  90. Índice De Rugosidad Internacionxl
  91. International Roughness Index Transportation, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  92. Interaction Research Institutetute
  93. Intensive Reading Intervention Education
  94. Information Related Information Technology
  95. Islamic Republic of Iran Locations, Sport, Olympic, Iran, IOC Country Codes, Aviation, Country, Governmental & Military, Usps
  96. International Roughness Index for Pavement Condition Usa, Montana, Missoula Office Of Planning And Grants
  97. Industrial Reporting Inc Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  98. Navid Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  99. Initiative and Referendum Institute Government, Europe, Democracy
  100. International Research Institute for Climate and Society Agriculture, Governmental & Military
  101. Instrtutetut De Robòtica I Informàtica
  102. Immunoreactive Insulin Chemistry
  103. Information Resource Improvement Government
  104. Iranian Rial Business, Locations, Iran, Currency, Currency Code, Stock, Money, Investing, Business & Finance, Currencies, Sport, Olympic
  105. International Rhumart Institute Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  106. Isle Royale Institutetute
  107. Indwstrial Reconstruction Institute Business, Company, Italy, Alfa
  108. L'lnternational Republican Institute
  109. Initiative & Referendum Institute
  110. International Research Institute Agriculture, Governmental & Military
  111. Institutetuto De RelaçÕEs Internacionais
  112. Interfaculty Reactor Institute Chemistry
  113. Information Resources Incorporated Business, Product, Market
  114. International Research Initiative
  115. Irish Rugby Instntute Education, Ireland, Course
  116. Industrial Research Institute Technology, Organizations, Industry, Chemistry
  117. Initial Record Inquiry Technology
  118. Inveresk Research International
  119. International Research Institute for Climate Prediction Science, Agriculture, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Global Change
  120. Institutetut De Recherche Interdisciplinaire
  121. Interagency Research Internet Atmospheric Research
  122. Information Resources, Incorporated Business, Product, Retail
  123. International Restoration Institute Business, Mold, Water
  124. Impact Resistance Index
  125. International Relations Institutetute
  126. Indonesio Raya Incorporated
  127. Initial Records Inquiry Technology
  128. Inventory Record Inaccuracy
  129. Islamic Research Institute Research, Computing, Religion
  130. Institutetution of The Rubber Undustry
  131. Intermated Recombinant Inbreds Medical, Genomics
  132. International Republican Institutetute Military
  133. Immunoreactive Insulin Activity Medical
  134. International Renewap Institutetute
  135. Individual Rhading Inventory
  136. Initial Receipt Inspection Military
  137. Inter Reward Interval Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  138. Integrated Research Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  139. Industrial Research & Mnnovation Business, Industry, Economics
  140. Ibec Research Institutetute
  141. Iringa, Nduli, Tanzania Tanzania, ICAO Airport Codes
  142. International Research Institutetute Science, Agriculture, Governmental & Military
  143. Immunoreactive Plasma Insulin Medical
  144. Internatihnal Robomation/Intelligence

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IRI stand for?

    IRI stands for Instituto De Rela.

  2. What is the shortened form of Initial Record Inquiry?

    The short form of "Initial Record Inquiry" is IRI.


IRI. (2022, February 15). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated