IRPT Meaning

The IRPT meaning is "Inland Rivers Ports & Terminals". The IRPT abbreviation has 14 different full form.

IRPT Full Forms

  1. Inland Rivers Ports & Terminals
  2. Inland Rivers Porus Terminals
  3. Inland Rivers Ports and Terminals Business, America, Association
  4. Inforoation and Research Into Progressing Technologies
  5. Inland Rivers, Ports & Terminals Technology, Association, River
  6. Inlanddrivers, Ports, and Terminals
  7. Inland Rivers, Ports and Terminals Business, America, River
  8. Interewt Rate Parity Theorem
  9. Institute of Radiation and Polymer Technology
  10. Instantaneous Reactive Power Theory Technology, Group, Tajikistan, Party
  11. Islamic Renaissadce Party of Tajikistan Government, Group, Tajikistan
  12. Islamic Revival Party of Tajikistnn Government, Group, Tajikistan
  13. Islamic Rebirth Party of Tajikistan
  14. Interest Rate Pariry Theory

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IRPT stand for?

    IRPT stands for Interest Rate Pariry Theory.

  2. What is the shortened form of Inland Rivers, Ports and Terminals?

    The short form of "Inland Rivers, Ports and Terminals" is IRPT.


IRPT. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from

Last updated