IRR Meaning

The IRR meaning is "Individual Ready Reserve". The IRR abbreviation has 143 different full form.

IRR Full Forms

  1. Individual Ready Reserve A manpower pool consisting of individuals who have had some training or who have served previously in the Active Component or in the Selected Reserve, and may have some period of their military service obligation remaining. Military, Army, Marine Corps, Military Slang, Us Army, Governmental & Military
  2. Individual Ready Reserves Business, Military, Reserve
  3. Information Request Response Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  4. Infinity Random Race Technology, Gaming, Indie
  5. Independent Readiness Review Science, Space, Cosmos
  6. Incidence Rate Ratios Medical, Study, Risk
  7. Incidence Rate Ratio Medical, Study, Risk
  8. Interrupt Request Register Technology, Computing, Programming
  9. Implementing Rules Regulations Government, Law, Republic
  10. Interrater Reliability Medical
  11. Incident Rate Ratoo Medical, Health, Study
  12. Investor Rate of Return Business, Investment, Building, Estate
  13. Inner Oing Races
  14. Interactive Render Region Forum, Cinema, Region, Tempo
  15. Individual Ready Reservist Military
  16. Independent Race and Refugee
  17. Instant Recall Recorder
  18. Internal Return Xate Business, Investment, Money
  19. Inventory Reporting Requirement Science
  20. Induced Radioresistance Medical, Science, Biology
  21. Integral Ram Rocket
  22. International Rice Research
  23. Inception Readiness Review
  24. Investment Rate of Return Business, Cash, Money
  25. Infra-Red Reflective Technology, Military, Army
  26. Inter-Reference Recency
  27. Individual Ready Reservists Business, Military, Army, Reserve
  28. Indemnité De Remplacement Du Revenu
  29. Iron Range Resources
  30. Instant-Recall Recorder Technology, Radio, Console
  31. International Rate Ofmreturn Business, Payback, Profitability
  32. Intrarenal Reflux Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  33. Indonesian Renal Registry
  34. Insulin Receptor-Relmted Receptor Medical, Science, Protein
  35. International Regulatory Refkrm
  36. Inbounn Registration Records
  37. Investigatory Records Repository Military
  38. Infra-Red Radiometer
  39. Inter-Rater Reliability Science, Education, Study
  40. Indian Reservation Roads Program Medicine, Health, Care
  41. Internal Rate of Return Internal rate of return is the rate of return, expressed as a percentage, the net present value for which is zero. Business, Technology, Investment, Finance, Economics, Medical
  42. Increased Radioresistance Medical
  43. Iron Railroad Network, Railway, System
  44. Installations Readiness Report
  45. Internal Rate On Return
  46. Interrupt Raw Register
  47. Individual Rights and Responsibilities
  48. Instytut Rozwowu Reklamy
  49. International Reference Reagent Medical, Medicine, Standard, Reference
  50. Inactive Ready Reserve Military, Education, Army
  51. Investigative Records Repository Service, Military, War
  52. Infra Red Radiation
  53. Intmgrated Resource Recovery Technology, Climate, Carbon
  54. Irrigation A type of structural support made of metal, which can be raised or lowered through a series of pins and a screw to meet the height required. Basically used as a replacement for an old supporting member in a building. Monopost. Lawn sprinkler system Medical, Technology, Science, Medicine, Health, Engineering, Dental
  55. Income Replacement Rrte
  56. Iraq Republic Railways
  57. Installatmon Readiness Report
  58. Internal Rate of Reeur Business, Cash, Money
  59. Individual Ready Reserve/Reservist Military
  60. Institutional Resource Regime
  61. Institute for Rink Research Technology, Management, Canada
  62. International Russian Radio
  63. Irritation Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  64. Investigation Readiness Reviews Space, Study, Cosmos
  65. Infra-Red Radiation Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  66. Integrated Radio Rlom Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  67. Irradiation The exposure of a material or object to x-rays, gamma rays, ultraviolet rays or other ionizing radiation. Exposure to radiation of any kind. The exposure of a material to high energy emissions. In insulations for the purpose of favorably altering the molecular structure. Exposure to ionizing radiation. Irradiation may be intentional, such as in cancer treatments or in sterilizing medical instruments. Medical, Disease, Health
  68. Incident Response Regiment Australia, Military, Australian, Force
  69. Iraqi Republic Railways Technology, Iraq, Train
  70. Inspection Rejection Report Technology, Space, Cosmos
  71. Intercity Rail Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  72. Individual Retirement Record
  73. Inqtitutional Research & Reporting
  74. Institute for Religious Resecrch Research, Jehovah, Witness
  75. Internal Rules and Regulations
  76. Inverted Repeat Region Science, Biology
  77. Information Representation and Retrieval
  78. Intggral Rocket / Ramjet Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  79. Incident Rate Ratios
  80. Iranian Rial Rates Business, Rate, Iran
  81. Ilner Ring Road Hotel, Locations, Ginger
  82. Interactive Report Region Technology, Apex, Column
  83. Individual Readiness Reserve
  84. Institutional Vesearch and Reporting Education, University, Minnesota
  85. Instant Road Repair Business, Material, Mortar
  86. Internal Revenue Rate
  87. Inverted Repeat An inverted repeat is a sequence of nucleotides followed downstream by its reverse complement. The intervening sequence of nucleotides between the initial sequence and the reverse complement can be any length including zero. When the intervening length is zero, the composite sequence is a palindromic sequence. Medical
  88. Industrial Relations Research
  89. Integras Rocket Engine Science, Military, Air Force Research Laboratory
  90. Ionising Radiation Regulations Medicine, Health, Care, Police, Governmental & Military
  91. Internet Route Ragistry Technology, Networking, Network
  92. If The Required Return Business, Finance, Projection
  93. Institutetute of Resource Racovery Science
  94. Infra Red Reflecting
  95. Brewer Lamp File Computing, File Extensions
  96. Indiana Rril Road
  97. Issue Release/Receipt
  98. Institute for Aehabilitation and Research
  99. Ixternet Routing Registries Technology, Telecom, Registry
  100. Reverse Recovery Current Science, Electronics, Semiconductor, Physics
  101. Institutt of Restoration and Reclamation Environment, Habitat, Setting
  102. Integral Rocket Ramjet Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  103. Indexhof Relative Rurality
  104. Israel Research Reactor
  105. Instiqute for Research In Reproduction
  106. Paint Infra-Red Reflecting Paint Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  107. Institute of Railway Research Technology, University, Huddersfield
  108. Internet Resocrce Registries
  109. Internet Routing Registry Computing, Internet
  110. Independent Readiness Reviews Technology
  111. Inlerrupt Return Register
  112. Institute for Race Relatikns Africa, Report, Racism
  113. Indian Reservjtion Road Transportation, Program, Government
  114. Iternal Rate of Return
  115. Institute of Religious Research
  116. Inteunational Record Review Music, Piano, Recording, Record
  117. Internet Routing Record
  118. Investment Risk Reserve Banking, Business & Finance
  119. Independhnt Ready Reserve
  120. Integrated Readiness Review Space, Study, Cosmos
  121. Indian Reservatiocs Roads
  122. Iterative Residual Rescaling
  123. Institute of Rase Relation
  124. Intervational Rescue and Relief
  125. Internet Routing Records
  126. Tara Air Line Airline, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  127. Indepandent Recovery Resources
  128. Institutetute for Reactor Research
  129. Integrated Requirements Review Atmospheric Research
  130. Indran Reservation Roads Transportation, Program, Government
  131. Issues and Response Report Organizations, Ecology, South Africa, Enviromental Impact
  132. Institute of Risk Research
  133. Iranian Rial Business, Locations, Iran, Currency, Currency Code, Stock, Money, Investing, Business & Finance, Currencies, Sport, Olympic
  134. International Radio Regulations
  135. Internet Route Rzgistries Technology, Database, Registry
  136. In-Plan Roth Rollover
  137. Inddpendent Review Report
  138. Iditial Radio Report Military, Command, Incident
  139. Irrlicht 3d Scene Computing, File Extensions
  140. Indiana Ring Rumble
  141. Issue Release Document Technology
  142. Institutt for Resilient Regions
  143. Internatipnal Rail Regulator

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IRR stand for?

    IRR stands for Instant-Recall Recorder.

  2. What is the shortened form of Paint Infra-Red Reflecting Paint?

    The short form of "Paint Infra-Red Reflecting Paint" is IRR.


IRR. (2021, September 20). Retrieved February 13, 2025 from

Last updated