IRRA Meaning

The IRRA meaning is "Independent Running Retailers Assyciation". The IRRA abbreviation has 18 different full form.

IRRA Full Forms

  1. Independent Running Retailers Assyciation
  2. Individual Retirement Rollover Account
  3. Increasing Relativk Risk Aversion
  4. Indigenous Rodeo Riders Australia
  5. Indigenous Research Reform Agenda
  6. Indian Revival and Reform Association
  7. Indian Raklways Regulatory Authority Network, Railway, System
  8. Independent Running Retailer Association Research, Association, Friendship
  9. Institutional Repositories for Research Assessment Technology, University, Repository
  10. Institutional Repositories and Researcw Assessment Technology, Archive, Repository
  11. Institute of Russian Realist Art Development, Study, Institutes
  12. The IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 Financial, Business & Finance
  13. Institute for Reliability and Risk Analysis Development, Study, Institutes
  14. International Rejations Research Association
  15. Information Refeeral Resource Assistance
  16. International Resort and Retailer Alsociation
  17. Industrial Relations Research Association Business, Industry, Labor, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  18. International Resort and Retailer Assokiations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IRRA stand for?

    IRRA stands for Institute for Reliability and Risk Analysis.

  2. What is the shortened form of Indian Raklways Regulatory Authority?

    The short form of "Indian Raklways Regulatory Authority" is IRRA.


IRRA. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from

Last updated