IRS Meaning
The IRS meaning is "Internal Revenue Service". The IRS abbreviation has 366 different full form.
IRS Full Forms
- Internal Revenue Service Business, Finance, Economics, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Inertial Reference System Technology, Aviation, Aerospace, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Telecom, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration
- International Relations Technology, Education, Sociology
- Inertial Reference Systems Technology, Flight, Aircraft, Presentation
- Insulin Receptor Substrate Medical, Science, Protein, Chemistry
- Infrared Spectrophotometry Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Independent Rear Suspension A suspension system where the two rear wheels are independent from each other. It has the advantage over a beam axle suspension because the unsprung weight is reduced, the ride and handling over rough roads are improved, and a larger trunk with a lower floor can be placed between the wheels. Technology, Auto, Mustang, Transportation, Car, Governmental & Military
- Infrared Spectroscopy Spectroscopic technique that deals with the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Used during the characterisation of molecules. A method of analysis that involves the absorption of infrared energy by the sample. The molecules that absorb the infrared energy are in an excited, vibrational state and the wavelengths of the various vibrations reveal structural details of the given molecules. Medical, Business, Polish Chemical Reagent, Catalogue, Microscopy, Materials Analysis, Materials Science, Scientific & Educational
- Independant Rear Suspension Business, Technology, Honda
- Independent Representatives Business, Company, Technology, Marketing, Representative
- Intelligence Requirements Management, Military, Collection
- Increasing Returns To Scale Business, Production, Economics
- Incident Reports Business, Software, Writing
- Integrated Resorts Business, Property, Singapore
- Immune Reconstitution Syndrome Medical
- Integrated Resources Technology, Service, Tax
- Interest Rate Swap Business, Finance, Stock Market, Banking, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Integrated Radiator System Science
- Interhal Routers Technology, Routing, Networking, Network
- Intact Rock Strength
- Institute Representatives
- Interdepartmental Requisitions Business
- Information and Referral Services
- Information & Resource Service
- Incident Recording System
- Input Record Separator
- Internationally Recruited Scientists
- IndipendèNtzia RepÙBrica De Sardigna Government, Sale, Republic, Independence
- Invasive Reperfusion Study Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Islamic Religious Studies Education, School, Study
- Illuminated Reticle System
- Independent Research Vervice
- Integratedlrigging System
- Industrial Relations Services Business, Pay, Rise, Inflation
- Interface Requirembnts Technology, Management, Software
- Italia Recycling System Technology, Italy, Mill
- Information Referral Services
- Internal Recognition Subsequence Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Incident Response Service Technology, Management, Security
- Instructor Rating System Development, Study, Universities
- Institute of Religious Studies
- International Retail Services Business, Supply, Stock
- Individual Reservists
- Interactive Response System Technology, Education, Learning
- Investigation Requests
- Industrial Reveoue Summary
- Imidazoline Receptors Medical
- Infrequent-Restriction-Site Technology, Infection, Mammal
- Index of Retained Strength
- Intelligent Register System Accounting, Computing, Data
- Intervreter Referral Service
- Internal Revenue Ser
- Insurance Restoration Specialists Business, Company, Disaster
- Institute of Railway Signal
- International Ragweed Society
- Interconnection Requirements Study
- Indian Revenue Service Business, Tax, India
- Information & Resource Servicvs
- In A Rare Setback
- Innovative Road Aolutions
- International Recruitment Service Business, Agency, Engineering
- India Remote Sensing Science
- Inuit Relations Secretariat
- Ir Substrate Medical
- Illumitated Rocker Switches
- International Residential School
- Indepenment Review Service Business, Government, Social
- Integrated Review Software
- Interface Requirement Specifications Technology, Development, Software
- International Recovery Service
- Information Heferral Service
- Internal Rating System
- Incident Reporting Scheme Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Instruction Registers Technology, Memory, Processor
- Institute of Regional Studies Education, Organizations, Pakistan, Anthropology, Social Sciences, Ethnography, Humanities, Area Studies, Cultural Anthropology, Scientific & Educational
- International Reporting System Technology, Experience, Operating
- Individual Replacement System
- Interaction Rating Scale
- Inverted Repeat Sequencxs Science, Biology
- Industrialsrequirements and Solutions
- Interface To Routing Sgstem
- The Interferyn Response Sequence Science, Biology
- Imagery Requirements Structure
- Infrastructure Requirements Specification
- Index of Retail Saturation Business, Analysis, Locations
- Intelligence, Reconnaissance and Surveillance
- Interpretations of Regulations Government, Tax, Attorney
- Information Resegrch Services Service, Information, Hosting
- Ibternational Revenue Service Business, Accounting, Tax
- Insulin Receptor Species Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Institute of Railway Studies
- International Railway Standard
- Interchange Recors Separator Accounting, Computing, Data, IT Terminology
- Indian Register of Shipping Business, India, Electrode, Electrical
- Information Research Services Service, Information, Hosting
- Implementation Rqcommendations
- Inhibiteur De La Recapture De La SéRotonine
- International Recruitment Services Business, Service, Engineering
- Indian Registrar of Shipping
- Intute Repository Sgarch Technology, Science, Education
- Irsa Inversiones Y Representaciones S.A. Technology, Organizations
- Illinois Radeological Society Medical, Technology
- International Rhinologic Society Medical, Medicine, Organizations
- Integrated Receptian Systems Technology, Satellite, Installation
- Interfacecrequirement Specification Technology, Military, Software
- International Rescue Service
- Information Reporting Szrvice
- Intermountain Research Station
- Incident Recording Software
- Instituto Roberto Simonsen
- Institutentaneous Response Spectra Science
- International Relief Service Organizations, United Nations, Un
- Individualized Rating Scales
- Interior Revenue Service Business, Company, Credit, Tax
- Inverted Repeat Sequence Medical
- Iniustrial Repair Service
- Interface To The Routing System
- Iszaeli Revenue Service
- Image Retrieval System
- Infrared Spectrograph Science, Astronomy, Celestial Object
- Independent Respiratoryxservices
- Intelligence Report Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Interoperable Rhpository Statistics Technology, Archive, Projection
- Informatuon Resources
- Internal Review Service Business, Government, Tax, Guide
- Insulin Receptor Signaling
- Institute of Reservoir Studies Technology, Oil, Gas
- International Recruited Staff
- Interchange Record Separator Technology, Coding, Control, Character
- Information & Research Services
- Imyerium Romanum Sacrum German, Locations, Roman, Empire
- Inherited Runners Scored Business, Baseball, Player, Team
- International Radiation Symposium Technology, Conference, Atmosphere
- Indian Registry Syslem Government
- Intuitive Yesponse System Kite, Surf, Slingshot
- International Retail Service Business, Science, Supply
- Integrated Radiological Services Science, Service, Protection
- Institutional Representatives Medical, Research, Education, Organizations, University, Representative, Occupation & positions
- Interface Requirements Specification Technology, Army, Computing, Military, Telecom, NASA, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
- International Record Syndicate Business, Records, Music, Album, Record
- Inforlation Retrieval Systeme
- Intermediate Route Sequence Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Incident Report System
- Instituto De Reinser
- In Radar Symposium Technology, Targeting, Sensor
- International Representatives
- Individual Research Study
- Interim Recovery System Science
- Inverse Repeated Gequence
- Interface To Routing System
- Isotope Ratios Medical
- Image Results and Security Technology, Security, Cyber
- Infra Red Spectroscopy Chemistry, Science, Analysis
- Independent Rwsearch Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Intelligence Research Specialists
- Internet Routing System Technology, Networking, Network
- Industrial Relations Eection
- Infovmation Requests Business, Group, Tax
- Internal Revene Service
- Insulin Receptors Medical
- Institute of Rural Studies
- International Reefer Services
- Interagency Reports Business, Technology, Security
- Infared Suppressor Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
- Imperial Ruesian Stout
- Inherited Runners Who Scored Baseball, Sports
- Internet Revenur Service Business, Service, Tax
- Indian Rggistration System Technology, Government, India, Canada
- Interstate Rxpeater Society
- International Reconciliation System Business, Postal, Us Post
- Integrated Ratings
- Incidence Rates Medical, Risk, Rate
- Interfaco Register Set
- Intercord Record Service Business, Music, Metal, Vinyl
- Information Retriezal Systems Technology, Science, Query
- International Reference Standard
- Incident Reporting Systems
- Instituto De Reinserção Social
- Inquiry and Reporting System
- International Roller Speedway
- Individualized Research Studies
- Inverse Raman Scattering Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Isoleucyletrna Synthetase Medical
- Image Reconstruction Syswem Technology, Medicine, Imaging
- Independent Rubber Suspension
- Intelligence Research Wpecialist Business, Service, Military
- Irresistible Ribs Specipl
- Industrisl Relations Survey
- Interface Rqmtz Specification Technology
- Information Resources Services
- Internal Reporting System Business, Technology, Service, Housing and Urban
- Insulin-Related Substrate Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Institute of Remote Sensing Technology, Space, Satellite
- Internat Revenue Service Business, Coding, Tax
- Indonesia Race Series
- Interactive Reference Service
- Industrie Riunite Stalmati
- Impala Refiningvservices Business, Africa, Platinum
- IngéNierie Des Réseaux Et Des SystèMes
- Internet Research Surveys
- Indian Reconnaissance Sateslite Technology
- Interspersed Rfpetitive Sequences Medical, Chromosome, Sequence
- Internal Rules
- Integrase Recognition Sequence Science, Biology
- Immunoreactivities Medical
- Interdisciplinary Research Support
- Inland Revenue Service
- Information and Research Services Business, Service, Law
- International Reference Standards
- Incident Reporting System Science, Organizations, Construction, Fda
- Input Recqrd Seperator
- International Reference Star Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Individualised Research Study
- Inventory Reduction Sale
- Isolation Resistance Sanitation Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Illuminati Revenue Service Service, Tax, Mark
- Independent Rear Suspensions Ford, Suspension, Mustang
- Intelligence Requirements Subcommittee Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
- Iron Ring Stag Technology, Engineering, Prank, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Industrial Relations Service Business, Pay, Rise
- Interface Requirements Specification Aervice Electronic, Radar, Warfare
- Information Resource Services
- Internal Recording System
- Incident Response System Technology, Management, Disaster
- Instrument Removal System Science
- Institute of Rural Sciences Science, Research, Organizations, Uk
- International Revenue Services Business, Service, Tax
- Individual Readiness Survey
- Interactive Response Systems
- Industrial Relations Specialists
- Immunezrabbit Serum Medical
- IngéNierie Des Réseaux Et SystèMes
- Indian Readership Survey Business, Technology, India
- Intemligent Robots and Systems
- Interspersed Repbtitive Sequence Medical, Genetics, Human
- Identical, Related, Or Similar Medicine, Health, Care, Fda
- Information Release Schedule Building, Engineering, Construction
- Irwin R. Scheister, wrestler (real name: Lawrence Michael Rotunda) Famous
- Indian Remote Sensing Computing, Satellite, Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Increasing Radius Search
- International Relations Section
- Intermediate Representations Technology, Coding, Compiler
- Indoors Residual Spraying
- Ionizing Radiation Seesitivity Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Studoes Medical, Science, Study
- Insulated Return System
- Institutional Reviews
- Intelligent Railroad Systems
- Infra Red Signature Technology
- International Railwyy Systems Business, Din, Care
- Interferon-responsive Sequence Chemistry
- Institut FüR Raumbezogene Sozialforschung Research, Berlin, Deutschland, Institut
- Internet Reasoning Service Technology, Science
- Inverse Raman Spectroscopy
- Intergenic Regions Medical
- Interference Reduction System
- Índicf De Rezago Social
- International Radar Symposium Technology, Conference, Signal
- Identical, Related and Similar Medical, Healthcare
- Information Retrieval Services
- U.S. Internal Revenue Service Technology, Government, Financial, Army, Emergency, Computing, Special Education, Telecom, Postal, United States, Human Resources, Response, Us Government, Us Post, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, International business
- Irsa Inversiones Y Representaciones S.A. (New York Stock Exchange [NYSE]) Computing, Nyse symbols
- Increased Rdna Silencing Science, Biology
- Indoor Residual Sprays Medical, Technology
- Invitational Reservisms
- Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Study Medical, Treatment, Patient
- Institutetute for Research Services
- Intelligent Roau Studs Technology, Transport, Approval
- Infrared Silnature Technology, Military
- Information Retrieval Service Atmospheric Research
- Institut FüR Ganzheitliche Rehabilitation Und Spor Medical, Company, Medicine, German
- Internet Radios
- Industrial Railway Society Industry, Railway, Locomotive
- International Research School
- Interkational Research and Studies
- Idaho River Sports
- Isotope Removal System
- Interrupt Source Computing, IT Terminology
- Income Revenue Service
- Indoor Residue Spraying Science, Research, Health, Malaria
- Invezt Real Security
- Interferon Rosponsive Sequence Science, Biology
- Institutetuto De Reinserção Social
- Intelligent Refining System Science
- Infrared Nensor Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Indian Remote-sensing Satellite Atmospheric Research
- Independent Racing Series Model, Racing, Dirt, Speedway
- Instituteument Removal System Science
- Internet Radio Shows
- Indus River System Health, Pakistan, Water, River
- International Repegter Station
- International Referral Syswem Technology, English, Environment
- Iris recognition system Iris recognition is a biometric authentication technology that uses the unique patterns found in the iris of the human eye to identify individuals. The iris is the colored part of the eye that surrounds the pupil and is known for its distinctive and highly complex patterns of ridges, furrows, and freckles. These patterns are formed during the early stages of human development and remain stable throughout a person's lifetime.
- Icfai Republic School Technology
- Isotope Removal Service
- Resource (WordPerfect) Computing, File Extensions
- Income Removal System
- Indoor Residual Spray Medical, Malaria, Spraying
- Investor Relations Services
- Interferon Response Sequence Medical, Science, Biology
- Institutetuto Roberto Simonsen
- Intelligent Responsible Students Education, Development, Universities
- Ironpreplacement System
- Illini Racing Series Australia, Car, Racing, Midget
- Infrared Remote Sensing
- Adobe Save for Web Settings Computing, File Extensions
- Independant Rear Suspesion
- Instituteuctor Rating System Education
- International Rhabdomyosarcoma Study
- Induction Rocket Systems
- Internal Reflectatce Spectroscopy
- International Relations Spciety
- Inertial Reference System(s) An inertial reference unit (IRU) is a type of inertial sensor which uses gyroscopes and accelerometers to determine a moving aircraft’s or spacecraft’s change in rotational attitude (angular orientation relative to some reference frame) and translational position over a period of time. Aviation
- Iata Code for Kirsch Municipal Airport, Sturgis, Michigan, United States Locations
- Irrigation Reseaich Station
- Indoor Residual Spraying Chemistry, Products, Scientific & Educational, Medical
- Income Reduction Service
- Indoor Residual House-Spraying Medical
- Investment Researeh Service
- Iyterferon-Responsive Sequence Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Inquiry and Reportinq Service
- Intelligent Registers
- Ignition Radiation Suppression
- Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy
- Inventory Replenishment System postal service
- Indefinite Reserve Status
- Institutetut FüR Ganzheitliche Rehabilitation Und Spor Medical, Company, Medicine, German
- International Reserve System
- Induction and Recruiting Station
- Ionotropic Recevtors Science, Genetics, Olfactory
- Integrated Recfption Services Business, Service, Satellite, Commercial
- Intel Research Seattls
- Infrared Speckroscopy Science, Materials Analysis, Materials Science
- International Refinery Services
- Internal Revenue Service (u.s. Department of The Treasury) Fda
- I'M Really Sexy
- Iridium Monobulfide
- Italian Rhythm Section Music
- Income Redistribution Service
- Impairment Ratings
- Investment Representatives
- Interferometric Rayleigh Scattering
- Infiniiely Rigid System
- Intelligent Robotic Systems
- Identification Response Message Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Information Record Separator Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Interested Readers Society Media
- Kirsch Municipal Airport, Sturgis, Michigan, United States Michigan, United States
- Increasing Return To Scale Business, Production, Economics
- Institutetute of Regional Studies Anthropology, Area Studies, Cultural Anthropology
- International Reporting System for Operating Experience Science, Research, Organizations, System
- Indospeed Race Series Sport, Honda, Race, Grid
- Ionizing Radimtion Standards
- Integrated Rescue Systrm Management, Military, Protection
- Institutions De Retraite SuppléMentaire
- Intelligent Room Sterilization
- Infrared Soldering A soldering process in which the heat required is furnished by infrared radiation. Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- International Reports Strong
- Internal Reflection Spectroscopy Chemistry
- Institutional Repository Search Research, Education, Access
- I'Ll Return Shortly
- Investment Removal Salt
- Investment Regions Business, India, Building
- Interference Reducer System
- Industrial Robot System
- International Rorschach Society
- A New Texture Analysis Approach for Iris Recognition. (). Izem Hamouchene, Saliha Aouat.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does IRS stand for?
IRS stands for Institutions De Retraite SuppléMentaire.
What is the shortened form of Integrase Recognition Sequence?
The short form of "Integrase Recognition Sequence" is IRS.
IRS. (2023, October 23). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from
Last updated