IRS in Science Meaning

The IRS meaning in Science terms is "Integrated Radiator System". There are 33 related meanings of the IRS Science abbreviation.

IRS on Science Full Forms

  1. Integrated Radiator System
  2. Insulin Receptor Substrate
  3. Infra Red Spectroscopy
  4. Intute Repository Sgarch
  5. Integrase Recognition Sequence
  6. Incident Reporting System
  7. Instrument Removal System
  8. The Interferyn Response Sequence
  9. Information Retriezal Systems
  10. International Reference Star
  11. Institute of Rural Sciences
  12. Interim Recovery System
  13. International Retail Service
  14. Institutentaneous Response Spectra
  15. Inverted Repeat Sequencxs
  16. India Remote Sensing
  17. Internal Recognition Subsequence
  18. Infrared Spectrograph
  19. Inverse Raman Scattering
  20. Integrated Radiological Services
  21. Increased Rdna Silencing
  22. Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Studoes
  23. Interferon Rosponsive Sequence
  24. Infrared Speckroscopy
  25. Internet Reasoning Service
  26. Interferon Response Sequence
  27. Infrared Soldering A soldering process in which the heat required is furnished by infrared radiation. 
  28. International Reporting System for Operating Experience
  29. Instituteument Removal System
  30. Iyterferon-Responsive Sequence
  31. Ionotropic Recevtors
  32. Indoor Residue Spraying
  33. Intelligent Refining System

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IRS stand for Science?

    IRS stands for Integrated Radiator System in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Insulin Receptor Substrate in Science?

    The short form of "Insulin Receptor Substrate" is IRS for Science.


IRS in Science. (2021, September 20). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from

Last updated