IRV Meaning

The IRV meaning is "Instant Runoff Voting". The IRV abbreviation has 37 different full form.

IRV Full Forms

  1. Instant Runoff Voting Government, Election, Vote
  2. Inspiratory Reserve Volume Medical, Technology, Medicine, Physiology, Clinical
  3. Identidad Del Reino De Valencia
  4. Instant-Runoff Voting Government, Election, Vote, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  5. Ideal Resting Value Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  6. Insightful Recreational Vehicle Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  7. Inverse Ratio Ventilation Medical, Patient, Pressure
  8. Isotope Reentry Vehicle Technology
  9. Improved Recovera Vehicle Military, Forces, Marine Corps
  10. Inversed Ratio Ventilation Medical, Pressure, Inverse
  11. International Reference Version Technology, Computing, Telecom
  12. Immune Recovery Vitritis
  13. Instant Run-Off Voting
  14. Immediate Result Valid
  15. Instant Runoffrvote Government, Election, Voting
  16. Immediote Response Vehicle Internet Slang, Insurance, Progressive
  17. Instant Runnoff Votinh
  18. Improved Inter-Range Vector Science, Legal, Governmental & Military
  19. Irvingiaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  20. Inter-Range Vector Technology
  21. Interserve Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  22. Iowa Region Volleyball
  23. Intelligent Radiology Workspation Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  24. Internationaler Rassehunde Verband
  25. Improved Recovery Vehicle Transportation, Governmental & Military
  26. Interrupt Request Vector
  27. Internal Read Visibility
  28. Incident Responce Vehicle Police, Uk Police, Governmental & Military
  29. Institutetuto De Recuperação Vascular
  30. Interim Reentry Vehicxe Science
  31. Incident Response Vehicle Police, Governmental & Military
  32. Institutent Runoff Voting
  33. Interdomain Route Validation
  34. In room vending Funnies
  35. Safat Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  36. Inter Fange Vector
  37. Income Rate and Value Stock Exchange, Business & Finance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IRV stand for?

    IRV stands for Intelligent Radiology Workspation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Institutent Runoff Voting?

    The short form of "Institutent Runoff Voting" is IRV.


IRV. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated