IS in Computing Meaning

The IS meaning in Computing terms is "Intermediare System". There are 24 related meanings of the IS Computing abbreviation.

IS on Computing Full Forms

  1. Intermediare System
  2. I'M Sorry
  3. Image Scanner
  4. Iceland
  5. Internet Society An international, nonprofit organiza-tion based in Reston, Virginia, comprising individuals, companies, foundations, and government agencies, that promotes the use, maintenance, and development of the Internet. The Internet Architecture Board (IAB) is a body within the Internet Society. In addition, the Internet Soci-ety publishes the Internet Society News and produces the annual INET conference.
  6. Information Sharing
  7. Intelligent Systems
  8. Information System Set of information resources organized for the collection, storage, processing, maintenance, use, sharing, dissemination, disposition, display, or transmission of information.
  9. Integrated Services
  10. Instruction Stream
  11. Instruction Set The instruction set, also called instruction set architecture (ISA), is a part of the computer that pertains to programming, which is basically machine language. The instruction set provides commands to the processor, to tell it what it needs to do. The instruction set consists of multiple pieces, including addressing modes, instructions, native data types, registers, memory architecture, interrupt, and exception handling, and external I/O.
  12. Information Storage
  13. Intelligent System
  14. Interim Services, Inc.
  15. Intermediate System
  16. Internet Service
  17. Modula-3 Intermediate assembly file
  18. Information Service
  19. Israel
  20. Information Systems
  21. Industry specific
  22. International Standard
  23. Information Sciences
  24. Industry Solutions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does IS stand for Computing?

    IS stands for Modula-3 Intermediate assembly file in Computing terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Intelligent System in Computing?

    The short form of "Intelligent System" is IS for Computing.


IS in Computing. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

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